Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 169: : Extreme trials, breakthrough!

"In the territory of the Five Elements Palace, a five-star Xuan Warrior, how long does it take to break through the big sacred martial arts?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"The problem is within the authority, you can answer." Stone Giant said: "The talented person, two years. The talented top, one and a half years!"

One and a half years? Two or three years?

Yangdingtian can't wait so long.

"What kind of talent do I have?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The stone giant opened his palm and gently placed it on the top of Yangdingtian's head, then replied: "Beyond the top."

"How long does it take for my great talent to break through the big sacred martial arts?" Yang Dingtian quickly asked.

After a few moments of calculation, the Stone Giant said: "One year!"

"The fastest year?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes." Stone Giant said: "This is already the theoretical speed of the ultimate Xuanmai."

One year is too long, and Yangdingtian is definitely not that long.

“Can you be faster?” Yang Dingtian asked.

"Under normal mode, can't." Stone giant.

"What about the abnormal mode?" Yangding Tianyi, quickly asked: "And, what is not normal mode."

"The abnormal mode is the death mode, which is completely close to actual combat. The trial will be injured and will die." Stone giant said.

"In that case, you can break through the big bastions." Yang Dingtian asked.

"The talent is above the top, if you don't die, it takes half a year." Stone giant said.

Half a year? Although it will still make the time of the Yangtiantiantian very urgent, but the remaining half of the time to find the third stage of killing the sword, plus to find the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo, there is a hope of success.

"Then I immediately entered an abnormal mode." Yangding Tiandao.

"Are you sure?" Stone Giant said: "I solemnly warn that the abnormal mode is completely in actual combat, your opponent will never be merciless, you may be injured, or you may die."

"I am sure!" Yangding Tiandao.

"Please choose the difficulty level of the abnormal mode, common difficulty, moderate difficulty, very difficult, extremely difficult." Stone Giant said: "The difficulty rises one level, the cultivation speed increases by half, but the probability of death increases by 10%."

The abnormal mode of ordinary difficulty can break through the big bastion in half a year.

According to this calculation, if you choose the extreme difficulty, it may be possible to break through the big bastion in about five months.

“What is the probability of death under normal difficulty?” Yang Dingtian asked.

"Four-five!" Stone giants said.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian took a deep breath. By analogy, if you choose the extreme difficulty, you may break through the big sacred martial arts more than five months, but the probability of death directly rises to a staggering 75%.

"Right, what level of cultivation is needed to leave the secrets of the Five Elements Hall?" Yang Dingtian suddenly remembered one of the most important issues.

"The lowest three-star big sacred martial artist can leave the sixth gold-based secret room without any load." Stone giant.

Yangding Tiandeng was wrong. It was not enough to break through the big sacred martial arts. At least it was necessary to break through the Samsung Grand Supreme Master. Then, it takes more time.

"Please choose the difficulty of the trial." Stone giant once again reminded.

Yangding slammed his teeth and said: "The limit mode."

Stone giant mechanical road: "The extreme difficulty, the progress of cultivation increased by 15%, the probability of death increased by 30%, reaching 75%, whether it still adheres to this choice."

"Insist on this choice." Yangding Tiandao.

A brilliance flashed through the brilliance, and the stone giant slowly said: "The five elements of the temple, the trial difficulty rises to the limit mode!"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian seemed to feel cold, as if there was a murderousness everywhere!


The so-called actual combat mode is completely different from the original. Before, Yang Dingtian was practicing a sword, but at this time he had an opponent and was a strong, unrelenting opponent.

When I came to the gate of the first secret room, Yang Dingtian’s heart suddenly felt a little nervous, and I don’t know what kind of opponent it would be.

Taking a deep breath and calming the tension, Yang Dingtian gently pushed the door of the first gold-based chamber.

There is nothing in the huge three-fold gravity chamber inside, and it is empty.

"Hey? What happened?" Yang Dingtian was surprised.

Yangding took a step and stepped into the first secret room.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed.

A stone man slammed out of the wall and walked down.

This is awe-inspiring, the small stone giant, about two meters high, but only one head, carrying a hammer in his hand.

"There are intruders, killing the invaders!" the stone man shouted, then waved his hammer and rushed over.

Yang Dingtian was shocked, and this started? Moreover, the person who is taking this stone is so agile, it seems that it is completely unaffected by gravity.

"Call..." The hammer is fierce, and from the wind, Yangdingtian can feel that this stone man is about the same level as himself, and is a six-star Xuan Warrior.

However, at this time, Yangdingtian was dragged by three times of gravity, and the stone man had no influence at all.

"Where..." In the twinkling of an eye, the stone man has already smashed a dozen hammers, recruiting deadly, and indeed did not leave any remaining hands.

