It was the first time that Han Fei felt joy in his heart since he opened his eyes in the hospital.

He didn't even know why, but after seeing the changes in the faces of the deceased in the taxi, he would feel a sense of peace and security.

"Have I been engaged in some kind of special occupation before?"

"You look really good, and I don't think it's impossible. Why do you suddenly say this?"

Han Fei and Xiao Jia glanced at each other: "Is it possible that I'm better at things like appeasing the dead and saving ghosts?"

"That's quite special." Xiao Jia stroked his thinning hair, stopped talking, and carefully held the props for the resurrection ceremony.

Turning around, Han Fei looked at the back of the car. After the boy's body was pushed away, it knocked over a garbage dump on the side of the road. The blood and corpse oil splashed all over his body, but it didn't take long for him to climb again. He started chasing after the taxi like a tireless machine.

"Still chasing?"

The boy's corpse was engraved with dense curses, and grievances were absorbed on the curses, like black blood vessels running through the burnt dead skin, giving him abilities far beyond ordinary "ghosts".

Looking farther, Han Fei looked at the building again. The sea of ​​blue and white flowers made waves in the wind, and a woman in a blue dress stood at the window that was burned by the fire.

The blood butterflies on her skirt seemed to have come to life, flying around her.

"The woman in the blue dress and the boy's body have some strange symbols written on them. Will they be related to those incantations?" The blue-white cram school building is not a place that Han Fei can set foot on now. It was very difficult to escape just now. It's not easy anymore.

"How did I fight against the 'ghost' before I lost my memory? How can I be the opponent of these resentments based on my own strength?"

Han Fei held the knife called companionship. The blade and the name on his heart echoed each other, as if this knife was prepared by the clown for him.

"This is the clown's knife, not my own. It's strange, after I met f, I could always hear the black knife in his hand calling me, as if the knife in his hand was mine. ."

The five fingers clenched involuntarily, and Han Fei felt a longing in his heart, he wanted to take away F's knife.

"Besides the knife, I seem to have lost a lot of important things!" Han Fei pressed his temple, he wanted to tear the black cloth that blinded his memory.

There was a sound in the backpack, and Han Fei felt something rubbing against his arm. He looked down and found that the scarred cat had crawled out of the backpack.

It was very spiritually arched in Han Fei's arms, and those eyes looked straight at Han Fei, as if to confirm something.

"What do you want to do, stupid cat? Didn't it piss in my backpack?" Han Fei frowned. When he looked at the cat, he found something amazing.

The cat's eyes are not the same as cat's eyes, but are very similar to human eyes. It feels like the cat is forcibly stitched together with the body of an animal and a human body, and there are a lot of stitches hidden under the skin.

The ugly cat looked at Han Fei first, and then at the top of the taxi. It seemed that it could also see the faces and dead souls on the top of the car.

Eyes slowly rolled, the cat seemed to finally be sure that the person in front of him was its owner until Han Fei helped the ghost, and a smile appeared on its ugly face.

The cat was laughing, and this scene stunned both Han Fei and Xiao Jia.

"Brother, did your cat smile just now?"

"I don't know, I haven't laughed yet."

Han Fei didn't have any impression of this cat. At first, he just thought it was about to die, so he rescued it.

The unintentional act of kindness seems to be the true portrayal of Han Fei, and he didn't realize it himself.

The cat staring at Han Fei rubbed against Han Fei affectionately, but within a few seconds, the cat's body suddenly twitched violently, and it kept retching, as if it wanted to spit out something.

"Are you sick? Did you eat something in that building?" Just as Han Fei wanted to help the cat, he saw the cat spit out a small piece of red paper from its mouth.

I don't know what material the paper was made of. It looked similar to ordinary paper, but it couldn't be torn apart, and there was a strong smell of blood on it.

"There is an eye painted on the paper. It was torn from a portrait painting?" Xiao Jia pointed his head and looked at it: "The painting is quite good, and the eyes are so beautiful."

