
Chapter 88 Looking for the Mangy Mango

After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, Wang Xinran frowned slightly. She did not ask Wu Zhongyuan why he mentioned the mangy turtle, because she had already guessed what Wu Zhongyuan was thinking.

Wu Zhongyuan said nothing more, because he also knew that Wang Xinran already understood what idea he had in mind.

After thinking briefly and quickly, Wang Xinran picked up his mobile phone and entered the headquarters system to check the information about the mangy turtle.

"Do you think this method is feasible?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Wang Xinran shook his head, "I can't tell. I'll check the situation of the mangy turtle first, and then ask the zoologist for his opinion."

These things can only be handled by Wang Xinran. All Wu Zhongyuan can do is lie down in bed and wait.

I don’t know how long it took, but just when Wu Zhongyuan was about to fall asleep, Wang Xinran spoke, "The mangy turtle is a type of turtle. It is a carnivorous reptile. It has a strong sense of territory and is also very aggressive. .”

Hearing Wang Xinran speak, Wu Zhongyuan sat up with his arms raised, "What else?"

Wang Xinran added, "Theoretically, if these two animals meet, they are likely to attack each other, but since they both live in the waters of Poyang Lake and both have certain IQs, we cannot rule out the possibility that they are 'good neighbors.' To say the least, , even if you are not a good neighbor, it is likely that there have been fights before, and the strong and weak have been distinguished. If you encounter them again, the weak will probably take the initiative to avoid fighting with the other party. "

"How far is the activity area of ​​the manicured turtle from the activity area of ​​the dragon?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Wang Xinran picked up his mobile phone, called up the water map of Poyang Lake, and walked over to point it out to Wu Zhongyuan, "Here is the Black Dragon Pond. The place where the leopard turtle lives is called Wanshou Bay. On this tributary above the Black Dragon Pond, between the two The straight-line distance is about thirty miles."

Wu Zhongyuan thought for a while and said, "Last time they used a ship to chase the dragon, the dragon escaped downstream. Could this mean that the dragon did not dare to offend the manicured turtle's territory?"

Wang Xinran nodded, "It's possible, but we can't rule out the possibility that it swam down the river to swim faster and get rid of their pursuit."

Just as Wu Zhongyuan was about to answer, Wang Xinran stood up and said, "It's too late, go to sleep, and go do some on-site observation tomorrow."

Wu Zhongyuan was worried and did not sleep well. He got up early after dawn and urged Wang Xinran to have breakfast, and the two of them took a car to the lake.

Poyang Lake has many tributaries. Black Dragon Pool is located to the west of the north bank of Poyang Lake. There are no villages nearby. There is a wetland that is more than ten miles long between the land and the lake. At this time, the wetland is covered with tall reeds.

Now is the season for waterbirds to nest and raise their chicks, but there are no waterbirds inhabiting the reeds nearby. The reeds elsewhere are croaking and croaking, but here it is completely silent. This situation also indicates that there are beasts lurking nearby, and the waterbirds sense the danger. existence, actively avoided this area.

The two climbed onto a sand dune by the river and observed the surrounding terrain and the tributary channels upstream and downstream.

"Don't you know how to read Feng Shui?" Wang Xinran pointed at Wanshou Bay upstream and the Black Dragon Pond here. "Which of these two places has better Feng Shui?"

"It's hard to say," Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, "Whether Feng Shui is good or not depends on who you are looking at. For flies, a manure pit is a treasure of Feng Shui, and for a frog, a mud pond is also a treasure of Feng Shui."

Wang Xinran turned sideways to hide from the wind, covered his hands and lit a cigarette, "I want you to see which of these two places is better. For animals, who occupies a good place will mean who is more powerful."

After careful observation,

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head, "I don't know much about the living habits of the mandarin turtle and the dragon. It's hard to say which of the two places is better for them."

Wang Xinran just said it casually without any hope. After hearing what Wu Zhongyuan said, he gave up.

