My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker

Chapter 2411: 4.101 Master Jojo's Thoughts

Chapter 2411: 4.101 Master Joe's Thoughts

That's it!

Merlin suddenly understood!

Jojo, this is shy.

Yes, yes, in the nature of Master Qiaoqiao, it is impossible to admit that he was trapped in the body of a little ferret and could not get out ...

Molian feels the truth!

He quickly flew up a few steps and asked the moon, "What did you just call her?"

Duan Yue silently lowered his eyes, "little dumplings."

Molian hurried to follow the good, and called "little dumplings."

"Small dumplings, wait!" He flew up as he dropped, hugged the little girl who ran all over the floor, and said with a smile, "Small dumplings."

Pooh! You're just a dumpling.

Girl Qiao gave him a blank expression.

"Little gangsters, let's get to know me. I'm Molian. The first time I met, I will keep your rest assured." The Prince squeezed her little hands and feet, and said: This feel is softer than he Baby, it's really far ...


There is a feeling of 302 silverless here!

Duan Yue couldn't help but wanted to reach out and cover his face. This prince Mo, in the past, still felt that he was very wise and savvy, but he did not expect to be a mentally retarded!

"Go back to Pingshan Town first!" Broken Moon said with a handsome face.

Pingshan Town is the largest town out of the range of ice and snow.

The queen was frightened, and it was estimated that they would rest in Pingshan Town for a whole day or two before setting off for Beijing.

Prince Mo still feels tired, and his wife and children are clearly next to him, and he has to pretend to be "unknown"!

No way, you have to take care of your daughter-in-law's emotions!

White mink expressionless face, a pair of black eye beans yo, Gu Lulu turning.

Ice and snow from the town to the flat section of track, at least two more than an hour.

Most of the day time together with the storm, the rain did not stop the moment to say the least, and even intensified the trend, way street is very difficult, time-consuming even longer.

Fortunately, lightning regarded as a stop. Ink lotus to leave early here, and he set over seven strokes, broken Shaoshang month two people together and show mercy to go.

Was Yanqi offerings Elias importune for a while, had to face the fire of the earth to move cattle out of python, also drove away to the town level.

This surging of heavy rain along the way, poor offerings Elias natural mood.

By the time the level town, has almost middle of the night.

Today toss from early morning until now, which makes everyone off their feet exhausted, Elias drove them back, nature is not a small sudden movement.

Royal section there, in fact, had never tossed, dated back off until heard the news, this rush out to meet his son, pulled off a good meal, said May.

Ping Town on a large inn, with the forces of the Great, of course, is impossible to live in that inn.

Officials have long been under house flat pack largest town the rich, who settled the Great and the Empress a crowd.

The Mingzhou Wei side is almost like this routine, but the best mansion has been requisitioned by the Cangzhou emperor and his helpers, and they had no choice but to find another big mansion and make a living.

As a result, the ink alone Prince, the girl decided to take him home, go to the inn to make do for one night to say.

Look back to see off the month hesitantly, Prince ink to protect food clasped his white Diaoer bosom, "What are you doing?"

May threw him off a supercilious, "Stop messing with me back together."

(End of this chapter)

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