"No, this is not a painting." When Han Fei's hand touched the piece of red paper, his heart seemed to be pricked by a needle, and he suddenly felt a pain. He blurted out, "This is the paper man's eye!"

After saying this, Han Fei's heart became more and more painful. It seemed that something bad had happened before. Even if the brain had lost its memory, the body still remembered the pain.

"She's dead?"


"I don't know..." Han Fei held the blood-red paper figurine's eyes, and there was some kind of wonderful connection between his body and the paper figurine, as if their blood and emotions were connected: "It seems that someone is very fond of me. Important person."

Looking at the paper figurine's eyes, Han Fei's face was reflected in it. After looking for a while, he realized that he was wearing a white clown mask, but his real face was still reflected in the paper figurine's eyes.

"Who are you?"

Han Fei lightly touched the paper figurine's blood-red eyes, and at that moment he seemed to feel the hidden positions of the other body parts of the paper figurine.

"There seems to be a blood connection between this paper figurine fragment and me, I want it

Put it all together! "

Putting the blood-colored paper figurines in the pocket near the heart, Han Fei touched the cat's head: "Why did you give me the paper at this time? Didn't you recognize me before?"

Contrary to Han Fei's expectations, the scarred cat nodded slightly. It seemed to understand some of Han Fei's simple words.

"You only fully recognized me when I reconciled with the deceased in the taxi. Is this the standard for judging me? The real me is willing to communicate with the 'ghost', and the fake I will indiscriminately kill the 'ghost'. '?"

The cat didn't respond anymore, it seemed tired.

"The clown left a knife for me, made me see happiness, and gave me the ability to kill ghosts; then the cat saw me who had the ability to kill ghosts, and chose to reconcile with the 'ghost', and it was relieved to swallow the The shards are spit out, and give me this piece of eyes full of mine; one link is connected to the other, it seems delicate, but in fact, as long as I make a wrong choice, my fate will be overturned."

"If I didn't escape that room successfully, if I didn't dare to go underground to check because I was afraid, if I didn't save the cat, if I didn't rescue Li Guoer, if I died in the blue and white cram school..."

To achieve what Han Fei has accomplished now, he not only needs strong physical and psychological qualities, but also rationality, calmness, and kindness. After seeing the darkness, he can still maintain a sunny heart.

"What kind of person you become is not determined by nature, but depends on choices made again and again. I seem to believe that even if I repeat myself countless times, I will make the same choice."

Han Fei put his hand on his chest and touched the piece of paper with his suit: "A person who can't even forget his name can bring me such pain."

"Han Fei! That kid can't get rid of it! We can't go back after being chased by him like this. It is estimated that he will chase him directly to the house!" Li Guoer's driving skills were very good, but he still couldn't get rid of the boy's body.

Han Fei looked back and saw that the boy's legs and hands were almost worn away, replaced by black mist.

"This guy is so difficult to deal with." Xiao Jia's face was pale: "You can't go back to my house now!"

"It seems that we have to find a way to kill him." Han Fei took out the ritual props from his bag, trying to find a way to fight the kid.

According to the information sent by the mysterious man to the driver, Han Fei really had an unexpected harvest.

"Once the ritual begins, it cannot be stopped. There are nine types of rituals. If the first resurrection ritual is ineffective for the deceased, the next ritual must be held before the corpse decomposes until the final ritual is successful."

"If there is any movement or other changes in the corpse during the ceremony, then use the mirror that the deceased looked at before his death to aim at his face, and the spell on the mirror can affect him."

"After all the nine ceremonies are held, regardless of whether they are successful or not, the photos of the live sacrifices must be destroyed, otherwise they may be attacked by those who died in vain."

The stranger only taught the driver how to perform the ritual, but did not tell him how to deal with the boy who had turned into a corpse. The other party's purpose seemed to be to create monsters from the beginning.

"This mirror seems to work."

Han Fei first took the mirror in his hand, and there was a vague figure of a child in the mirror. He looked like the boy's corpse, but he looked timid and cowardly. connect together.

