Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 160: : Maniac **** ass! Fire cloud magic hole

I have been away from the Shenbing Mountain Villa for dozens of miles. When I came to the remote and uninhabited valley, when Yangdingtian felt completely safe, she fell to the ground and could not climb again.

Really half of the soul has been lost, and I have come back from the edge of hell.

Lying on the ground, Yangdingtian breathed a desperate breath and felt the value of life.

Finally left the deadly danger, and also got the mysterious fire hammer.

Lying on the ground for ten minutes, Yangding Tiantian wanted to do it, but found that the body did not have a little strength.

"You really have a good time, actually scared this virtue." Du Gu Feng dance sneered.

When I heard this, Yang Dingtian was not angry with one place. Such a dangerous situation is caused by your demon girl, and now there is still a face to talk about the wind.

Recalling all kinds of behaviors before the solitary phoenix dance, Yangding Tiantian hated to gnash his teeth.

Then, Yang Dingtian thought that the solitary phoenix dance was not a bit of a mysterious spirit at this time. It was completely the strength of the hand without a bond. Suddenly, the heart was happy: "It’s really blessing, let me get the mysterious fire hammer, and I can Escape from the devil's claws."

But the speed is fast, you must take advantage of this demon woman did not recover and escape as far as possible. Then use the fastest speed to go to the fire cloud magic hole forged soul sword.

Time is already very urgent. It’s only less than three days before the fire of the nine products in the Huoyun Magic Cave. It’s almost three days to go to the Huoyun Magic Cave. Because Huoyun Modong is on an isolated island overseas. Need to take a boat.

Yangding suddenly climbed up from the ground and looked at the solitary phoenix dance: "The demon girl, you also have today."

Then, Yangdingtian began to take off his shirt.

Du Gu Feng Wu looked at Yang Dingtian cold and asked: "Do you want to kill me, or do you want to sleep?"

"Sleeping you this demon girl, I don't want to die?" Yangding Tiandao.

I took off my robe and took off my mask. I immediately recovered my original face.

After all the care was completed, Yang Dingtian took out a medicinal medicine from his arms and stuffed it into the mouth of the solitary phoenix dance.

"What kind of medicine did you give me?"

"Just let you sleep for a few days. When you wake up, I have already left the Huoyun Magic Cave. My sword has already been forged, and I have already escaped. You can't find it anymore." Heaven.

The solitary phoenix dance, which was forced to eat the medicinal herbs, was quickly blurred and the effect of the drug was attacked.

Then, Yangding Tianqi began to dance alone, looking for a hidden place to hide her, although it is remote and uninhabited, but it is still safe to hide.

"Yangdingtian, when I am awake and recover again, I will definitely smash you a corpse." The sleepy Duo phoenix dances his teeth.

"Let's talk about it later." Yangding Tian haha ​​laughed, and then rang the hatefulness of the previous demon woman.

No retaliation at this time, but when.

"Hey..." Yangding Tianyi slaps the fan on her pretty buttocks.

Suddenly, the demon woman’s sleep in the singer’s dance was temporarily gone, and she was almost ashamed to die.

"Yangdingtian, dare?" The voice of the solitary phoenix under the anger was changed.

"I don't dare anything? I will do the evil thing again." To find a natural cave, Yangdingtian put the Duo phoenix dance into it.

Then, screaming at the soothing body of the solitary phoenix dance, rubbing her thighs, rubbing her ass, rubbing her chest, rubbing her cheeks, rubbing her nose.

In the end, I still feel that her beautiful buttocks are full and moving, and the pants are directly smashed down, revealing the snowy white full moon and beautiful buttocks, and slap the palms up.

Suddenly, the fragrance is overflowing, the hips are rippling, and the beauty is beautiful.

Yang Dingtian’s heart jerked, and then remembered the hatefulness of the recent demon woman, and immediately slammed her ass.


"The demon girl, let you be envious!"


"The demon girl, let me marry me!"


"The demon girl, let you force me to impersonate a hidden disciple!"


"The demon girl, let you seduce me with bare bottom!"

Yangdingtian is facing the beautiful buttocks of the demon girl, and a slap is connected with a slap fan.

