My Star Teacher

Chapter 311: [Counseling or Counseling]

One hundred million is not a small amount. Liu Chiyan was very surprised what Luminous wanted for so much money. He asked, "Why do you want so much money?"

Luminous: "I have always wanted to do something. I used to think that I should wait and wait until I saved some money first, but now, I want to go faster ..."

Liu Chiyan didn't understand what Luminous meant, and he didn't speak for a moment.

Yeguang thought she didn't agree, and added, "Liuer, I'll borrow this money for you, and I will slowly replenish it for you later. Really? I'll pay for it?"

Liu Chi Yanjiao nibbled at the luminous light, "No longer adjusting."

Luminous smiled.

Liu Chiyan: "I didn't say I won't give it to you. It happens that the first batch of advertising dividends over Beijing Satellite TV has arrived, but what do you want so much money for?"

Luminous, "I have an immature idea ..."

Liu Chiyan: "Come on, don't sell offense."

Luminous smiled, and then began to tell, "Yes, I have been thinking about this plan for a long time, I think ..."

Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan talked for a long time, after telling Liu Chi Yan all the thoughts in his heart, some of them drank dryly.

Liu Chiyan wanted to get up, "I'll get you a glass of water."

Yeguang held her back. "No need, it's not ready." Then, he kissed Liu Chiyan's little cherry mouth.

For a long time, the lips were divided.

Ye Guang smiled badly, "Okay, I'm not thirsty."

There was a hint of crimson on Liu Chiyan's face, "You are dead."

Luminous, "It seems a little thirsty again." Then he rang to kiss Liu Chi smoke again.

Liu Chiyan quickly pushed him away, "Don't make trouble." Then he turned away from Luguang's attention, "Why do you suddenly want to do this? It is not difficult to do this, and it is very likely that money was thrown in and the effect was Not big. "

Luminous, "I know, I didn't whim, all of a sudden, I wanted to implement this plan for a long time, probably Mr. Fan ... When I was just thinking that I couldn't let you pay directly, I also have to Earn a little for you, and this has been put on hold. "Yeguang paused," But seriously, Liuer, the amount of money is not small, and basically it can't be collected, so if you don't It doesn't matter if you are willing. "

Liu Chiyan quickly said, with some blame in his tone, "What do you say, I'm your wife, what can you do that I can't support you? Besides, isn't it a hundred million, this girl has money."

"Yohe," Ye Guang laughed, "Master Wife is mighty!"

Liu Chiyan smiled proudly, "That's it!"

Luminous: "Relax Liuer, I'm spending this money, and I will definitely double your income in the future."

Liu Chiyan: "No, I'm all yours. Is it worth this money? Besides, we are husband and wife, and mine is yours."

Luminous moved for a while, "Liuer, it's nice to have you."

Liu Chi Yanjiao wrapped around Lu Guang's neck with a smile, "But you have to pay some interest."

Luminous for a while, unknown.

Liu Chiyan saw that he didn't respond, knowing that he didn't understand, his face was crimson, and he bit the Yelo's earlobe lightly, and whispered in his ear, "You ca n’t afford it. Just ... meat compensation. "

Luminous suddenly understood it, smirked and rolled over and pressed Liu Chi Yan under him.

It's late.

Singing and groaning, the house was full of spring.

The moon shyly pulled two clouds over his eyes, not wanting to see the spring in the house.


The next day.

Luminous woke up slowly, full of soft fragrance, holding a soft and delicate hand.

Ye Guang opened his eyes and looked at Liu Chi Yan, who was still asleep in his arms last night, and smiled. Ye Guang kissed Liu Chi Yan's hair.


Luminous suddenly remembered that this was at Liu Chiyan's house! And Liu Chiyan actually spent the night in his room! Turning his head to look at the window, although the curtains are covering, but the brightness is bright.

Yeguang couldn't help but Liu Chiyan was still asleep and woke her up.

Liu Chiyan's sleepy eyes were hazy, and he muttered, "What's wrong, you let me sleep again."

Luminous, "Don't sleep, you didn't go back last night, it was dawn."

Liu Chiyan continued to sleep with his head buried for a few seconds, then woke up suddenly, and quickly sat up, "clothes, my clothes."

As Liu Chi Yan scrambled around the bed to find scattered clothes under the bed, a knock came from outside the door, "You two get up to sleep and get up to eat." It was the voice of Mom Liu.

Well, don't worry.

Liu Chiyan's face was a little shy, and he turned back and took a luminous look, "I blame you."

Luminous speechless, why do women become unreasonable every time this time? Even a woman like Liu Chiyan?

Obviously you touched our bed ... Ye Guang just dared to say it in my heart. Suddenly, Ye Guang thought, not right! Why are we so nervous, we are legal couples who have been registered!

That's right, but this is after all in Liu Chi Yan's house. Father Liu is still a big buddha.

Neatly dressed.

The two went down one after the other.

Liu Chiyan's face was a little crimson and unnatural. He didn't dare to go to the living room where Dad Liu was staying. Liu Chiyan went straight to the kitchen.

Mother Liu is busy working in the kitchen. Since Yeguang and Liu Chiyan are here these days, Yiyi doesn't have to worry about no one taking care of him. Even his aunt let him go home and rest, although even his aunt is a full-time Yueyi in Liu Chiyan's family However, Liu Chiyan's family did not see her as an outsider. Naturally, she could rest and let her rest, and even her aunt had her own home. It was also great to let her go home to accompany her family.

Seeing Liu Chiyan coming in, Mother Liu gave her a strange look.

"Mom." Liu Chiyan greeted Mom Liu with a little embarrassment. "Let me help."

Mother Liu, "No, it's ready, you go wash it ~ ~ Liu Chi Yan, and then turned around, she was still thinking about explaining, for example, last night It ’s just too late to chat with Luminous, and I fell asleep and fell asleep for a reason, but Liu Chiyan thought about it, as if this kind of thing could not be explained clearly, she had already experienced it at Jiang Xin, the more she described the more Black, and last night, she and Yeguang were not just talking.

Liu Chi smoke guilty.

This breakfast was really awkward.

At least Ye Guang thought so. He didn't dare to look up when he had breakfast, for fear of hitting Dad Liu's eyes with a knife.

Fortunately, father Liu still didn't take him, so he finished the meal.

After breakfast, Dad Liu said to Ye Guang, "Come with me in the study."

Luminous for a moment, go to Papa Liu's study? Didn't Liu Chiyan say that Father Liu's study was a restricted area? Even Liu Chiyan could not go in at will. Why did he call him to the study now?

With the eyes of Dad Liu with a knife while eating breakfast, Luminous Brain made up a possibility.

Could it be that Dad Liu called his study and deliberately exposed him to any state-secret documents, and then on the pretext that he had read the state-secret documents, he said that he might leak the secrets to endanger national security, and Get into a place that's always dark?

So, Dad Liu didn't turn his face at the dinner table, was he trying to make himself eat his last meal?

It can only be said that Ye Guang's brain circuit is abnormal again today.

With a determined determination to die, Ye Guang followed Father Liu into the study ...

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