The little mirror also had the boy's birthday and all kinds of strange characters written on it.

"The boy's corpse has eaten away the vitality and most of the souls of the nine wronged dead. If I can control him, can the nine wronged dead be able to absorb their own souls and resentment?"

Han Fei looked at the taxi: "I arranged the ceremony in the taxi according to the orientation of the objects in the classroom, and then introduced the boy's body into the car, which might trap him."

"It's easy for you to say, that guy has been chasing us and wants to trap him in a taxi, unless someone dares to enter the car as a bait." Xiao Jia shook his head: "The risk is too great."

"It doesn't matter, I can try." Han Fei said his plan: "You will reduce the speed for a while, I will go down and hold the little boy first, you should hurry up and place the items needed for the ceremony, and then you will evacuate as soon as possible, I Will find a way to bring it into the car."

When Han Fei said this, he kept looking at the faces on the roof of the car. Not only did those people who died in vain show no anger, but they felt eager to try, and they also wanted to become complete again.

"How can the ceremony be so easy to restore! We can't restore the incantations that fill the classroom." Xiao Jia felt that Han Fei was whimsical: "Why don't we just throw those things away? Or let's just throw the car away. Drive to Xiacheng? There are more gangsters there, maybe they can help us transfer the hatred of the corpse."

"It doesn't matter, I have memorized most of the spell patterns." Han Fei took out a pen from his backpack, and then under the shocked gazes of Xiao Jia and Li Guoer, he began to draw the spell in his memory on the inner wall of the taxi On: "I don't know the specific meaning of these things. I can only copy them one by one. Fortunately, my memory is not bad."

In order to buy enough time for Han Fei, Li Guoer showed off his driving skills and kept a distance from the boy's body.

The cooperation between the two is extremely tacit, and there is no need to say more, Xiao Jia seems to be in the way at this time.

After an hour of speeding in the city, the streets shrouded in darkness are like an endless labyrinth. How can I drive?

Can't get out of this city.

"Isn't it finished yet?" Li Guo'er was very nervous. After she turned an intersection, she suddenly saw a bus approaching!

Turning the steering wheel violently, Li Guo'er tried her best to stabilize the car. If she hadn't reacted quickly, she would have just hit the bus directly.

"Can you drive?" Li Guo'er exclaimed. She looked at the bus. The dilapidated vehicle was slowly driving on the road like a ghost ship. Everyone in the car, including the driver, lowered their heads. : "Can a hearse still cause an accident?"

The bus slowly stopped at a nearby platform. The taxi that Li Guoer was driving was out of control just now, and the speed of the bus had also dropped.

"I've almost finished painting, let's start working now!" Han Fei carried the mirror with him, and then pushed Xiao Jia the things he needed for other ceremonies: "Remember the placement!"

"It shouldn't go wrong."

"If you make a mistake, I will die!" Han Fei wore a white mask and stared at Xiao Jia: "If I die, I will find you every night to play games!"

"Don't, we are in trouble together." Xiao Jia shivered in fright.

"The child's body is approaching!" Li Guo'er reduced the speed again, and Han Fei opened the door and jumped out.

Seeing Han Fei's appearance, the boy whose limbs had completely turned into black mist rushed forward with a strange scream, his speed was too fast.

"You two put your things away and go!" Han Fei shouted back, and then he rushed to the bus without saying a word.

As early as in the car, Han Fei noticed that there was a problem with the bus, and he couldn't get enough time by himself, so his goal was to use the bus to delay.

"I didn't feel scared when I saw the bus. No fear means I didn't predict death, which means I won't die." Han Fei also believed in his "special ability", and he didn't care about sorting out his image. , protected the mirror, and rushed to the station with the knife in hand.

The boy's corpse followed, Han Fei didn't dare to stop, and ran onto the bus with a knife.

The temperature plummeted, and he seemed to have plunged into the freezer, and his brain was instantly awake.

The driver and passengers slowly raised their heads, looking at Han Fei with pale faces.

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