Yangding Tianfei quickly retreats, now to avoid the attack of this stone man.

However, here is three times the gravity, so the rate of retreat of the sun is three times slower than normal.

Completely hiding, the hammer has arrived in the blink of an eye.

"Ah..." Yangding Tianfei quickly lifted the sword and slammed the hammer of the stone man.

"Oh..." A huge force came, Yang Dingtian’s body slammed out a dozen meters.

"Oh..." A blood spurted out, and the whole right arm was completely numb after the pain. It seemed that there was no instinct, and the skin on the top cracked countless gaps.

Hell's secret room, the stone man in front of him, like Yang Dingtian, the strength is about six-star Xuan Warrior. But the hammer it pulled out is three times the force.

This is too pit! The burden of Yangdingtian is tripled, the speed is three times slower, and the power of the sword is greatly reduced.

The stone man is not affected by the triple gravity, but the force is increased by three times. It is no wonder that the extreme difficulty is too extreme.

Therefore, under the circumstance, Yang Dingtian was injured and vomiting blood.

I haven't waited until Yang Dingtian wiped off the blood. The stone man rushed up and the hammer in his hand became more fierce.

Yangdingtian has two choices at this time. The first choice is to continue to avoid its sharp killings. The second option is to play against it.

The sane person will choose the first one.

However, Yangdingtian chose the second one.

"Ah..." Yang Dingtian screamed and slammed his body's mysterious legs, standing on the ground like roots.

Because here is three times the gravity, so avoiding itself is a huge drawback, the speed has been three times slower, how to hide?

Looking at the hammer of the stone man, Yang Dingtian held the sword in both hands, pointed at the terrible hammer, slammed it with a sword, and used all the power to smash it.

“Nothing to break...”

"When..." a loud bang, sparks splashed.

Yang Dingtian vomited a blood, and his body trembled, and he stepped back a few steps.

Stone people don't know how tired they are, and the hammer is still madly coming.

"Dangdang Dangdang..." Yang Dingtian used all his strength to resist the hammer of the stone man.

Every move is without a sword.

After the thirty swords, the Yangding Tianzhu body has already been bloody, and almost all the muscles that have retreated after several tens of meters have split open.

Full of mysterious atmosphere, completely exhausted at this time.

It’s amazing! Before practicing the sword alone, Yang Dingtian was exhausted in the body for four days.

In the actual combat mode of the limit, only the sacred air of the thirty Jianyang top days has been cleaned up.

"Kill the invaders." The stone man drank, and both hands grasped the hammer, and with the greatest strength, slammed into the sun's head.

"Nothing is unbreakable..." Yangdingtian used the last trace of Xuanqi, holding a sword in a block.

"When..." In an instant, an incomparably powerful force drilled into the body of Yangdingtian, frantically tearing the mysterious veins of Yangdingtian, his internal organs.

In a blink of an eye, Yangdingtian will be fatally hit.

At this time, a mysterious gas suddenly emerged from the young sword, to resist the power of the stone man, help the sun to block the deadly damage, although only for a moment.

And by this moment of opportunity, Yangding Tianfei quickly retreated, leaving the first secret room and returning to the hall of the Five Elements Hall.

It’s finally safe. As long as you leave the secret room, the stone man will not catch up.

Yang Dingtian came to the center of the main hall of the hall, the most concentrated place, quickly sit down and adjust the interest rate, and then take a medicinal medicine from the space ring to take it.

Ningning's medicinal herbs came over very badly. Originally, Yangdingtian felt that the whole body had cracked and it was extremely painful. However, after taking the medicinal medicine, it was as if a warm force gradually spread throughout the body, and the feeling of severe pain gradually disappeared.

After a little recovery, Yang Dingtian immediately took the three-pounded sword in his arms and looked at it incredulously.

It is just a young sword, there is no Xuanmai fine, and there is no sea soul crystal. So in theory, it is impossible to store mysteriousness, but just that moment, it turned out to be a deadly attack that helped Yang Tiantian block the stone man, only for a moment.

This is really amazing! It’s just a sword, it will help the owner and save the owner.

Although Yang Dingtian felt that there was a chaotic **** in this sword, he still regarded it as a sword. At this time, there is a feeling of blood connection.

Perhaps it is really more than just a sword.

Every soul of the sword is the life of the master. However, after this life grows up, it will become extremely powerful.

The young sword, no doubt, is like an embryo in the stomach. It has not really been born, but it is already a life.

"You look so ugly, I will call you ugly in the future, okay?" Yangding Tiandao.

The chaotic **** stone inside this ugly sword seems to be moving, but Yangdingtian does not know whether it is a happy name or against the name.

