Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 119: : Even breakthrough! The enchantress is on fire!

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"Boom..." Yang Dingtian's anger in the sea, white light flashes, everything in the body, instantly into nothingness!

The mysterious energy of the whole body's mysterious veins also entered a short stop. The body of Yangdingtian also seems to stop some life activities in an instant.

Just an instant! Then everything is getting back to normal.

Yangdingtian broke through and Yangdingtian successfully broke through. From the nine-star Xuanwu to the Xuan Warrior. He succeeded, he spent all his hardships, suffered difficulties and obstacles, and threw half his life in **** several times, fighting with the devil's general blood palace, for this moment.

All his efforts were not in vain, he broke through and successfully broke through!

At this time, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian has been expanded several times compared with the nine-star basalt. Of course, it seems that the volume has not increased, but the mysterious gas that can be accommodated has expanded several times, and the mysterious gas that can be released per unit time has also increased several times.

However, everything has not stopped!

Numerous mysterious madness still flows in, rushing in from countless pores, flowing through the whole body and veins, and finally pouring into the sea of ​​gas.

In a short period of time, Xuanqi once again filled the entire sea.

"Boom..." It seemed as if a flash of light had flashed, and all the processes seemed to be in a short pause.

Yang Dingtian broke through again, but compared to the breakthrough just now, this breakthrough is very subtle, just breaking through the first level. From the initial Xuan Warrior, Yang Dingtian became a star Xuan Warrior.

However, this still does not stop. Yang Dingtian's body is still hunger and thirst to absorb the constant stream of mystery.

Almost for everyone, it is already a blessing to break through once in the blood pool. It is absolutely unique that Yang Dingtian has broken through twice.

Of course, the result is likely to have the following reasons. First, the energy of the fourth floor of the blood pool is too pure and too powerful. Second, Yang Dingtian's level at this time is too low, so that these energies are enough to support more than two breakthroughs, because this place should not be the place where the basalists come. Third, it is the talent of Yangdingtian, and the mysterious vein of Yangdingtian, which allows him to swallow such an amazing amount of mysterious energy.


Once again, once again!

The sea of ​​Yangdingtian once again broke through.

The body of Yangdingtian, as if it were a desert, tirelessly swallowed the mysterious spirit like Ganlin, and then madly empowered himself.

After this breakthrough, his body is still only entering a short stop, and then quickly swallowed up the powerful energy again!

Just in Yangdingtian thought that the breakthrough has ended.

"Boom..." The sea of ​​white light flashed, and the whole body fell into nothingness again!

Yangdingtian broke through again.

Finally, the madness of the mysterious engulfing is over. The cultivation in the Wanxue pool is over.

Because, Yang Dingtian's body has been completely filled, and no longer instilled. Forcibly instilled into the body, the body seems to be blasting in an instant, and the mysterious gas that has been swallowed up and absorbed in the body has also begun to frantically surrender, and the body of Yangdingtian is counter-phagic. Once it is reversed, all the breakthroughs before it have disappeared.

Although Yang Dingtian did not open his eyes, he had already woke up.

The first time I just woke up, Yangdingtian went to feel my own mystery.

Really a lot stronger, whether it is in the air or in the Xuanmai, the vastness of the mysterious and vigorous, even enough to enter the Wanpi pool before the cultivation several times.

"Master, you can help me see, how much did I break through?" Yangding Tianxinzhong.

The East Nirvana went to the sensation of Yang Dingtian. In time, he was shocked and unable to make a sound. After a short moment, he did not dare to set the channel: "Jiuyang Xuanmai, is it really amazing? Others The genius enters the Wanxue pool for a long time, and can break through the nine-star superior basalt to the original Xuan Warrior. It can be said that it is a breakthrough, but it can be said to break through the half-level. But you, even directly crossed the initial level of the warrior, one star The level of the Xuan Warrior, the two-star Xuan Warrior, directly reached Samsung. This breakthrough, I really saw nothing, unheard of. It is incredible, incredible."

Samsung Zhong Xuan Warrior, that is to say, Yangdingtian has broken through the fourth level and fully achieved the best result he had expected. Is it really that sentence, how hard the process is, and how fruitful it is. However, this achievement is also a bit richer.

Wan blood pool is also too mysterious, too powerful!

"But the children, you remember, this time, it is a last resort to practice in the blood pool. In the future, no matter what other reasons, there is no idea of ​​re-cultivating the blood pool." Pool cultivation, then you will never be able to climb the highest peak, and people who borrowed thousands of blood pools will be destroyed at the age of 80. There is absolutely no cheap thing in the world, everything is there. At the cost, I don’t even know if you will get a quick breakthrough in the practice of 10,000 blood pools, and whether it will bring any consequences to your future. In short, it’s better not to have something like this kind of speculative cancellation on cultivation. This is completely different from the Yin and Yang Xuan Dafa."

"It is Master, I will definitely not enter the blood pool for the second time, no matter how big its temptation, no matter how powerful its power." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, Master believes in you, you have to hurry and leave here, time is running out." The East Nirvana, then fell into silence.

Yang Dingtian slowly opened his eyes, suddenly the body was hot, and the nosebleeds almost rushed out.

Because he saw it at first sight, it turned out to be a **** buttocks, the jade hip of the solitary phoenix dance, like the beautiful buttocks of the full moon disc, which was less than two inches from his eyes. And the wonderful scenery between the legs blooms in front of his eyes.

Suddenly, a **** nose in Yangdingtian was almost shot.

