My Star Teacher

Chapter 54: repercussions

Mum called.

As soon as Ye Guang picked up, the mother on the phone was excited: "Son, son, mom sees you, mom sees you on TV!"

Ye Yeguang: "Mom, I saw it. I didn't lie to you. How do you feel, how about this ad?"

Mrs. Wu: "Okay, okay! Especially good. Just now, some neighbourhood neighbors in our shop saw you, and they all praised you. You also said that he would introduce his niece to you."

Ye Yeguang sweated, "Mom, let's talk about advertising, aside from your son, what do you think of this advertisement, you give an opinion."

My grandmother thought for a while and said, "It's very good, it looks very exciting, but my mother is too old, and she can't be inspired, I guess, this advertisement is much loved by young and young people."

See the blood in one shot.

This kind of advertising is indeed inspirational. Older people may not have much resonance, but countless young people who are still struggling can resonate. It is simply saying that they should not have a strong sense of substitution.

At the same time, Liu Chiyan also posted a Weibo:

"Warmly celebrate the official opening of 'Youxianqi Entertainment' (formerly Liuchi Yan Studio)! The commercial below is a filming of all the employees of our studio, which is very good." Then the advertisement below is Self-endorsement video.

Lu Yeguang and the studio also forwarded quickly.

Liu Chiyan is regarded as a domestic first-class self-media. The effect of his Weibo advertising is actually not inferior to TV advertising in some sense, but the audience is not as extensive as TV advertising, and the network information is too explosive and the popularity is also high. Will pass soon.


In a dim and cramped basement, a young man with a bit of scum was eating instant noodles while watching an old-fashioned and somewhat distorted TV.

"Everything is singing and dancing on TV, but I can't even afford to pay the rent next month, oh, let's go back to my hometown, not tossing." The young man was a bit lonely to himself, and glanced at the package on the ground. Luggage, as well as a guitar that's a bit out of paint.

"Why, what a **** advertisement, really annoying!" With that said, the young man turned around and started looking for a remote control to prepare for changing channels. The first ad is over, and a magnetic and emotional voice is heard on the TV:

"You only smell my perfume but you don't see my sweat."

"You have your rules, I have my choice."

"You deny my present, I decide my future."

"You laugh at me for having nothing and not worthy of love"

"I pity you always wait."

"You can despise our youth"

"We will prove who is this era!"

梦想 "Dream is doomed to travel alone."

"There is always questioning and ridicule on the road."

"so what."

"Even if your body is bruised, you must live beautifully!"

Seeing this, the young man was already stunned.

"We have fairy entertainment, we speak for ourselves!"

(Write a complete advertisement, not for the number of words, but hope that all young people who see this book have some resonance, I hope all the kings would like to encourage us! This is our time!)

The collective employee's voice sounded neatly, so that the young people came back to their hearts, and time burst into tears.

The photo was taken in the final group photo of the collective staff in the studio, and the ‘fairy’ logo emerged and ended. The side picture of the last shot of the employee also appeared with such subtitles:

Production: Youxianqi Entertainment (formerly Liuchi Yan Studio)

Planning: Luminous

Director: Sheshan / Xia Hai / Yuguang

These lines of subtitles are specially added by Liu Chiyan. There is no other reason. She just wanted to give luminous a long face, and added the name of luminous to the director's column for the same reason. I had done a lot of work done by the director when I was shooting. Adding his name is not inexplicable. Besides, a lot of the reason why CCTV Liu Chiyan was actually put in is because it is a luminous work. She thought Let more people see, otherwise this advertisement does not cast TV, how to vote is not necessarily it.

For a long time, the young man said nothing, unpacked the originally packed luggage silently, picked up the guitar that had lost paint, hung it seriously on the wall, and finally took out his mobile phone and broadcasted a call, "Hey, the landlord Auntie? I'll keep renting the house, but can I ask you for a few days' grace ... "

This situation is constantly being performed nationwide. Although many young people are in different situations and may not be as miserable as this scumbag youth, the dreams that were originally intended to give up or be shaken have been renewed because of such an advertisement stand up.

Some people also saw this ad astonished, and rushed to report it.

喂 "Hey, Zhanger, just watching TV? Did you watch the ads? What? Didn't watch? Oops, it's a pity! Come here, I'll tell you something extraordinary ..."

"Slum! Is this an advertisement?"

"Can ads be shot like this?"

"What is this ad promoting?"

"Is there a fairy entertainment? Liu Chiyan Studio? Lying down, this advertisement is really powerful for my goddess Liu!"

"The willow goddess is mighty, and making an advertisement is so fresh and refined."

"Plum, you did n’t see the advertisement just now, but it ’s a cow, why is it a cow? It ’s very, very cow! You go online to search for it, and see for yourself, it seems to be angry, ah, Liu Chiyan Studio Yes, you can check it on Weibo! "



Tamarix pond smoke Weibo.

Catkins 768: "Proper sofa."

Liu Su 341: "How did Liu Goddess Studio change its name? Didn't it open last year? Why did it open again ~ ~ Liu Su 421:" At first glance, it is fake powder. Qi entertainment ', but I'm also curious as to why it reopened. "

God turned: "Bottom! This is an advertisement shot by Liu Goddess Studio? Good! It's a look!"

Teaser than No. 1: "What do you think of advertising."

Taiping people: "It's really good, inspirational, and good feeling. Is this advertising?"

Yan Liu Su 891: "Why isn't our starring Goddess Liu !!! I disagree!"

七八 八八: "This is a short film, isn't it like an advertisement?"

Wise my sister Zhou: "I prove upstairs, this is really an advertisement! I just saw it on the video channel of the Central! It's amazing!"

Baby is a baby: "I feel my passion is rekindled and I want to move towards my dream!"

Brother Tucao: "You are still a baby upstairs, don't be impulsive."

Liu Su 652: "The advertisements made by the goddess Liu will be so exemplary."

Brother Bei Piao: "I have given up my dreams, but after reading this advertisement, seriously, I am still full of blood. I decided that I want to strengthen my dreams and move on, just like in the advertisement, The dream is a journey destined to be lonely. Questions and ridicule are inevitable on the road. But, no matter what, even if you are injured, you must live beautifully! "

Dear me: "Come upstairs! I am optimistic about you!"

Beibei No. 1: "Upstairs, I am also a Beibei tribe, willing to work with the king!"

Night light: "Come on! May all the young people in the world encourage us! Persevere yourself, adhere to your dreams, this is our time!" (Run a dragon)

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