Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 108: Old man under the abyss

[Seeing that everyone is talking about the identity of the little blue-haired little pot friend, Mars said that this is not a pit, because the answer will be automatically revealed soon-how can the real pit be so shallow ... indicating that the biggest pit is actually a sky mark ... Someone noticed no, remember not! ? 】

At the bottom of the abyss, there is no doubt that there is a black lacquer, no light can be seen, and no light can overflow. However, just as Ye Tianxie took out the elemental light from the little girl named Salsa from the backpack in Luofeng Town, Guoguo's voice made his attention suddenly focused: "Oh? Master, there seems to be Something was shining, flashing, flashing, like ... like a little star in the sky. "

Obviously in the darkness, Ye Tianxie strangely found that she could clearly see Guoguo's body clearly. Her body seemed to be emitting a strange light, which made people see clearly. To her ... but this light has no effect on Guoguo's surroundings. Her surroundings are still dark.

In the dark world, a little girl with a half-arm and a normal person floating around with curiosity on his face, this scene really made Ye Tianxie a little stunned. I have to say that there are too many weird things on Guoguo.

Looking in the direction pointed by Guoguo, Ye Tianxie caught the existence of the light spot at first glance. In this completely dark world, the only point of light that should exist is easy to find, except that it is too tiny and small to be ignored ... and this also shows that, or it was originally a tiny object emitting Weak light, or its location is far away from here.

"Let's go and see." Ye Tianxie fluttered his eyes in the mid-air circle and watched the fruit around i grabbed it, placed it on his shoulder, and walked towards the light spot.

Surprisingly, the ground under this vast abyss was surprisingly flat, not to mention the unevenness, not even the gravel stepped on a piece. This makes Ye Tianxie's heart unavoidable. The bottom of the naturally-occurring abyss should have been irregular potholes, not so flat, or ... artificially paved here! ?

Ye Tianxie's feet were a little bit ... the dark world, the abyss of the abyss, then, will there be terrible monsters here. Or is there any other unusual element, after all, being able to enter this map is a miracle in itself, and the existence of this map should not be simply for existence.

After walking for more than half an hour, the road is still flat. Ye Tianxie has not encountered a barrier such as a stone wall or been stumbled by anything. The tiny light spot is still in front of him, and more than he saw at first. It was obviously a lot bigger, and it was getting closer. The faint light gradually made Ye Tianxie feel a strange feeling in his heart ... A feeling of being unclear about the road, if it must be described This feeling ... it was a slight throbbing of body and soul, as if they had a premonition of something to happen, or something that resonated with them.

"Treading ..."

Ye Tianxie's footsteps were extremely clear in this quiet world. Gradually, the spot of light became larger and larger in the sight, and the light that had originally been a little bit began to turn into a ball. After walking for a while, unknowingly, Ye Tianxie had stood in front of this group of lights, and his body almost touched it directly.

this is……

crystal? Will the crystal shine?

This is a standard sphere with a diameter of about one meter. It is supported by a stone platform nearly one meter high. The whole body is crystal clear and quietly releases the white light that I do not know where it originated. Although the light is not strong, but in this darkness The world is extremely eye-catching.

"Wow, a big glass ball, and it still glows ... oh? Strange, why does it glow?" Guoguo's small body turned around this "big glass ball" . At the bottom of the abyss, the appearance of this kind of thing is indeed with too strong magical colors.

"Uh ..." Guoguo gave another soft whistle, his body stopped floating, and he stepped forward, almost lying on the glass ball: "Master, look, there seems to be something in this big glass ball!" "

"Well, I saw it." Ye Tianxie replied, his eyebrows narrowed, his gaze stared at the center of this crystal light ball ... its center, there was actually a sleeping ... soul!

At the first glance at it, Ye Tianxie was convinced that this was a fox, but a little fox that was different from ordinary foxes. The first thing he thought of was the rare snow fox that had only been seen on TV.

The hair of this little fox's whole body is not tinged with mottled color, and white can't find any discordant flaws. Even this white is the purest and flawless white. Pure white is like the snowflake just falling from the sky. . Its body is very small, but it is about the size of Guoguo's body. Two small snow-white ears stand up sharply, the nose is black like a black diamond, the two eyes are closed, and the body appears in a lying position quietly in the center of this crystal sphere ... it This posture has been unknown for many years.

Under the abyss, the snow fox enclosed in a crystal ball ... The psychedelic colors are increasingly entangled in Ye Tianxie's heart. He reached out and touched the crystal sphere in front of him.

"Don't touch it!"

