My Star Teacher

Chapter 116: [Pie in the sky]

The CPPCC meeting was held this day.

This is an important conference.

瞩 National attention.

CCTV channels, satellite TV news channels have live broadcast meetings.

A long and a little boring meeting ... It is the turn of a leader to speak.

"In recent years, the development of China's television and film industry has advanced by leaps and bounds ... Barabara Balla ... but most of them are works that have no cultural significance ... Barabara Balla ... ... Faced with the invasion of various foreign literary IPs and movie IPs, it is not possible for one to avoid standing still ... Barbara Barra ... We should vigorously explore and vigorously carry forward the characteristics of our country. Works that are conducive to cultural dissemination ... Bara Balla Balla ... Develop our own cultural IP, movie and TV IP, speak with strength, speak with works, China's film and television market should belong to China can't let these foreign literary works, foreign movie IPs jump like Sun Monkey, even if he is Sun Monkey, then we are Buddhas like Rulai, and we need to press them under Wuzhishan. "

Many members looked at the leader of the speech with some doubts. They didn't understand what he said about the monkey monkey, what the Buddha was, and what Wuzhishan was.

The leader also noticed it, so he explained: "Oh, the monkey monkey I said is Sun Wukong. A show on the Internet called Yeguang Storytelling Journey to the West, a very good classical myth. I think we should create more. With more development, story characters like Journey to the West and Sun Wukong can be developed into literary and film IPs with Chinese characteristics ... Barbara. "

What the leader said afterwards is no longer important, and the content of the subsequent meetings is not important.

It is important that this is a major conference broadcasted nationwide simultaneously. Hundreds of millions of domestic people are paying attention. The leaders directly pointed out the words 'Sun Wukong', such as Buddha, `` Journey to the West, '' and the Journey to the West. It instantly made the people watching the news remember.

前 In front of the TV.

"Journey to the West Storytelling Show? Classical mythology? Check it out later."

"Every CPPCC meeting has ordered a show with a good name, it must be close. Look at it."

"Is this relative a relative of his family? I'm actually named on this occasion."

"It's amazing my brother, this show is definitely going to be hot."

"It is indeed a good story. I watched several issues yesterday and did not expect to be praised at the conference."


Domestic discussions.

Immediately after, the CPPCC conference named the Journey to the West on Weibo.

The next day, an article published by the People's Daily on the CPPCC conference also mentioned Journey to the West.

Even the famous Journey to the West traveled across the river at this instant with popularity.

领导 The leader's speech was undoubtedly a gift to Ye Guang, a great thing that the pie fell from the sky, and the pie was too big and he was dizzy.

Ye Yeguang didn't read the news very much. He didn't know the leader's speech. Journey to the West on Weibo had been searched and he didn't notice it, but he was paying attention to the traffic of Journey to the West on various websites.

"Oh? Why do you click so much at once, so fast."

"This site has gone up a lot."

"This is also, haha, this is going to be hot."

"It's weird, the clicks are all going crazy."

"It's a bit wrong, is there something wrong?"

Ye Yeguang was wondering, Jiang Fengxian hurried in.

"Night consultant," Jiang Fengxian said in a hurry, "something has happened!"

Ye Yeguang: "What is it?"

Jiang Fengxian: "The show wants fire! Journey to the West, want fire!"

Yueguang waved his hand, "Hey, what am I doing, such a good story, the fire is for sure, fuss, now the click has gone up, this is a good thing, why are you so anxious to roar."

Jiang Fengxian: "Not because of this, but because of fire."

Yueguang wondered, "Is something wrong? I just wondered why the clicks on our programs on the major video sites have been skyrocketing."

Jiang Fengxian nodded affirmatively, "Big event, big event!"

Yeguang was also anxious, "Oh, Lao Jiang, don't sell off, just say!"

Tamarix Chiyan looked at Jiang Fengxian curiously.

Jiang Fengxian took a deep breath. "The Journey to the West was unexpectedly named and praised Yang at the current CPPCC conference. The named leader spoke highly of Journey to the West! Now Journey to the West is estimated to be extremely high nationwide Popularity! "

Luminous dumbfounded.

Tamarix Chi Yan is dumbfounded.

The conversion is unknown.

Yeguang asked incredulously, "Lao Jiang, what did you say? You are saying it again!"

Jiang Fengxian's reaction to Yeguang was not strange. When he knew it, it was almost the same reaction. "Journey to the West was named Yang at the CPPCC meeting."




Ye Guang is going to be crazy.

杨 Yang Yang's Journey to the West was named at the CPPCC National Conference?

Happiness came too suddenly!

Yueguang now just wants to find someone to share the joy in his heart, and walks quickly towards Liu Chiyan. Yeguang wants to kiss her, otherwise the joy in her heart cannot be vented.

Yan Liuchi Yan knew the luminous nature of Luminous, knew he was so eclipsed, and glanced at him quickly.

Yeguang reacted, and almost came to light. Jiang Feng was still there, and the pace of halting stopped abruptly, then the Yeguang brush turned 180 degrees and ran to Yiyi.

Ji Yiyi was so pale that she ran away quickly, "Your light, you are not allowed to come and kiss me!"

Where would Ye Guang listen, I caught up with Yiyi within a few moments, and hugged him, "ba ba ba ba" even kissed Yi yi several times.

Ji Yiyi moaned with resentment in her face.

Ye Yeguang was excited, "Let's go, Lao Jiang, say hello to my colleagues to continue recording the next program!"

Jiang Fengxian stopped him, "I will not record anymore. I have already been called by TV stations and video websites ~ ~. They said that they want to talk about the purchase of broadcast rights. There are also several companies that want to advertise. I I did n’t know about this at the beginning, or they told me, wait a minute. Maybe later programs need to be re-implanted with advertisements. Now it ’s too much trouble to add later in the recording. Maybe the previous recording has been uploaded again. . "

"I have to buy the broadcasting right and invest in advertisements?" Ye Guang thought for a while and nodded. "Okay, you are more familiar with this than you, let me take care of it. When will you record and tell me, but I will tell You, you can only sell the copyright of the show. You can't sell the copyright of Journey to the West.

Jiang Fengxian went out. The mobile phone in his pocket was shaking for several minutes when he came in. He didn't answer, and didn't even think about who was calling.

The Journey to the West is almost inevitable.

I'm wrong, it should be said that it is already hot.

This time, Guorun is a big profit. Although the leader of the CPPCC conference did not have a name for Guorun, whoever sees the Journey to the Journey to the West, who must not see the sign of Guorun? The exclusive naming contract has been signed, and the advertising fee has been paid, so no matter how hot the show is and how influential it is, there must be a five million cheap naming of Guorun at the Xianqi Entertainment side Storytelling Journey to the West.

Ye Yeguang and Liu Chiyan both felt that it was not a taste, and they didn't care too much about the money, but this feeling of being taken advantage of by others ... Well, how do you say good.

Tamarix Pond smoked his fingers at Luminous, "Come here."

Ye Yeguang: "Why?"

Tamarix Chiyan: "I am also very happy. I want to kiss you."

Luminous smiled.

Ji Yiyi covered her eyes.


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