"Whether you like it or not, call this name. You will call it A ugly in the future. Wait until the day when you really become a soul sword. It is your nirvana." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, he held the ugly sword and began to vomit.

Now, it is safe and easy to get used to. Incomparably rich and mysterious, once again madly poured into the mysterious veins of Yangdingtian, first filled the whole body and the mysterious veins, and then gathered in the inflowing sea.

The sea of ​​water that has completely dried up, at this time, greedily hunger and hunger devour pure scent.

Constantly swallowing and swallowing, swallowing...

after an hour……

The gas sea trembled fiercely, and it exploded!

With a small breakthrough, it broke through the six-star medium warrior and became a six-star superior bastion warrior.

Tu Na Xuan Xuan is still continuing.

Three hours later!

Xuanqi was so eager to move, the whole sea of ​​air swelled and expanded...

"Boom..." A white light flashed through the sea.

The mind of Yang Dingtian was instantly blank, and the mysterious veins of his body were also blank, and everything in the body entered a short stagnation.

After half a minute, everything started to recover.

Yangdingtian gradually recovered the sea of ​​consciousness or re-surge, and the mysterious veins of the whole body began to re-flow.

It broke through again! ! !

Yangdingtian feels it all unbelievably!

Even broke through the seven-star Xuan Warrior!

Before, it took only seven or eight days to break through half a star.

After the actual trial of the difficulty of entering the limit, it took less than half an hour to break through the remaining half-star and let Yangdingtian directly enter the Seven Star Xuan Warrior.

This secret territory is full of bizarre.

After the surprise, Yangdingtian continued to swallow.

At this time, the mysterious veins of the whole body and the sea of ​​air once again entered the air and once again madly devour Xuanqi.

This time, after four hours, the mysterious veins and the sea of ​​the whole body were completely filled with the energy of the mysterious body.

However, after the sea of ​​air contained the mysterious gas to the limit, it only trembled gently, and did not expand again and did not break through again.

However, Yangdingtian is very satisfied.


Standing up from the ground, Yang Dingtian clenched his hand in the ugly sword. "We have to fight again. This time we have to look at it. Will the stone man still beat us so embarrassed and almost die?" Under his hammer."

At this time, it has been nearly ten hours since the Yangdingtian was half-dead than the stone man.

Yangdingtian carried a three-pound sword and retired the door, once again entering the first gold series gate.

"Invaders enter, killing."

After a shout, the stone man slammed out of the wall, jumped down, and then fiercely rushed toward the sun. The huge hammer, like a lightning bolt.

Yang Dingtian’s epee in the hand slammed up and greeted the stone man’s giant hammer. He found that this huge ugly sword was so light in his hand.

"When..." a loud bang, the epee and the giant hammer slammed together, and suddenly the fire was shining.

Yang Dingtian body shocked, his arm was numb.

But it was just that, and before Yang Dingtian flew straight out, the blood was mad. At this time, it is only a shock.

And the stone man, also violently shocked, a slight burst of embarrassment.

This short confrontation turned out to be the top of the sky. He was very surprised, and after breaking through the seven-star Xuan Warrior, the power was extraordinary.

Immediately afterwards, the epee in the hand continued to fiercely go.

“Nothing to break...”

“Nothing to break...”

“Nothing to break...”

Always, Yangdingtian only used this trick and madly cut to the stone man. The strength is greater than once, and the momentum is fierce once.

Finally This stone man can't resist the momentum of Yangdingtian and began to retreat.

"Broken..." Yang Ding screamed loudly, plunging his power, aiming at the stone man's giant hammer and slamming down.

"Oh..." Suddenly, the giant hammer that didn't know what material was made shattered.

Kill the sword sword. Kneeling down the limbs.

Yangding Tianjian is like electricity, directly breaking the legs of the stone man's legs.

"Oh..." The stone man with broken limbs suddenly slammed into the ground.

Kill the sword and kill the skull.

Yangding Tianyi sword squatted down, and suddenly the stone man violently flew out a few tens of meters away.

"Oh la la..."

At the same time, the stone man's body smashed into powder and a gust of wind blew. The powder of the stone man, as well as the powder of the weapon, was blown away and disappeared without a trace.

Breaking through the seven-star Xuan Warrior is really powerful, Yang Dingtian directly defeated the victory, directly destroying this stone man.

There is no doubt that the first chamber trial in the gold room ended.

Crushed the stone giant, Yang Dingtian still has more than half of the mysterious gas, taking a deep breath, Yangdingtian slowly retreats the second door.

The second door, nine times the gravity. I don't know, how strong SS will be.

(To be continued, "This text is provided by Dawning Update Group @w Suyan". If you like this work, you are welcome to (m) vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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