
Chapter 984 Selfless and selfless

After writing the text, Wu Zhongyuan sent the stone slab away in an instant.

He had been here many times before, each time coming and going in a hurry, for fear of attracting the attention of the farmers busy in the fields, but this time he did not leave immediately for two reasons. First, he had already made up his mind. On the return date, there will be no more news from ancient times. The second is that he doesn’t know where to go next.

Everyone needs a sense of belonging. Without a sense of belonging, people will feel lonely. However, while the sense of belonging exists, it also limits oneself. No destination is the ultimate destination. Without a destination, there is a destination everywhere.

After a long period of observation and accumulation, the personalities of the two Nascent Souls have been fully developed, but they have never been separated. For a period of time before this, they rarely spoke. To be precise, they rarely spoke to others. More Most of the time, one talks to oneself, and several personalities occasionally talk to each other.

At this time, his natal soul was thinking about where to go next, while the consciousness of the other two souls were thinking about two other issues respectively. Zuo Yuanshen was thinking that he had clearly touched the ceiling of a higher level, why he still couldn't A breakthrough is just a little bit away, but it’s still just a little bit away. Where is the difference? And You Yuanshen is thinking about whether to leave some enlightenment experience for the world, so that the world can be more open-minded and less confused.

After standing for a moment, Wu Zhongyuan raised his right hand slightly, stretched out his spiritual energy, condensed the earth and stones, and built a monument on the ground. The monument was three feet high and two feet wide. The huge stone monument only had seven words, "Do not do to others what you want to do to yourself."

This sentence is the last and greatest advice he left to the world. He hopes that others will be like him, which is the source of all the troubles in the world. If he is an infatuated person, he hopes that the other person will be as infatuated as him. If the other person is not, he will be disappointed and miserable. .

If you are a smart person, you hope that the people around you are as smart as you. If the other person is not, you will be disappointed and miserable.

I am a polite and well-educated person, and I hope that others will be as well-educated and polite as me. If the other person's words are vulgar, I will be disappointed and painful.

I am a neat and tidy person, so I hope that others will do things as neatly and neatly as me. As a result, the other person will be sticky, and I will be disappointed and angry.

As a person who repays kindness, I hope that others will be as grateful as I am. If the other person fails to do so, I will be disappointed and miserable.

When you are sincere to your friends, you hope that your friends will be as loyal as you are. If the other party fails to do so, you will be disappointed and miserable.

If you like quietness, you want others to be like you. If you like liveliness, you will be irritated and disgusted.

and so on,

The list goes on and on.

This is a formula that is universally applicable. It is his greatest insight into the Tao. It is also an angle and height that no one has touched before. Don’t expect others to be like you, don’t have too high expectations and demands on others, you can Others may not be able to do the things you do, and others may not like the things you like.

The reason why the world is wonderful is that there are all kinds of differences. We must be open-minded and free. The sentence "I originally turned my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch" has been passed down through the ages. In fact, the pattern of this sentence is not high. I would like to turn my heart to the bright moon. It's enough to face the bright moon. As for where the bright moon shines, that's the moon's business. However, when the bright moon shines on the ditch, no matter how you listen to it, there is a hint of resentment and hypocrisy.

Be yourself, and you will affirm yourself. There is no need to affirm yourself through the affirmation of others. Be serious about your work, be loyal to your leadership, be dedicated to love, be sincere in friendship, be filial to your parents, and be kind to your children. Are all these things true? Is it based on the other party giving you something in return? If so, please reflect on yourself, you are not noble, you just hope for a reciprocal exchange.

The way of heaven can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, but if you just have a glimpse of the way of heaven and don't tell others at all, then you will become a solitary and self-reliant person. This is not a high standard. In order for the world to understand, they can only use what they can The method and language of understanding describe the way of heaven. Although it is not 100% accurate, at least they can understand it. If he tells the way of heaven truthfully, no one will understand.

Self-righteousness is a characteristic of almost everyone. Although Wu Zhongyuan left the stone tablet, he did not expect that everyone would benefit from it. Some people even sneered at the inscription, but he still left the stone tablet and the inscription. After all, he lived in modern times , there should always be something left behind. If you can help someone, it’s one, if you can wake someone up, it’s one.

Thirty feet is almost the height of a three-story building. The reason why he left such a huge stone monument was that deep down in his heart he hoped to attract the attention of the world and that the world would be less troubled, even though the world did not know the person who left the stone monument. Who is he, and he doesn't need others to thank him, he just does what he thinks he should do.

If you work hard but don't get a promotion or salary increase, don't be resentful.

If you help your friends when they need help, but your friends push back when you need help, don't feel bad.

If you are very filial to your parents, but your parents prefer other children, please don't be upset.

If you pour your heart and soul into your lover, but your lover turns away from you and abandons you, please don't be sad.

