Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 178: : Learning electric system mystery!

After practicing here for more than 100 days, after breaking through the 20th level, he finally went out.

Yangdingtian actually has a desire to shout.

But he resisted, and now is not the time to shout.

Putting the nightingale giant sword and the ugly sword into the space ring, Yangding Tianping lived in the breath and walked straight outside.

"In addition to rewards, the tester must not take away anything in the secret territory, or immediately obliterate it." Suddenly, Yangding Tianzi remembered the voice of the three giants.

"A thorough examination of the trials from the inside out, from the inside out!" The three giants continued.

Yang Dingtian suddenly jumped into the heart, but he brought something out. It was the holy water on the chest of the three giants. When he was seriously injured in the back, he put it into the space ring several times and put a few pounds out. Because he wants to cure the mysterious veins of the flames. Before, the three giants seemed to have no awareness, and now they have to check.

Installed in the space ring, I don't know if I can check it out? If it is checked out, it is really completely finished. It must be directly obliterated without any discussion.

But at this time, there is absolutely no way. I can't confess to the three giants now and hand over the holy water. Since Yang Dingtian did this, he recognized it no matter what the consequences.

A bright light suddenly hit Yang Dingtian, and then passed through his body inch by inch.

From top to bottom, from inside to outside.

Finally, the green light stays on the fingers of Yangdingtian, which is the position of the space ring.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian almost suffocated!

After three minutes, the radiance left the position of the Yangdingtian finger.

During this time, the heart of the Yangding innocent jumped out.

"There is no trace of the secret inside or outside the body, but there is abnormal energy fluctuation, Xuan can not be identified, there is no disposal limit. The trial can leave." The voice of the three giants rang in the ear.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian took a long breath and rushed out of the sixth door and entered the cold seabed, leaving the five elements secretly.

"Wow... it’s so uncomfortable..." At the moment of going out, Yangdingtian felt a huge pressure in an instant, as if the internal organs had to be squeezed out, the bones of the whole body had to be broken, and all the blood had to be broken. Cracked in general.

Here is the tens of thousands of meters of the sea floor, the pressure of the sea is very amazing. Yangdingtian has already prepared, but still did not expect the pressure to be so terrible.

The whole body's mysterious spirit is used to cover the whole body up and down, resisting the strong pressure, and the sun-top sky is flying fast. This tens of thousands of meters of seabed is really terrible, and it is extremely painful to stay for one second.

At the same time, the gates of the five elements of the mystery were only closed, and the seabed became incomparably dark. The entire five-line temple seemed to be like a giant mountain lying on the bottom of the sea.

"Fly..." Yangding rushed out of the sea.

For ten minutes, the Yangding genius floated up to tens of thousands of meters from the sea floor to the surface. Although he was completely able to breathe the air for more than half an hour at this time, he still breathed a lot and enjoyed the beauty of the air.

Not far from the front is the beach on the north side of the island, and in the distance is the dense woods.

Yangding Tianyou went to the beach and came to the dense forest. First, pick up a dozen wild fruits that can be eaten. These three months in the secret, Yangdingtian relies on eating medicinal herbs to maintain vitality. Although this is better for the body, Yangdingtian still misses the normal food. Unfortunately, there is no meat on the island, otherwise it will be even better.

After eating more than a dozen fruits and fruits, he immediately went to the east side of the west island, because the ship he came to was hidden on the east beach of the west island.

In less than half an hour, Yangdingtian has already arrived at the beach on the east side.

When he came, he hid the boat behind a huge stone and buried it with sand.

But now, Yangdingtian only saw a pile of wood fragments, and the ship that Yangding Tianzang was here was broken into pieces.

Certainly not a strong wind, nor a wave. It is manpower. Because the whole ship was completely turned into powdery pieces. It is a very strong and strong top. Under one palm, the ship is hit into a powder.

There are no other people on this island, and who can do this?

There is no doubt that the demon woman is alone.

Yangding Tiandun hated to point out, this very hot and ruthless demon girl, but also in the secret world to turn ruthlessly to kill Yang Dingtian, and is to kill after he raped him. Now, the ship of Yangdingtian was destroyed again.

Here, the land can be one or two thousand miles away. How can I leave without the boat? I can't swim anymore. It is possible to use the mysterious gas to cross the sea for two thousand miles, and the top master like the solitary phoenix dance may be able to do it, but it will have great damage to the body.

Therefore, without the ship, Yangdingtian could not leave.

However, after all, there are only nearly two thousand miles away from the mainland. Every once in a while, there will still be a boat passing by, but this will cause him to be delayed for a few days.

But at this time, it is useless to worry. I can only pray that there will be a boat passing through here as soon as possible. Moreover, Yang Dingtian has an electric system mysterious scroll in his hand, just to take advantage of this time to learn.