"Do you think the mandarin turtle can compete head-on with the dragon?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Wang Xinran lit up the cigarette and took a deep breath. "Soft-shell turtles are not docile animals. They are very aggressive, especially the leopard turtle. Otherwise, they would not have capsized the ships that strayed into Wanshou Bay before. In addition, , there is a saying that goes, 'The worm eats the turtle, and the two families cannot live together'. If these two animals fight, I'm afraid neither of them will get the advantage."

Before Wu Zhongyuan answered, Wang Xinran added, "We don't need them to tell whether they are alive or dead. We just need to try to lure them into fighting with each other, distract the dragon's attention, and then take the opportunity to get into the water."

"We have to hurry up," Wu Zhongyuan said. "They have been trapped underwater for a day and a half."

"I know," Wang Xinran nodded, "The diving equipment is ready. For safety reasons, two colleagues will go into the water with us. They are on their way now and can arrive at our check-in before noon. Hotel. What we need to do now is to determine as soon as possible whether to lure the dragon or the mangy turtle here?"

Wu Zhongyuan said, "I feel that it is no accident that the dragon lives in the Black Dragon Pond. I suspect that it is probably guarding something. Not only did they alarm the dragon before, but they also exposed their intentions. If they are still in the underwater space now, , the dragon has either entered that space and killed them, or it has been guarding the door, preventing them from getting a chance to float up and leave."

After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, Wang Xinran nodded again. Wu Zhongyuan's analysis was very reasonable. After the dragon knocked over the ship, he did not massacre the crew members who had attacked it, but rushed back to the Black Dragon Pond. This move showed that there was a very powerful dragon in the Black Dragon Pond. The thing that cares about, after it discovers someone diving into the underwater space, will definitely find ways to prevent the other person from leaving.

It was determined that the only way to attract the mandrel was to come here. The next thing to think about was how to attract the mane-headed turtle.

It is said that there is specialization in skills, and zoologists know the habits of the leprechaun better than the two of them. They judged the leprechaun in Wanshou Bay based on the season, the size of the leopard, and the season when its attack on the ship occurred. The turtle should be female, and the manicured turtle is a type of turtle. The females of this animal are much larger than the males, and some are even several times the size of the males.

In addition, the previous attacks by leopard turtles on passing ships all occurred from May to October. This period is the season for turtles to lay eggs. Turtles lay eggs multiple times every year, not just one clutch, so in On the beach near Wanshou Bay, it is very likely that there are eggs laid by the leopard turtle.

Like turtles, the leopard turtle has the behavior of protecting eggs. After laying eggs, they will bury the eggs, but they will not go far and will hide somewhere where they can see the place where they lay their eggs. Once they find someone, If you move their eggs, they will rush over and attack.

The headquarters thus made a suggestion to the two of them: look for the mangy turtle's eggs, destroy part of them, and anger it. Take some of it away and lead it to chase.

The local headquarters also helped find the most likely places for the mandarin turtle to lay eggs. There are two suspected locations. One is the southeastern edge of Wanshou Bay, where there is a large beach. Second, there is a small island in the area where Wanshou Bay meets Poyang Lake, which also has conditions for turtles to lay eggs.

While giving advice, the headquarters also reminded the two of them not to be misled by the fable of the tortoise and the hare. Turtles move very fast. Ordinary turtles can travel at 60 kilometers per hour. The speed continued for more than ten minutes, and the running speed of a human was thirty kilometers per hour. To put it bluntly, a human could not outrun a turtle.

After deciding on the general idea, the two returned to the hotel. Previously, Wang Xinran only said that two colleagues would accompany them into the water. Unexpectedly, more than two people came. A group came. After everyone came in, Wu Zhongyuan counted them. There were eight people in total.

Everyone held a meeting in their room. Wang Xinran was responsible for the division of labor. Two of them went into the water with them carrying weapons and a small amount of food.