How could this be? Yangding Tianmingming is cultivated at the bottom of the fourth floor of Wanxue Pool. It is a few meters away from Du Gu Feng Dance.

I don't know when, the solitary phoenix dance gradually sank in the cultivation of the body, and even more embarrassing is that his head is just between her legs.

Yangding is not intentional, but it is too clever.

The scenery is infinite and tempting, but Yangdingtian is completely afraid to look at it. This kind of woman is too beautiful, the temptation on the body is too big, and any man will be crazy. And the key is that this woman is poisonous and murderous.

Yang Dingtian quickly moved his eyes to the upper reaches, and he would leave the place immediately before the woman woke up, otherwise he would die.

Luck was really good. When he closed his eyes and practiced, the solitary phoenix dance did not wake up before him. However, good luck will always run out, so you must quickly leave this place. Once the woman wakes up, under such circumstances, Yang Dingtian can't even explain the 10,000 mouths, and his consequences are not good.

Yang Dingtian desperately swims, but it is already late! Du Gu Feng Wu suddenly opened her eyes, and when Yang Dingtian got out of her legs, she opened her eyes.

The scorpion is as bright as a star, as strong as a mountain. But even so, when she saw the first sight of Yang Dingtian, she still showed incredible horror.

What is shocking to her is that at this time, someone can enter the blood pool. When she enters the deep blood pool, she should not have a second person. Even the blood palace owner will not be here. Moreover, this person turned out to be her sister-in-law Yan Nantian, who was able to enter the fourth floor even deeper than she sneaked into.

However, this horror quickly disappeared and turned into incomparable anger!

Her icy body was so watched by a man, and the man was still drilling between her legs. So what happened before this? What did he do to himself?

This is nothing. The most important thing is that this man actually fought his own cultivation at his most crucial breakthrough moment, which directly led to the ignorance of the fire. At this point, her body is swaying, and the whole body is almost blasted.

Suddenly this anger quickly turned into a murderous and chilly sky!

"No matter what you did to me? Just give me to die..." The woman was beautiful and cold, and pointed to the sword, directly piercing the sun.

Suddenly, the golden yellow water filled with rich energy was actually opened and opened. The woman pointed to the surrounding of the sword, and formed a vacuum, with an invincible momentum and energy, her fingertips spurred the heart of Yangdingtian.

She is very strong, very very powerful, and she doesn't know how many times stronger than Yang Tiantian. As long as it is poked by a finger, the level of Yangdingtian is directly broken into pieces and turned into powder.

"I didn't do anything." Yangding was loud, but there was no sound in the water.

However, the energy of the solitary phoenix dance body just burst out, and suddenly the beautiful face was a fascinating blush.

Then, a bang.

A lone phoenix dances a beautiful lips, squirting a blood, and the red blood is like an arrow.

Then, her fingertips suddenly disappeared, and 90% of the energy was dissipated. The first time she was in the fire, she should quickly adjust her interest to suppress the mysterious spirit, but under her anger, she would sneak my sigh of anger, killing the sun and screaming, and suddenly became more fierce in the body.

Yang Ding Tianyi boxing, and her fingertips collided in the pool water.

"Oh..." The water splashed open.

Yang Dingtian fists suffered a sharp pain, his body smashed a few meters, and his mouth vomited a blood.

Because of the fire, the 90% of the offensive energy dissipated, but only 10% of the power has been so amazing!

At this point, the solitary phoenix dance can no longer take care of the sun, and began to close the eyes to adjust the interest rate, want to suppress the mysterious madness inside the inside.

But it is too late at this time, the more powerful her cultivation, the more terrible the resentfulness of Xuanqi.


Then, the solitary phoenix dance once again vomited a blood, full of unwillingness and anger, looking at the last glance of Yangdingtian, and then completely fainted.

Yangdingtian took a long sigh of relief and this enchantress was too strong. If it wasn't for her sudden vomiting of blood and fainting, Yang Dingtian's little life was really meant to be finished.

Yangding is really innocent and wants to see death. After all, this demon woman kills countless people.

And in the future, I will definitely chase after Yan Nantian.

However, her ignorance was completely caused by Yangdingtian, so she threw her in the pool of blood. It seems that she is not very and the key is to know in the future, even if it is the end of the earth. Desperately killing.

"I will drag you out of the blood pool, then the death is alive, I will not care." One hand caught the woman's body, Yang Dingtian desperately went up.

Soon, Yangding Tianyu took out the fourth layer of Wanxi Pool and entered the third floor!

Originally in the third layer of Wanxi pool, Yangdingtian almost bursts into the body, the whole body has lost consciousness, and the skin surface is split. But at this time, Yangdingtian only felt the pain of incomparable, but did not lose consciousness. Obviously, this is because he became strong.

Entering the second layer of the blood pool, even the pain of the bones has weakened a lot.

When entering the first layer of the blood pool, Yangdingtian has almost no discomfort.

"Hey..." Yang Dingtian holds a woman and slams out of the blood pool.

Finally, I breathed the air, although the air was not very fresh, but Yangdingtian still felt a very comfortable feeling.

However, he soon became uncomfortable.

Because, there are a pair of eyes staring at him, staring at him with anger and murderousness, like a fire-like eye!

The masters of these eyes are... the fire mad lion!

It, it came back. At this time, the eyes of the wrath are staring at Yangdingtian, full of crazy killing desires.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), reward, your support, is my biggest motivation. @小乐鸡)

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