My Star Teacher

Chapter 604: [Papa Liu's distinguished guest]

CCTV seems to be in trouble.

No way, people have said so clearly and clearly that cartoons can't be on the golden file. This is a hard rule.

Unless your work is a key support project named by the Coal Management Bureau.

However, what is the key support and envy of the luminous animation of Journey to the West? In addition to the normal review and approval process, his work has nothing to do with the Coal Management Bureau. Where can he go about tinkering with this key support project?

There is no way, it seems that I can only think of other ways. It really is not possible, and it can only be broadcast on the Internet.

Farewell to Director Lu and left CCTV.

Ye Guang took the leaves and had nowhere to go. He could have booked a flight back to Nanchang immediately, but Ye Guang thought that since he came to Beijing, if he did n’t go to see Father Liu and Mother Liu, some of them couldn't be justified.

So he took the leaves to Dad Liu's house.

Today Saturday, Father Liu and Mother Liu should be at home.

I took the leaves to the villa complex of Dad Liu's house.

Ye Zi has been looking around curiously.

"Brother, brother, Xunzi's family live here, it's good, they are all high-end villas." Ye Zi looked around in surprise, "but yes, Xunzi is so rich, of course, you have to buy a good house."

Ye Zi, "Well, brother and sister-in-law, why don't you buy a bigger place in Nanchang, and how good it is to buy such a villa. You live there now, not as big as my family."

Ye Guang smiled, "Why do you buy such a big thing, and you don't need it, and you can live comfortably."

Ye Zi nodded, and then said, "Well, actually, you are so rich now, you can buy more real estate, and now the house appreciates fast."

Luminous shook his head. "The house is bought naturally when it is needed. There is no need and no deliberate pursuit. In fact, no matter how much money is needed, one's value should not be reflected in real estate."

Ye Zi smiled at Luminous, stuck his tongue out, and said, "You are rich now, that's why you said, we young graduates who have nothing and can buy a house by themselves are all the goals of the struggle now. However, you are right. Brother's value really should not be reflected in real estate, and brother, in fact, you are right not to buy a house. How much do you earn by buying a house? A 50% increase is even more. , But you make a TV movie casually, and the money you earn back is several times or more. "

Luminous smiled and rubbed the leaves of his head, "How can you say so exaggeratedly, and there are also losses? This is not the case, shouldn't this animation lose 200 million yuan?"

Ye Zi, "That's because they don't know the goods, and I believe you, now, you are losing money, but you will be able to double back in the future!"

Luminous smiled, "I borrow your good words."

While talking, the two walked in front of Liu's house.

Luminous went to ring the doorbell.

After a while, someone came to open the door, aunt Li.

"Lian Aunt." Ye Guang and Aunt Lian greeted him.

"Yeah, Xiao Ye is here." During the conversation, even her aunt saw Ye, "This is it?"

Ye Guang, "Ye Zi, my cousin, now as my assistant, come to Beijing to do something, and bring her with me."

Ye Zi politely greeted his aunt, "Auntie."

Aunt Lian smiled and nodded, "Well, hello leaves, come, come in quickly."

Aunt Lian greeted them into the door. When Yeguang came into the room, Aunt Lian whispered, "There is a noble guest, please pay attention when Xiaoye."

Luminous froze slightly, what distinguished guest? Still pay attention?

Entering the room, Yeguang understood the person sitting in the living room.

Well, VIP, indeed VIP.

"Dad, Mom." Ye Guang greeted Father Liu and Mother Liu first, and then respectfully greeted the distinguished guest, "Always ..."

"Anything." The VIP interrupted Yeguang, "Last uncle, can't you call me this time?"

Ye Guang grinned, "Uncle is good."

When the big brother heard Ye Guang called Uncle, he nodded with satisfaction, "OK."

Leaves followed behind Luminous, speechless throughout, eyes widened, mouth slightly open, and some were frightened.

Ye Ziye's cousin is not fake, and she is still working around Ye Guang, and also has a certain understanding of Liu Chi Yan, knowing that Liu Chi Yan's family seems to be powerful, it is said to be a second-generation official.

However, the leaves can't be expected, and they will reach such a point.

The most important thing is that it's scary to see one at a time. This is my first visit to Liuchi Yan's home. Once I saw two big brothers, my legs were almost frightened.

After calming down, the leaves also stuttered to greet Father Liu and Mother Liu, and the big brother, and even after aunt poured her a cup of tea, she always sat side by side without saying a word. .

Luminous began to chat with Dad Liu and the big brother.

This big guy, he really likes Luminous. From the moment Luminous came in, he started chatting with Luminous. Most of the topics about Luminous were mainly talking about Luminescent's outstanding performance in the Olympics.

After chatting for a while, Dad Liu asked Yeguang, "Why did you come back suddenly today without saying hello?"

Luminous, "There is a work that I want to broadcast on CCTV. I went to CCTV to talk about it today. It came in a hurry, so I didn't tell you in advance."

Father Liu nodded. "Well, are you ready to talk?"

Luminous shook his head, "No, the talk collapsed, my terms did not agree with the other party."

Father Liu took a glance at Ye Guang, and then said, "When the conversation collapses, look for the key points of the problem. Is your condition or the price too high, or the quality of the work does not meet the requirements, you must learn to reflect."

Ye Guang hadn't had time to answer, and suddenly, the leaf that had been sitting next to him obediently interrupted, "It's not that our quality is bad! Is ..."

Ye Zi didn't hold back his mouth for a while, and after he reacted, he spit out his little tongue, and then closed it.

A few people in the living room looked at the leaves, all smiling together.

Ye Guang also explained, saying, "I made an anime ~ ~ I want to broadcast it on CCTV's golden file. The other party did not agree with this condition, saying that it did not meet the requirements."

Father Liu looked at Luminous, "Animated cartoons?

Luminous nodded, "Well, cartoons, but it can't be said that they are completely watched by children. My Journey to the West is a little different from traditional animations, which is suitable for all ages."

Father Liu, "Journey to the West?"

Luminous, "Yes, Journey to the West, Dad, you should have seen my original Journey to the West Journey, I changed this story into a cartoon."

The big brother said on the side, "Journey to the West? Oh, I know. I heard from your family last time. I went to see a few issues. The story is very good. It has been changed into a cartoon? Good, good."

Luminous smiled, "If you are interested, uncle, I'll show you now?"

Father Liu, "What are you looking at? What do the children look at in cartoons?"

Ye Guang looked at Dad Liu and laughed, "Dad, I'm different, both young and old, I'll show it to you, and you can also give me guidance and deficiencies."

Gangster, "Night boy, let's go. Your Taishan doesn't see if you don't see, I see."

Luminous snorted, Fang Bidi pulled out a USB flash drive, plugged it into the TV and started to play Journey to the West animation.

The leaves looked a little stunned aside.

What and what?

I feel ... the style of painting is a bit wrong.

The two big guys are together, not talking about national affairs, drinking tea and waiting for Luminous to show them an animation ...

It's awkward to think about it.

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