My Star Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 891: [Research Drugs]

The atmosphere in the base has been tense these days, and the sudden spider virus has caused people's hearts to tremble.

Fortunately, the progress of the Stealth Global Satellite project has not been delayed so much. Ye Guang's work on supercube satellite technology has also come to an end. In another two days, the work of the Stealth Global Satellite with super cube technology will all finished.

When the luminous mission is completed, it means that all the technical difficulties and tasks of the Stealth Global Satellite are completed. The remaining work is to assemble, verify, and test the manufactured satellite. Carrying such a base that scientific researchers have been waiting for for more than a decade, it can launch satellites that can be lifted up by Chinese satellite technology.

The situation at the base was not very good these two days. What Liu Feng was worried about still happened.

Three spider virus-infected people have appeared one after another, and one of them is also one of the top scientific researchers in the base.

Liu Feng also became more in touch with the outside world in the past two days, and has been learning about the situation of outside spider viruses through President Gu.

Nowadays, the outside world has not caused panic to some extent, but caused panic in a real sense.

The raging spider virus has once again exploded, and the number of infections has skyrocketed.

In other words, in fact, the spider virus broke out long ago, just because of its special incubation period, all infected people will not be found for a while.

In just four days, the number of people infected with spider viruses has almost doubled or even increased several times.

On the first day, from more than 7,000 cases, it surged directly to 15,000 cases.

On the third day, it increased to 42,000 cases.

Three thousand, one thousand and one thousand cases.

On the fourth day, there were 280,000 cases.

The speed of this horrible infection is staggering, and it is scary!

At this rate, it only takes more than ten days for the six billion people in the world to become infected with spider viruses.

Of course, all infections are also impossible. Now it is only the outbreak of spider virus. Many infected people have been infected with spider virus earlier, and now the virus has appeared. Now the base is not large, so it seems to be multiples. It is growing, but in the future, the number of people infected every day may still be large, but the base is becoming larger, and it is unlikely that this kind of multiplication will occur.

However, to a greater extent, if the spider virus cannot develop an effective vaccine and cannot find an effective treatment, it may really become a global crisis of extinction.

The base also received a batch of medicines from above that could control the spread speed of the bloodstream of the spider virus. It has been taken by several infected persons in the base, and the speed of blood line spread has indeed decreased a lot.

Their condition is okay for the time being. The most serious one is only spreading from the navel to the chest and legs. With the drug to slow the spread, the blood lines spread to the whole body, and there is still some time.

There is a base hospital in the base. Although the number is not large, it has all the internal organs. There is even a small medical laboratory. The invisible global satellite project is the top priority. The base is located in a ravine like this. Therefore, medical treatment is a big problem. In order to ensure medical treatment, the base is also equipped with good medical equipment and medical personnel.

The dean of the base hospital was originally a professor in the military region hospital. He had excellent medical skills, and the students under him were all talents. This group of people can be regarded as a small medical research team.

After the spider virus was discovered at the base, headed by the dean, with his students, he was also studying the spider virus. After the spider virus inhibitor was distributed, they began to study the ingredients of the inhibitor drug because the dean It is believed that since this drug can inhibit the spread of spider virus in the human body, it means that some of the ingredients in this drug are effective against spider virus.

He hopes to start from this aspect, in an attempt to find more effective drug ratios, and even to find drug ingredients that can kill spider viruses.

However, the research is not smooth, because many hospitals and medical teams have already done so in the outside world, but the final result is that this drug can only temporarily delay the spread of spider virus and cannot kill any virus. Role.

President Gu did not dispel the research enthusiasm of the base medical team. In this case, no matter where the medical team is, as long as they are willing to research, it is a good thing. Who knows if there will be any miracle? What if it was researched by mistake?

Therefore, Mr. Gu also specially found the list of ingredients that inhibit spider virus drugs, as well as the research reports and records of other medical teams, and sent them to Liu Feng, hoping to bring some inspiration and help to the base medical team.

Whether the base medical team was inspired or not, this night light did not know, but night light itself was inspired by the base hospital medical team.

When I learned that the base hospital was studying the inhibitory drug composition, Luminous suddenly flashed.

Drug composition ...

Can you study the medicinal composition of Qingying Pill?

If you can, then you can mass produce through the outside world without redeeming Luminous from the system. In this way, spider viruses will not be a problem.

Just do it. Ye Guang made up his mind, spent 30 million yuan, exchanged a Qingpi pill, and then found Liu Feng and proposed to participate in the research team of the base hospital.

Liu Feng didn't feel much surprise about this ~ ~ Yueguang told Liu Feng before, he knows some pharmacology, so, Liu Guang is going to study spider virus, Liu Feng is not too strange, consider After a while, Liu Feng agreed to Ye Guang's request, and repeatedly told him to be careful.

After Ye Guang participated in the research team of the base, he also immediately researched Qingying Wan, but he didn't research anything, and his medical knowledge was relatively shallow.

In desperation, Ye Guang had to turn to the dean of the base hospital, and asked the dean to help him study Qingying Wan, but soon, the director told him that he had no special ingredients in Qingqing Wan. If there is any ingredient, this thing is a ball of lard, which has no medicinal value.

Luminous dumbfounded.

It took 30 million to get such a result?

This time!

Is it possible that the drugs produced by the system are all urinary? The drugs themselves are not effective. What is effective is the ability of the system?

Luminous did not believe in evil, and changed to another drug for research. It is the cheapest Qingre Dan, with an antipyretic medicine of 30,000 reputation.

This time, I will study something for the Dean.

Dean, "This is a kind of antipyretic medicine. The ingredients are very simple. They are all common Chinese medicine ingredients. However, it is not very rare to be able to purify Chinese medicine ingredients to this extent and make them into pills.

This time, Luminous understood that the drugs produced by the system are not all counterintuitive. Those without drugs should be graded. Ordinary drugs are the same as external drugs. They are all kinds of herbs or The products of the synthesis of pharmaceutical ingredients, such as anti-celestial medicines, such as Qingying Wan Da Huan Dan, do not belong to the ranks of ordinary medicines, and no specific composition can be detected.

After understanding this, a bright idea flashed into Luminous's mind ...

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