My Sect System

287 Profession and Competition

Jan has it just announce the structure of the Decibel and I have informed them about benefits of upgrading the disciple grade and learning the basic of the martial arts and divine body tempering technique

We are also made them understand that they can't just think that they are managing the set that's why they are dividing the disciples in different grade he has explained them that is great decipal will receive different type of resources and different type of potential from the sex so the higher the grade of the decibel the more attention will be given to the decibel

Aside from after hearing the announcement everyone was shocked and after while the set after while the sacked become immediately called because all of them where thinking about the new structure and after a while the immediately started to cheer because they understood the importance of the structure and how it will help them bro master

Jain immediately told him to be quiet and he immediately announced that he will only select he will give them the names of the decibels who have successfully become a two star decippers and for one star decibel all these people will need to pass the exam

So out of 300 decibel you have Past all fore test is selected the disciples which are at Foundation building Ram to become a two star decibel but before that they will need to complete mission from the mission hall and their great will be immediately upgraded

For the remaining disciples over not at Foundation building but still have passed the test was that they were grader as one star decibels but they were told that as long as they break 2 to Foundation building in next week and complete emission their great will immediately upgraded so all 300 decibels where excited but the remaining 700 decibel immediately became sad

They were not graded in anyway and Jain continue to explain that they were ungraded discipls meaning they will need to first fast all for test and if your cultivation is a key condensation Ram then you will be at one star Rashifal and if you complete specific mission from the mission hall and break through to Foundation building and pass the elders examination then you will become a to start the

Hearing these the decibels come down and becam excited because they believed in themselves that Infinity they will be able to break through to Foundation building Ram and as permission they were more than eager to go outside the set and check out the new strength so the decibel immediately got relaxed because they were not worry that all

Jain and other elder so that decibels have started to come down and they also relief because it would be quiet harder for recipes to adjust to a new structure but seeing their expression now elders believe that the decibel will the adjust themselves and there will be no trouble.

But there was till announcement to make so then told everyone to become stay for it and listen to his announcement.

<br/>Now as you heard learned about the structure of the disciples and importance of the decibel cigarettes there is another announce another announcement that aside from the warranking there will be a new ranking which is the decibel ranking which will be fixed for a particular grade and it would be decided by the competition held in particular grade

Meaning every 2 months decipal of one star grade will have a competition and that competition will determine their rank in one star grade Decibel and according to that competition the decibels will receive a several rewards and according to their ranking they will get several resources from the set

It would be similar for 2 star decimals it just that there competition will held every every 5 4 months meaning at the end of the 4 months a competition will held between two star Decibel and their ranking will be determine to see who gets more resources and rewards from the set for the time

Let me tell you the ranking will be fixed after the competition meaning you can't challenge them in between the competition to for the ranking

Aside from decibel ranking of the specific grade the war ranking will also change now the war ranking will be also divided in two grade which is one star warranking and to star warranty and I don't need to explain about this at you could already tell that for one star warranty decibel that key condensense when will fight and for 2 Star Wars ranking the disciples at 2 star grade will fight

But let me tell you it doesn't mean that you will be able to fight for the secure as long as you get your name on the war ranking for every set War the decipal will be specifically chosen by the elders or me so even if you get into war ranking there is chance that you will not giving choose and to fight in the set war but you don't need to worry because I said for Sector there will be other things to do so you don't need to worry about that

And aside from the these two competitions upgrade and warranking there will be a single competition which will be held every 6 month and that is the competition and in that competition everyday people will be allowed to challenge everyone and if you have confident that you can defeat a person at Foundation building you will be allowed to challenge him and aside from the fights the set competition will be different there will be other things but for now or your new to know that they will be a competition held every 6th month and during that competition other two frankens will not be held

Now if you have any doubt about the competition and war rankings then you can go to the scripture on and read about him and even ask elders now let's move on to the last topic which is very important

Jain deden continue to speak about the competition to see the to see the reaction of the decibels and what were their top

He was happy to find that all were excited because they will be able to rewards and resources in every competition so they will get more chances to on high quality rivers which would help them in increasing their cultivation and talent

So after seeing the reaction Jan started to speak about the last point before me as them to go back to their residence which was about the profession

Now the last announcement is for only decipal so has successfully broken to the foundation building rain and some of the key conditioner can also listen to this announcement but let me tell you that you will need to focus on your cultivation first then only you can follow this announcement

So as you know that there are many different type of profession and the cultivator use or learn this profession as a hobby to support their cultivation and increase their knowledge about cultivation and to go further in their journey

You know this professions like Alchemy and weapons matching can help you in your cultivation journey by providing you with weapons and feels which would protect you and help you increase your cultivation speed and he leave so profession are one of the important things according to cultivator should try to learn because it would make his cultivation journey very easy

So what I am trying to say is that from now on those who wish to learn any type of profession can go to the scripture hall and learn their basics behind them you can choose any profession as our sec doesn't discriminate we will teach you every type of profession and for every profession a different elder will be there to clear your doubt so you don't need to worry

first you will need to go to the structure Christian hall to learn about the professions and their basic and why the cultivator island the profession meaning you will need to know everything about the profession and their types before you can I have the elders about more deep information

But let me tell you aside from learning about the profession we will also check if you have affinity in any specific profession and if you have a talent in a specific profession we will provide you with whole support but if you choose a profession which is completely opposite to your talent but you still wish to learn it then we will help you but still only specific time because you will be wasting your own time and resources and also the resources of the set so if you decide to choose a profession you should think you should think 100 times because it can affect your cultivation and your Foundation

As you finish speaking decibel who were at Foundation building immediately got excited because most of them were thinking about learning the profession and after hearing James announcement about the professions

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