Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 240: Underworld King (2)

The moment the boulder was opened, Ye Tianxie also saw the entrance behind the boulder ... Such an entrance can only be called an entrance. Because, on the wall, there are only square holes with a length of 30 centimeters and barely thirty centimeters. There is a faint white light projecting out of the holes ... the front is no longer a dark world.


Beck fell to the ground, rushed to the boulder, and raised his cat's claw to support the boulder. Suddenly, the trend of falling boulders stopped completely.

Ye Tianxie tried to loosen his hands, but found that the boulder did not continue to fall because of it ... Beckham himself, he completely supported it.

"Okay ... Becky, hold on!"

Ye Tianxie turned and looked at the place on the wall that could barely be called an exit ... This size was not enough for a person to pass through. Ye Tianxie thought quietly for three seconds, and finally gritted his teeth and took out Zhang Huihui's things ... Beckham was struggling to support, so he couldn't hesitate.

"I'm a sheep." Ye Tianxie shouted the five words of this curse in a very difficult voice, holding the sheepskin in both hands.

The effect of the curse was amazing. Just after his five words were called out, the gray wolf skin floated from Ye Tianxie's hand and flew to his back. At the same time, Ye Tianxie was in a ball. The grey haze became shorter and smaller, and when he reacted to the changes in his body ... Beckham around him was already a head taller than him.

"Yeah! Appeared! Appeared! Super big bad ashen Taitai sheep appeared ... Grey Taiyang the master turned into appeared!"

The sound of Guoguo shouting came from the top of his head, because at this time Ye Tianxie had become a gray sheep ... exactly the same as the one he encountered before, at first glance there was no difference.

Ye Tianxie ignored the sound of Guoguo directly, estimated the size of his body at this time, then aimed at the orientation, and jumped up, his body "snapped" through the square hole on the wall ... and then landed smoothly. At the moment of landing, he couldn't wait to look at the time in front of him, shouting resentfully: "I'm not a sheep!"

In a blink of an eye, Ye Tianxie changed back to his original appearance, and the gray fur appeared in his hands again.

Gray sheep sheep's skin, this is indeed a magical item that can no longer be magical, than any props that Ye Tianxie has encountered in the game world these years are weird ... but if turned into a macho, a Tiger, a dragon ... he could accept it, but turned into a gray sheep ...


Ye Tianxie, who changed back to "True Body", quickly took back Beckham. Suddenly, the boulder fell heavily, and the ground seemed to tremble amidst the dull sound.

At this point, Ye Tianxie turned around, looked at this new space, and then paused for a while.

Guoguo's small body passed through the wall and fell on Ye Tianxie's shoulder. His small nose was straight, as if he was looking for the smell of orange teeth with his sense of smell. Then, his mouth made a light "咦" sound: "Oh! Master! ,what is that?"

Here, it is still a hall, but it is no longer empty. Just in front of Ye Tianxie, there is a white glowing sphere quietly floating. The diameter of the sphere is about one meter long, and there seems to be white fog floating in it. It seems faint, but there is nothing to see under the cover of the white fog.

Ye Tianxie glanced at the left and right, and then headed forward, while silently watching the white mist-filled sphere, trying to see what was inside, and whispering, "Guoguo, are you sure orange tooth right here?"

"Of course, Guoguo is a good boy who never lied." Guoguo pursed his lips with dissatisfaction, then looked around, raised his head unconsciously and bit his own finger: "Woo ... but, It ’s weird, why is it gone again ... it was obvious here just now ... Could it be that it ran away after hearing the voice of the owner? "

"Even the blood feathers will actively attack me with the moment of destiny, not to mention orange teeth stronger than the blood feathers," Ye Tianxie shook his head, at the same time, his brows slowly tightened, and his nerves were tightened to the point where they could be triggered.

It was a sense of crisis, a strong sense of crisis ... a danger omen that made him completely unable to resist. If it was normal, this degree of pressure from the heart would make him escape without hesitation in the first time, but there was another inexplicable feeling that led him to make him want to see the light ball. What's hidden in it ...

He tightened his nerves and walked towards the light ball that released the dreamy white light. However, just when his footsteps were less than one meter away from the light ball, his footsteps stopped and his body suddenly stiffened, as if being An extremely heavy mountain descending from the sky weighed heavily on his body, in his heart ...

Cold sweat, instantly wet Ye Tianxie's body.

This ... what kind of power ... what kind of power is so terrible! Even if only by Qi, you can make your body incapacitated.