However, I don’t want to learn the power system before today. He needs to take a good sleep. After all, the time spent sleeping in this three-month yangding day is completely few, and every moment is not in the secret room and the killer. He died in the center of the main hall and swallowed Xuan, or he was healed in the holy pool of the three giants' chest.

This time, Yangdingtian should sleep well with him.

I found a big tree, built a bed on it, and then lay comfortably on it. After a while, I went to sleep.

Of course, even if you are sleeping, as long as there is any danger of wind and rain, Yangdingtian can still wake up for the first time. It’s just that Xilin Island is really quiet. There is nothing but the sound of the waves. There is no beast.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian almost slept and came to the Chaos Continent, the sweetest in history.


Woke up the next day, Yangding Tian first found a pool to take a shower, and then put on a clean clothes. Finally, find an empty tree, and took out the power system mystery cheats.

Looking at this volume of electric power, Yang Dingtian could not help but become nervous.

This can really be the mystery of the mysterious skills of the hundreds of millions of people, is the highest reward of the five elements of the temple.

The solitary phoenix dance is the princess of the demon road, but he does not have the mystery of the electric system. If Yang Tiantian's volume of cheats is made public, it will immediately cause shocks in the world. If there is an auction house, I don’t know how many gates will be crazy and do everything.

The mysterious cheats are different from the martial arts cheats. A martial arts cheat can allow countless people to learn. Of course, Yang Dingtian’s killing swords are excluded. And a volume of mystery cheats can only let one learn. When a person learns, the second person will not be useful even if he gets this cheat.

All mystery secrets have been left from the ancient times. Although the new mysterious secrets have been unearthed since the millennium, the mysterious cheats newly unearthed hundreds of years ago have become less and less. .

Therefore, the mystery of the mystery can be said to be a volume, there is one less. Every volume of mystery cheats is very precious, let alone this electric cheat.

Sitting next to the open space, Yangdingtian slowly closed his eyes, holding the electric system mystery cheats in both hands, and the same as the martial arts cheats, if you want to learn a certain volume of mystery cheats, you can enter the scroll into the scroll. Therefore, Yangdingtian only needs to input Xuanqi, and you can enter the world of cheats. But I can't learn, I don't know, because I don't know if I have any electric talent in my body.

The mysterious veins of human beings are divided into yin and yang. When the great bastion is to learn the mysterious skills, it is also derived from ice, fire, gold, wind, electricity!

The ice system is the established talent of the negative Xuanmai. The fire system is the established talent of the positive Xuanmai. This cannot be changed.

Then, some of the positive Xuanmai people will have gold talent, and some of the negative Xuanmai will have wind talent.

But the talent of the electric system is not divided into yin and yang. Whether it is a positive Xuanmai or a negative Xuanmai, you can derive electrical talent. However, there are no such people.

Yangdingtian is not wrong with Jiuyang Xuanmai, but the probability of possessing the talent of the electric system is too low and too low. Yangdingtian can not expect to have the talent of electric system. At this time, there is a power system Xuan Fu, so even if there is no electric talent, in the future, you can use the electric system Xuan Fu to cast the electric system. However, the growth of the electric system Xuan Fu is a long time, and the power of using the metaphor attack ~ ~ after all, it is better to have a strong talent.

Moreover, if Yangdingtian has an electric talent, and then uses the electric system, the attack effect can be superimposed, and the lethality is absolutely unparalleled.

Yang Dingtian slowly closed his eyes and said: "If you can have the talent of electric system, it is God's care. If not, it doesn't matter!"

Yangding Tian took a deep breath for more than a dozen times, and then barely pressed his nervous and excited emotions. This is the first mystery to learn.

After the mood is flat and the heartbeat is normal, Yangdingtian slowly enters a mysterious gas into the electric system.

Suddenly, the electric system mystery secrets slammed brightly, emitting a faint blue light. Then, the incomparably complicated Xuanqi line showed a little bit on the cheats, and the sacred air of Yangdingtian continued to spread along this line.

Xuanqi advances one inch and one inch. This scroll looks only three feet long, but the mysterious cheats inside are only tens of thousands of meters long. The layers are stacked and twisted. It is the most complicated and delicate in the world. The route is somewhat similar to the integrated circuits of the Earth age.

All the mysterious atmosphere in the Yangding weather must go through the route of the cheats, after the transformation of the cheats, and then return to the body with the special memory inside the cheats.

Time passed by, and the sigh of the whole body of Yangdingtian was injected into the cheats scroll.

......(To be continued [This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @得罪人的纸纸]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "First" vote, the monthly ticket, your support is my greatest motivation. .)

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