Newlyweds 1001 Nights: Mr. Bo’s Love Life

Chapter 341: Do you really think ... I have to be you? Look at yourself too high!

Concentrating on the man's familiar face, Luo Zheng thought silently in her heart, this is not her bodyguard adult, and then definitely returned: "Yes, I don't want it anymore."

I really don't want it anymore, because it costs him too much.

She thought about rewarding, but finally found out that the way of rewarding was wrong, and the person who rewarded ... was not the original one!

Hearts are in a mess.

"Okay, great! Luozheng, you're great--"

Bo Hancheng couldn't help but spit out a sentence.

Then he stretched out his hand suddenly and smashed it forward.

Luo Zheng was frightened, thinking that the man was about to hit himself, and he was afraid to close his eyes in an instant.


I don't want the man to make a fist, rub her ear, and hit the wall backwards.

"Don't want it, just follow you. Luo Zheng, do you really think ... I must have you? Look at yourself too high!"

The darkness flowed in my heart, and Bo Hancheng knew that he would stay here again, which would inevitably restrain the girl.

Therefore, I froze a word, turned around and walked out.

Realizing that the man was leaving, Luo Zheng carefully opened his eyes.

Just look, the slender figure of the man has already reached the door.


The man left the room and threw the door heavily.

Luo Zheng shuddered, stroking his violently beating heart, calming his breathing.

Suddenly, what seemed to come to mind.

Quickly stepping forward, she screwed on the doorknob and found that she could not open it at all.

Then I realized that the man wasn't kidding, and quickly patted the door: "Bo Hancheng, why do you keep me closed? Let me go! I want to leave here ..."

For a long time, there was no sound outside, as if the man had gone away.

Luo Zheng is unbelievable. The man really imprisoned himself, is it ... to be raised?

I kept patting the door and found that it was useless.

But I don't know, there is a door outside.

The man leaned against a wall and bored a cigarette.

Amidst the smog, the elegant and beautiful face loomed.

Only the man was around him, a little bit of life, and he refused to disappear for a long time.

Listening to the girl constantly patting the door of the room, and utteringly said to leave, irritability sprang up.

In the past, how attached she was to herself, now how much she wants to escape!

Does she have feelings for herself? If so, it is really worthless!

Missing her and feeling missed.

Seeing her, her targeted attitude made her want to destroy!

[From the perspective of psychology, Miss Luo's inner depression should be caused by being too lonely. In the future, in order to avoid developing depression, she should improve her socialization. It is best to spend more time with her peers, let her accompany her, enlighten and enlighten, avoid being stimulated again, and then slowly recover. 】

With a deep sigh, Bo Hancheng tried to be as calm as possible, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number: "Chu Ci, many of your girls, find out that they are the same age as Luo Zheng, and send them to me. The temper must be sunny, kind and lively.

On the phone, Chu Ci chuckled: "Brother, can't you get Luo Zheng?"

Bo Hancheng felt depressed and wanted to get along well with the young girl. He enlightened himself ... Who knows, with just a few words, the two have a tendency to break up.

She was not intimate to him as before, with a strong rejection, strangeness, and weary.

When she met her, he calmed down almost repeatedly, and the two went on like this ... not to mention any enlightenment, fearing that it might stimulate her and make her mentality worse and worse.

"She is alone in the room and needs someone to accompany her."

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