My Star Teacher

Chapter 179: [Undead and old-fashioned]

The audience raised their ears and waited for Ren Keling to read the name that could determine the title of the strongest champion, but Ren Keling was stuck.

Countless viewers glared at him.

"Say! Come on!"

"It's anxious! Say!"

"A word mmp can't help it."

The audience in front of the TV set and the scene shouted.

Ren Keling chuckled, looked at the audience, and then looked at Liu Chiyan and Han Yurou, and finally put his eyes back on this small card that seemed to be very important.

Looking at this card, Rao is the one who Ren Keling just looked at, but can't help shrinking his pupils.

"Mr. Zong Zhengguang supports ..."

Everyone held their breath, raised their ears, and watched Ren Keling intently.

"... Han Yurou!"

Ren Keling finally said the name.

Luminous was dumbfounded, staring with an open face and an incredible look.

Liu Chiyan's face also changed slightly.

Han Yurou's brow, which had been frowning slightly, dissipated in suspicion. Originally, she also believed that she had lost, and Zong Zhengguang had been faintly showing signs of Liu Chiyan.

The audience at the scene was silent for a few seconds.

A few seconds later, the scene exploded violently. For an instant, the scene was filled with incredible shouts and talks, and the scene looked a little chaotic.

"Crouching !!! How is it possible! How is Han Yurou!"

"... I was really hit by it, it was really tied, oh my god, I just talked about it."

"How can it be Han Yurou! I disagree!"

"Han Yurou! Haha, it's actually our family Yurou! Happiness came too suddenly!"

"I just want to know, what to do if the show team is leveled now! What a pity!"

The audience on the scene and in front of the TV set had a lot of discussions. Originally, everyone was looking forward to the results, but 80% of people have almost determined that Zong Zhengguang will support Liu Chiyan. Zong Zhengguang turned to Liu Chiyan from the first game show. Moreover, Liu Chiyan ’s intention today is to be old-fashioned. According to the theory, Zong Zhengguang as an elderly person must have more feelings and preferences for this idea, so everyone thinks he will choose Liu Chiyan. I did not expect that the final plot came to such a big Reverse.

Zong Zhengguang actually chose Han Yurou, who has not been liked by him!

At this moment, countless audiences were shocked and had mixed reactions. Some were purely surprised, some were stunned, some were stunned, some were encouraging, some were enthusiastic, and some smashed the remote control in their hands.

Luminous was a startled one.

Everyone talked for a while. Gradually, the voice in the field became quieter and quieter, and finally no one spoke.

Everyone's eyes focused on Zong Zhengguang who cast this dramatic vote.

Zong Zhengguang looked serious, took a sigh of relief, stood up, and walked out of the jury seat.

On the stage, Zong Zhengguang made an unexpected move.

Zong Zhengguang bowed slightly to Liu Chiyan.

The audience was stunned.

Liu Chiyan was frightened. He quickly shifted aside to avoid it, and quickly stepped forward to support Zong Zhengguang. "Zong Lao, what are you doing, isn't this displeasing me?"

Zong Zhengguang stood up, "Sorry, this vote was not voted for you for some selfish and personal reasons."

Liu Chiyan quickly waved his hand, "It doesn't matter Zong Lao, you don't have to do this, who you vote for is your right, and you should not vote for me, you must not do this, we can't afford to be juniors."

Zong Lao sighed and said, "Actually, I think your song is better than Han Yurou's song, but as a judge, I did not vote impartially. When I voted, I brought personal factors with me. Sorry."

Han Yurou's eyes changed and he was puzzled. What happened? All the votes have been cast. Now what do you mean by saying so?

Not only Han Yurou, Yeguang, Liu Chiyan, Ren Keling, Yi Shan, but also several judges, as well as the audience and staff in the hall were all puzzled.

Where does Zong Zhengguang sing?

Facing the doubts of the crowd, Zong Zhengguang began to explain, "I think Liu Chiyan's song should be superior, no matter whether it's the mood of the song or the intention to grow old, I think Liu Chiyan's song is better. a little."

Zong Zhengguang said this, it made everyone more confused. Okay, you also voted for Han Yurou? Who is holding you by the knife holder on your neck?

Zong Zhengguang paused. "I did vote for Han Yurou for a reason, and it was because of my personal reasons, because I voted for her ..."

Zong Zhengguang paused again.

The audience in the audience was anxious.

What are you doing? Come on, stop for a while and stop for a while, it's not.

"... Because of her determination," Zong Lao finally said why.

The director of the Zhejiang TV station sitting under the stage sighed softly. He is more familiar with Zong Lao and guessed some inside information.

Zong Lao: "It's because of this that I voted for Han Yurou. This idea reminds me of my lover who has died for many years. She died unexpectedly when I was in my thirties."

Zong Zhengguang recalled the past with a sad look.

The audience also came to understand, it seems that this is a story.

Zong Zhengguang continued to preach, "I left in my thirties. I am more than seventy years old, forty years, forty years. For forty years, I have never forgotten her, even if she has gone to another One world ~ ~ But my affection for her has never diminished. If I was younger, someone might sniff and think it ’s funny, but I ’ve been in my 70s, and I ’ve been living for a few years. No one would make a joke at this point. My affection for my lover is just like what Han Yurou sang, and it will never die! "Zong Lao's deep and murky eyes were firm.

Zong Zhengguang was widowed in middle age, but because he has always loved his dead lover, he has a firm and steadfast affection for his lover. Since his lover died, he has never married again.

He chose to stick to the love in his heart, lonely and old, and he will die for the other half in this life!

Many audiences applauded, and then the applause became more and more enthusiastic.

Ye Guang originally had some complaints in her heart, but it also disappeared instantly. Although Han Yurou's song sang like this, there were really not so many unswerving adherents to love. Zonglao deserves admiration.

Ren Keling: "Zong Lao, your affection for your lover is admirable, it is indeed the same as that sung in Han Yurou's song, and it will never die! Zong Lao, you are good!"

"Good job!" Many audiences spoke loudly and responded.

Yi Shan: "Zong Lao, it stands to reason that Han Yurou's songs resonate more with you, and you also chose Han Yurou because of the idea of ​​never die, but why do you say that Liu Chiyan's songs are both artistic and conceptual Better than Han Yurou? "

Zong Lao turned his head and took a deep look at Yi Shan, saying something that everyone on the scene thought about.

"If there is a choice, who would be willing to die and not die?"

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