My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 2599 You can’t blame others for this

Finally, Gu Xin made a conclusion: "So, you can't blame others. If you want to blame, you can only blame the Nanlin royal family for poor education of their children. Just because something hasn't happened before doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. You have to be prepared for anything before it happens. As a king, you have to teach others the royal skills. If this continues, it will be strange if the Nanlin Royal Family is not destroyed!"

Master Jiang turned pale with anger.

Half of the reason why he has reached this position is because of his family connections.

His ancestors had been well-known officials in Nanlin for generations, and Nanlin did not select talents through imperial examinations like the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Most of the officials in Nanlin inherited their official positions from their ancestors.

Therefore, Mr. Jiang's family is absolutely loyal to the Nanlin royal family. This is engraved in their bones, and there is absolutely no possibility of any thoughts of rebellion.

Most other civil servants are in the same situation as Mr. Jiang.

Only military commanders are not.

If it is not as good as the current General's Mansion, it does not have as long a history as the Jiang family and other civil servant families. They relied on their fist skills to reach the position of general.

After Gu Xin finished speaking, he ignored the envoys from Nanlin and came to the records official of Dali Temple. He reached out for his records and started to read them.

It records the entire case in detail, including the murderer, the method of committing the crime, the motive of the crime, and the entire process. Anyone who is literate can understand it.

Gu Xin returned the file to the recorder with satisfaction.

"General Lu, it's up to you what to do next. My case has been tried!" Gu Xin walked up to Lu Zheng easily.

"That is really troublesome for Princess Xinxin. However, this matter must be reported to the emperor first and Lord Gu must be informed. We can only wait here for the time being." Lu Zheng smiled helplessly and said.

"Okay! Everything will be arranged by General Lu!" Gu Xin said with a smile.

"Princess, Princess, General Lu, General Lu, it's not good, it's not good!" At this time, the Dali Temple official rushed over and shouted with a loud voice.

His loud voice directly brought the Nanlin envoys back to their senses.

Everyone looked around.

"Where are Princess Qizhen, General Lu, Prince Tiantian and Miss Lu..." The Yachai looked horrified and was speechless.

"What happened to them?" Gu Xin asked with a frown.

Well, she knew it in her heart.

Originally, she was still thinking about stalling for time, but unexpectedly, Lu Ni was very fast.

"Back to the princess, they, they..." The officer really couldn't say anything.

When they heard that it was Prince Tiantian and Miss Lu, the envoys from Nanlin breathed a sigh of relief.

There was nothing they could do. Something happened to their Nanlin princess in the morning. They had been worried about it. Now that they knew something about Nanlin's internal affairs, they felt very heavy.

Since something happened to Dongzhe's Prince Tiantian, that's good. Then they can say something. Look, it wasn't just our princess who got into trouble. Something happened to Prince Dongzhe too. It's not that we didn't take good care of him. Really? !

"Let's go and take a look!" Gu Xin decided immediately.

So, the group of people headed towards the room where Lu Ni and Prince Tian Tian were locked up. As for A Lu A Yin and Sang Ze, there were naturally people watching them. General Mu didn't join in the fun either. He seemed to have I want to ask Sangze.

Gu Xin didn't care too much about this. Anyway, the officials from the Ministry of Rites were here, and he was not afraid that General Mu and the others would not know what Zhou was saying.

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