The voice was not loud, but it was as heavy as a boulder knocking on the heart. Ye Tianxie's heart and body shook in unison. The outstretched hand stopped in the air, raised his head, squinted and looked in front of him ... That person didn't hide the source of the sound ... right in front of him.

"Wow! It's the voice, it's the voice. Hey, there are people here ... who is it?"

Guoguo's surprise and excitement, how could Ye Tianxie's heart throb ... What is the mystery of this destiny world?

It's really exciting.

No footsteps were heard, but a person's image emerged from the darkness, becoming increasingly clear in Ye Tianxie's sight. This is a man in a black cape. The black cape covers almost his entire body and covers most of his face, preventing Ye Tianxie from seeing his appearance. However, this is a person, a Living people are undoubted.

Surprise and vigilance arose simultaneously in his heart. Ye Tianxie adjusted his breath and asked, "Who are you?"

"This question should be me asking you. Humans, you can come here to amaze me, but this is not where you should be." The mysterious man in the black cape was bland, but not friendly. Judging from the sound, this should be an old man over 60 years old, and the extremely heavy aura and pressure entrained in his voice surprised Ye Tianxie's dark center.

"We never take the initiative to offend you human beings, so I don't want to embarrass you. You leave here immediately, there is nothing worthy of your stay here." The man looked up slightly, and shot a cold line of eyes, staring at Ye Tianxie's body. , Fleeting, but Ye Tianxie frowned.

He called himself "... human" and "never proactively violates human ..." ... at the bottom of the abyss ... A flash of enlightenment suddenly flashed in Ye Tianxie's mind. Ye Tianxie quickly condensed his spirit and wiped the wipe The forming idea is firmly grasped ...

"Are you ... the dragon?" Ye Tianxie looked up, in a doubtful but affirmative tone.

With this, Ye Tianxie clearly felt the slight turbulence generated by the opponent's heavy air, and the last suspicion in his heart disappeared, turning his eyes to the crystal sphere that released the warm light, thoughtfully. At the same time, the indifferent face and lonely figure of the blue-haired man appeared in his mind ... he said to help himself, it turned out to be this way ...

But why would he know this again? Before he met Kong Xiu, he didn't even know he ...

"But you are not a dragon." Ye Tianxie's old voice answered, but he didn't say anything to let him go. Obviously, Ye Tianxie's words began to generate a lot of interest ... Or, it was him Too lonely for too long, and in the bottom of my heart I didn't want a person who could finally talk to him just leave.

"How do you know I'm not?" Ye Tianxie said with a turn of his heart, smiling.

Ye Tianxie's words silenced the person for a moment. The next second, Ye Tianxie's body trembled uncontrollably. He clearly felt that a strong breath locked his body and quickly Penetrating into his body, Ye Tianxie remained calm and looked at him silently, as if without notice.

A few seconds later, the powerful breath suddenly disappeared again, the person on the opposite side slowly raised his head, exposing an extremely ordinary, but one can remember the old man's face for a lifetime, a pair of eyes without any turbidity Staring at Ye Tianxie: "It seems that the silence for too long makes my spiritual sense dull. I didn't realize before that your body has the power of a dragon ... though what you have is not a purebred The blood of the dragon ~ ~ However, our dragons never reject the combination with humans ... What's your name? "

The combination of dragon and man? Ye Tianxie's heart moved ... Kong Xiu did not lie to him, even the old man felt the breath of the dragon in him, but to his surprise, what the old man said was actually saying that he was a human and The birth of a dragon ... It made him laugh and cry, but he didn't say it. This is also said in the game. If it is in the real world, it will be a little funny, will it be your own parents or a dragon? ... Thinking of the deceased parents, Ye Tianxie's expression was slightly faint, and he returned to normal immediately .

But why did Kong Xiu and the old man at the same time say that he had the breath of a dragon ... Is it some strange setting of this world, or some other reason ... Now he is puzzled.

"Xie Tian." Ye Tianxie reported his name in this world.

"Evil sky?" The old man whispered the name, showing a slight surprise at the name, and then asked, "Who is your mother and who is your father?"

Ye Tianxie was silent, then shook his head lightly: "They were gone a long time ago, and I have forgotten the name."

"Who directed you here?" For Ye Tianxie's answer, the old man didn't show surprise, and remained dull as standing water.


"Okay ..." The old man nodded, but his original tense expression eased at this moment. He stepped forward, stood in front of Ye Tianxie, and said calmly: "Your moving eyes are telling me that although you have arrived Here, I do n’t quite understand why you came here. In fact, although you have the power of a dragon, you should not come here, but since it is the guide of fate, I will fulfill your choice. "

Ye Tianxie looked up and stared at him.

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