Ye Tianxie's body was trembling, trembling extremely fiercely, as if standing in the extremely cold ice and snow, the heartbeat was extremely fast, as if the heart was jumping out of the chest.

From the moment he walked in here, he felt a pair of eyes watching him silently in an unknown dark place. The terrible feeling was clearly present, but he couldn't really find the source of that feeling. And just as he was approaching the strange light ball, the breath that had been following him instantly became extremely cold, the dark chill made him like a fallen ice cave, and his whole body shuddered uncontrollably. In just a moment, he understood how terrible the strength of the other party had been ... the gap between him and the other party was completely different!

"Hehehehehehe ... I thought that some big man had the ability to break through the sphere of the fantasy orc and came here. It turned out that he was just a cowardly little human! Hehehehe ... It's so fun, a century The blockade was hidden for three years, and the king has not tasted the killing and blood for a long time ... hehe hehe hehe ha ha ha ha! "

A piercing voice sounded suddenly in Ye Tianxie's ears, especially in this dark and quiet environment | Ye Tianxie's heart beats a few times with the laughter. He never knew what he was afraid of was actually breeding fear ... a kind of soul tremor that naturally occurred under the suppression of absolute power.

"Wow ... wow ... lord, master, have you heard such a terrible voice ... so terrible ... master, have you heard it ... hmm? Master, why is your neck so cold ..."

That terrible breath made Ye Tianxie unable to curb the feeling of fear, not to mention fruit. Her teeth trembled, and the small body standing on Ye Tianxie's shoulders was tightly against his neck, almost rubbing her small body into his body.

At this moment, an incredibly intense black light formed ten meters in front of him. It was a pure black light, so dark that there was no trace of impurities, and it was so dark that the light here was directly suppressed and dispersed. . In the dark light, a tall, black body slowly condenses into reality. His body is three meters high, and his body is hidden under a wide, black cape. Only two green eyes flashing all over his body are exposed, and the light inside scatters horrible excitement and coldness. In his hand, he held a long staff inlaid with a green skull. This image made Ye Tianxie think of the terrible evil wizard in the movie animation.

Of the Eight Demon Kings of the Demon Race-The Underworld Ghost King! !!

Although when he entered the ruins of the Phantom Orc, he had already been mentally prepared to meet the Dark Haunted King, but at this time when the Dark Haunted King actually appeared in front of him, he really knew that the original blockade How terribly powerful the Eight Demon Kings on the Tower of Destiny ...

He has encountered all kinds of powerful enemies and opponents in both the real world and the game world. He loves challenges and enjoys the sense of accomplishment after defeating enemies stronger than himself ... but never before has he been so trembling.

In the world of destiny, the strongest he has ever encountered is undoubtedly the **** phoenix transformed into blood feathers, the blue giant wolf transformed into blue spirit, and the mysterious blue-haired man that it follows. But even from them ~ ~ Ye Tianxie has not experienced this terrible oppression that crushes the soul almost directly.

His strength, at least, also has the mysterious level! !!

This is an enemy he is completely and irresistible with no trace of possibility. Under the breath lock of the Underworld ghost king, he can keep awake in addition to his consciousness, and his body seems to have lost consciousness and stiff and scary. If there were no last resort, the enemy could make him despair directly.

"Dark King!" He gritted his teeth and called out the name of this terrible enemy. The news from the Lost City was correct. The Dark Lord is really hiding in the north of Tianri City ... This is the relic left by the fantasy beast.

While he shouted the name of the Underworld Ghost King, a returning scroll of Tianchen City had been quietly held in his hand ... At this time, he was locked by the Underworld's Qi machine, and he could not escape, as long as he launched the spirit of the evil dragon And he can leave safely.

"Oh?" The Dark Lord's head was raised, and a pair of eyes radiated the shimmering green light. "You know the name of the king ... Hey, is it possible that you came for the king? That's so interesting ... Since you found the place of the king, then don't dream about going out ... humans really It was stupid, and he was automatically brought to the king without knowing his life ... "

"Oh, if I didn't come in actively, would you dare to go out? You are just a poor demon who escapes from the blockade and hides in a place where others cannot enter, and there is no sun all year round." Ye Tianxie squeezed out A sneer, said sarcastically. What he can't stand the most is that others are mad before him ... even if the other person has the arrogant strength and qualifications before him. Dark ghost king ... No doubt, this is the worst enemy that Ye Tianxie has encountered since his birth. His mind never trembled like he does now.

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