For a moment, the beautiful buttocks of the solitary phoenix dance have become red and slightly red and swollen.

Yangding Tiandun slammed on her buttocks: "The demon girl, your **** will be swollen. I thought your face was so thick, and the buttocks were also the iron wall."

By the way, Yang Dingtian fanned her **** a few times.

The solitary phoenix dance suddenly became mad and trembled: "Yangdingtian, you remember, I will smash you a corpse, corpse corpse..."

"In any case, your hatred value to me is already blood red, and how high is it, it is better to take the opportunity to export bad luck." Yangding Tian smiled, then turned her plump body and flipped her. More than a dozen ass.

"Let you be envious."


"Let you threaten me!"


"Let you hit me!"


Du Gu Feng dance cold channel: "kill me, kill me, Yangdingtian!"

"This can't stand it?" Yang Dingtian sneered, then turned her over and pinched her chin: "Come, alone, chick, give the uncle a laugh."

"Yangdingtian, you remember to me, everything you have done to me today, I will repay it ten times in the future, and return it a hundred times."

"Oh?" Then Yang Dingtian went forward and kissed her delicate little mouth and said: "Is this also ten times back? Then I welcome it..."

Then I looked at the **** and enchanting body of the solitary phoenix dance. "I am a man with a wife, and I love her very much. Otherwise, because you were filthy, I slept you, and today I really slept you." So that you haven't been blinded by yours before."

The solitary phoenix dances beautifully, and the trembling voice screams: "I will kill you, Yangdingtian, I will definitely!"

"I don't sleep, you still want to kill me? Anyway, I have completely offended you. I have to get enough of it today. Grandpa, I will make you up today." Yangdingtian took a face of the solitary phoenix dance, then Holding her little mouth, nose, and making all kinds of faces.

After a while, she pulled her nostrils and let her play the pig. She held her little mouth for a while to let her dress the chicken, and then twisted her face into a ball. In short, how to get ugly.

At the beginning, the solitary phoenix dance was still embarrassing, and in the end it was not awkward, just staring coldly at Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian felt the palms wet, looked down and found that the palms were full of blood.

The solitary phoenix dance even bite his lips and bleeding, and then the blood flowed to the hands of Yang Dingtian, showing that she was really angry and reached the extreme.

Her beautiful face was completely pale and blue, without a little blood. Perhaps this is the most humiliating moment of her life.

Even in her beauty, there is a faint tear, and then a teardrop will slid down.

Yangding Tianyi, stopped all the spoof actions.

After a while, Yangding Tiandao: "Sorry, I should not do this. I should not humiliate you like this."

The solitary phoenix dance did not make a sound, still biting the jade tooth, and the blood stain overflowed from the corner of the mouth.

Yes, she was angry when she heard that she was raped by Yangdingtian, but she was not sad. When he lost all the mystery, she was not sad.

At this time, Yangdingtian just played with her, but she was beautiful and tearful.

Because it was absolutely humiliating to be fooled by Yang Dingtian, it was really better to kill her directly.

She is the ultimate strong, the future leader of the demon road, the real witch, can not stand such humiliation.

"Because I have been robbed for the rest of my life, so my emotions are so exciting that I will do these things for you." Yang Dingtian explained.

The solitary phoenix dance is still silent.

Yangding Tianmo silently helped her to put on her trousers.

"Then I am gone. You will wake up after a few days of sleepy here, and I put a special medicinal herb on you. Those beasts will not come close to you." Yangding Tiandao: "That's gone. Goodbye. Oh, no, it’s never seen.”

Then, Yangdingtian turned and walked out.

"Yangdingtian..." Suddenly, the solitary phoenix dance said: "You see me crying, you see my weak side. This is a hundred times more serious than the one you see my body. One thousand times. So I will kill you next time I see you. If you are smart, kill me now."

Her voice is very dull, but full of infinite determination, Yang Dingtian knows what she is saying is true. So the smartest thing is to kill her.

Looking at the solitary phoenix dance for a long time, Yangding Tiandao: "I'm sorry, I can't do it."

Then he turned and left.

After leaving the vision of Du Gu Feng Wu, Yang Ding quickly took an ordinary mask from the space ring and put it on, and Yang Dingtian changed another person again.