Two more people were sent to observe and respond from the vicinity of the Blackwater Pool. On the one hand, they were responsible for picking up their own people who entered the water, and on the other hand, they were responsible for arresting Zhao Ying and others who might take the opportunity to surface.

The remaining four people worked in pairs to search for two suspected locations where the leopard turtle might lay eggs. Two of them were responsible for controlling the drone and observing and warning from the air. The other two were responsible for searching for the turtle eggs and bringing some of them with them after they found them. Turtle Egg drives a jet ski to lure the mangy turtle to the Blackwater Pool.

After assigning the tasks, Wang Xinran added that if Zhao Ying and others resisted arrest, they could shoot. If necessary, you can also consider shooting the mandarin turtle and the dragon.

"You didn't really bring a heavy machine gun, did you?" Wu Zhongyuan interrupted.

"Bring it," one of them answered, and then pointed to the map on the bed, "I am in this position, if you encounter danger, get close to me as soon as possible."

Then everyone discussed some details and possible unexpected situations. At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone left the hotel and took their places separately.

Wu Zhongyuan and Wang Xinran and two other young people who came to support boarded a speedboat from the pier and rushed to the waters near Heilongtan. On the way, Wang Xinran introduced each other. The two young people were both field staff of the 18th Branch. The male The name is Zhang Shukai, a boy with a square face and a short crew cut, who is good at underwater fighting. The girl is called Lu Jiahui, with a round face and short hair, and specializes in underwater archeology.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the four people rushed to the predetermined location and waited under cover with the help of reeds near the shore.

Wang Xinran issued an order and ordered everyone to take action.

The small instrument carried by Lv Jiahui can display the aerial footage of the two drones. Zhang Shukai checked the footage with her to prevent any oversight by colleagues operating the drones.

Wang Xinran checked Wu Zhongyuan's waterproof backpack again, "Are you sure you want to go into the water?"

"Well, I'm pretty good at water." Wu Zhongyuan nodded.

Wang Xinran could naturally see that Wu Zhongyuan was very nervous, "You have not received corresponding training and have never used diving equipment before. After entering the water, you only need to breathe normally and do nothing else. I will take you down."

"Okay." Wu Zhongyuan nodded again.

"You really don't need to go into the water with us." Zhang Shukai looked up at Wu Zhongyuan.

"I won't drag you down." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"I'm not afraid that you will drag us down, we are worried about your safety." Zhang Shukai handed over a pistol, "Can you use it?"

Wang Xinran took back the pistol, "No need to give it to him, he has it."

Zhang Shukai retracted his pistol and returned his gaze to the display screen.

The picture of the drone may have been transmitted back to the headquarters in real time. Someone at the headquarters said something to Wang Xinran. Wang Xinran got in touch with the person controlling the drone, "Xiaolin, Fang Yi, let the drone fly lower, Leung Tou." Turtles will spit out body waste through their mouthparts, and turtles will form foam on the water surface, so focus on searching for areas with large amounts of foam on the water surface."

At this time, the two people responsible for the search and excavation had already started searching from the small island and the riverside beach. The small instruments they carried could find the turtle eggs hidden under the sand. The working principle of the instruments was unknown, but what is certain is that This thing is not designed specifically to find turtle eggs and turtle eggs.

I found a lot of turtle eggs, but they were all ordinary turtle eggs, and none were very big. While digging, there would be mane-headed turtles coming out and trying to attack, but these were ordinary mane-headed turtles, and the biggest ones were no bigger than their faces. It's the size of a basin and can be kicked open with just one kick.

After searching for half an hour, still nothing was found.

At this time, the sun was already setting in the west, and Wu Zhongyuan was a little anxious, "It has been more than ten years, has that mangy turtle gone somewhere else?"

"Probably not, this kind of animal will not change its living area easily." Wang Xinran said, after last night and today's hard work, she has almost become a turtle expert.

The drone was powered by electricity and had a battery life of only half an hour. Seeing that the battery was running low, one of them flew the drone back to replace the battery.

While flying over a swamp, the returning drone suddenly lost its image...

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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