Don’t become a ruthless, cruel or despicable person just because you have been ruthlessly let down, hurt cruelly or despicably plotted against others. You will always encounter dogs in your life. Don’t just be bitten by a dog. If you don't turn into a dog, you will become a dog. There are still many people in the world. As long as you don't turn into a dog, you will meet people sooner or later. Those are the same kind and those are friends.

Because the stone monument was too huge, it quickly attracted a crowd of farmers, but they did not see Wu Zhongyuan because Wu Zhongyuan had disappeared.

More and more people were watching, and soon the relevant departments arrived to inspect the huge stone monument that suddenly appeared. The stone monument stood in the wheat field, and there were no signs of being crushed by lifting equipment around it. This was more mysterious than the crop circle. In the end, there were almost three floors of spectators inside and three floors outside.

Wu Zhongyuan was nearby, but no one could see him. This gave him a great inspiration. The reason why he could not break through the ceiling and enter a higher level was actually very simple. He was still in the state of "having me".

"What am I? I am subjective. As long as there is subjectivity, it is impossible to be absolutely objective. In my opinion, I think, I feel, I believe that as long as "I" is added, it will definitely bring subjective likes and dislikes, and it will definitely bring about subjective likes and dislikes. Have a stance and perspective.

For example, when bullied by local gangsters, some people choose to avoid it, some people choose to endure it, and some people choose to resist it. People who choose to avoid think that avoiding is the right thing to do, people who choose to endure think that forbearance is the right thing to do, and people who choose to resist naturally think that resisting is the right thing to do. If they don't think it is right to do so, they won't do this. Do.

This is "I" at work. For the same thing, different "I" have different cognitions and understandings. It is difficult to determine which approach is right. In the eyes of those who choose to avoid it, resistance is Stupid approach, easy to get hurt. In the eyes of those who choose to resist, avoiding and forbearing are ways of appeasing evil, which will make the bad guys even worse and take advantage of them.

Right and wrong are the least debatable, because everyone has a different position and has their own subjective thoughts. As long as you have subjective thoughts, you will lose objectivity. If objectivity is gone, there will be no right or wrong.

This is the limitation of "I" on the pattern and level. Only by entering a state of selflessness can one break through the ceiling and soar into the sky.

Wu Zhongyuan did not further examine and verify his own insights, because he had long discovered that he was entering a state of selflessness. Selflessness does not mean that he has disappeared, but that he is no longer limited by his position, identity, cognition, and inherent thinking. Completely and completely detached.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhongyuan smiled. He finally fully realized the truth. Only selflessness can have more powerful power. If he cannot do this, he will not be able to master the power of heaven.

I have to give an example. If he cannot transcend the identity of the Yellow Emperor, once he has great power, he may stand on the standpoint of the human race and wear colored glasses to suppress the gods and beasts. This is not allowed by heaven. The judge who adjudicates the case must be an outsider, and only an outsider can have the power and ability to adjudicate the case.

As time goes by, the accumulation of quantitative changes to a certain extent will naturally lead to qualitative changes. However, before the qualitative changes, he still has some side issues that need to be considered and looked forward to, that is, what will he become after entering the selfless state.

First of all, it is certain that selflessness will not lead to his disappearance. He is still the Yellow Emperor of the human race, but he has a higher structure and a broader mind. He is no longer limited to the position of the human race. No matter what he does, he is objective and fair. Yes, the existence of Zuo Yuanshen and Right Yuanshen is his reservation of human nature. The natal Yuanshen will transcend human nature and be upgraded to nature.

After understanding this, Wu Zhongyuan felt relieved, but he did not accelerate into a state of selflessness. It was already evening. He teleported and appeared in Huangjia Village. In the next two days, he walked to all the places he had been to. After reading it again, it can be regarded as revisiting the old place, and it can also be regarded as saying goodbye to the trajectory of my past life.

Wu Zhongyuan felt that he had not stayed in each place for long, but he had been to too many places. Unknowingly, it was already late at night on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. He would leave early tomorrow morning. He teleported again and appeared on the streets of the city, sitting on the street. Looking at the shining neon lights and passers-by returning home late on the roadside.

At the fourth watch, a young man in casual clothes suddenly appeared next to Wu Zhongyuan.

Sensing the other's Golden Immortal cultivation, Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head and glanced at the young man, "I thought you wouldn't see me."

Lin Qingming was lighting a cigarette and did not answer immediately. He waited until he lit the cigarette and took a deep breath before saying, "I don't know what the consequences of doing this will be."

"As long as something happens, there must be a reason for it." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"I showed up in the world of mortals and left my post without permission. I cannot stay for too long." Lin Qingming said.

"I have to rush back in time," Wu Zhongyuan stood up, "Let's go, there's still an hour left, find a place to sit for a while..."

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