Then, I took out a set of clothes and put them on, and finally put the sword of the Xuan Huo and the hidden sword into the space ring.

This time, no matter who comes to recognize Yang Dingtian is the nameless name of the fake and hidden disciple.

After he left, the beauty of the solitary phoenix dance was confusing. It is obvious that the drug has started to attack, and she will soon completely faint.

However, just as she was about to close her eyes completely, she suddenly trembled. An incomparably powerful force, all over her body, her beauty, the moment from the confusion to the incomparably cold, shot the cold and chilly eyes.

The solitary phoenix dance actually restored its mystery before it was completely comatose.

For a time, she looked at the direction in which Yangdingtian left, and the beauty was full of murderousness. If you directly copy the sword, you will have to rush out to catch up with Yangding’s corpse.

But soon, she gave up the move, and the beautiful face showed an angry and cold smile.

"Yangdingtian, and let you live for a few more days, I will wait for you at the mouth of the Huoyun Devil Cave. At that time, you always have to take out the smog of the cold, and let you taste the taste of music."

"Yangdingtian, how dare you let me suffer such humiliation. After getting rid of the cold, I must let you survive, can't die!"

"Oh..." In an instant, the sword of the solitary phoenix dance suddenly emptied.

Suddenly, all the trees in front of the tens of meters, boulders, turned into powder. The delicate body of the solitary phoenix dance bursts with the murderousness and anger of the sky.

Then, the singular dance of the solitary phoenix dances suddenly, and two virtual energy wings are born behind it, soaring into the air, and from the other direction, flying in the direction of the fire cloud magic hole!


Three days later, Yangding Tiandu crossed the sea for a thousand miles and came to a huge volcanic island, pushing the boat to the beach and looking at the huge volcano in the distance.

The crater on the top of the mountain is the entrance to the Huoyun Magic Cave.

"Fire cloud magic hole, I finally came." Yangdingtian sighed.

The Huoyun Magic Cave, the island where it is located, is called Xilin Island, because it is considered to be the west side of the Chaos continent.

The island is very famous because the island has one of the largest active volcanoes in the entire northwestern continent, which is tens of thousands of meters high.

According to the master of the East, the words are destroyed. The volcano erupted even a hundred years ago and erupted about every ten years. Every time the eruption is shaken, it is earth-shattering. .

The flaming red magma can spur tens of thousands of meters high, and even if it is a few hundred miles away for a few hundred miles, you can see the skyfire when erupting.

And a few hundred years ago, the entire west was just a very small island. Then every time the eruption, the entire island will become bigger. In fact, the entire west of the island is made up of magma and volcanic ash from the volcano. The West Island, which has been used today, is already a large island of several thousand square miles.

A hundred years ago, the volcano erupted every ten years stopped the as if it had entered a deep sleep. Some people felt a little surprised at the time, but it was not very serious. Because the volcano in this world is inherently unpredictable, suddenly it will start erupting, and suddenly it will fall into silence.

But very few people know that this volcano erupted every ten years, but it was transformed from the previous earth-shattering explosion into a brilliant fire that is now every ten years.

Compared with the momentum, it can be said that it is a different day. But the terrible energy generated by the two is no different.


The beach is about a hundred miles from the volcano. There are lush forests on the way, and there is absolutely no road.

Yangdingtian quickly and carefully traveled through the dense forest and headed for the direction of the Great Volcano.

Looking at the big volcano getting closer and closer, the heart is getting more and more excited in the sun. The long journey through nearly ten miles is to forge the sword of the sword, and now I will finally get what I want.

"Fire cloud magic hole I came, the best fire I came, swordsman sword I came!" Yangdingtian could not help but excitedly said: "Done orphan girl, can't help, ten years of the best place Fire, Xiaoye, I have enjoyed it, and you will continue to sleep well!"

And at the top of the volcano in the distance, the entrance to the Huoyun Magic Cave. The beautiful and unparalleled Duo phoenix dance plate sits on the top of the mountain, looking at the Yangdingtian, which is running from afar, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yangdingtian, you will soon taste the joy of sorrow! I will soon let you taste what it is to regret!"

......(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the mobile phone network () subscription, reward, your support, is my biggest motivation.)

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