Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 993: supernatural power

"It's them!"

True Monarch Hanquan looked ashen. Although he "shrinked" in the stronghold and used the magic circle to defend heavily, he also knew something about Lin Feng and Long Zhenjun, two daring cultivators who wanted to seize the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce's mines. , is not ignorant.

"Huh? Go down, this chaotic flying boat can't stop the opponent!"

The headed True Monarch said lightly, his eyes seemed to have infinite depth and could see through everything. This chaotic flying boat has no divine formation inscribed, so it can't stop the magical attack at all.


A total of more than 20 true monarchs flew out of the chaotic flying boat one after another, staring at Lin Feng and Long Zhenjun.

"Hmph, hide your head and show your tail."

Looking at Lin Feng and Long Zhenjun, they obviously covered their faces and concealed their breath, and they didn't know their true identities at all.

"Dare to come and **** the chaotic crystal ore vein of my Yuankong Chamber of Commerce, presumably the two true monarchs are very talented."

The headed True Monarch spoke slowly.

"Is the person who came here Gushan Zhenjun of Yuankong Chamber of Commerce?"

Long Zhenjun suddenly asked.

Lin Feng's heart moved. Before he came here, he had purchased the power distribution of the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce. Naturally, he knew the true monarchs of the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce, especially those powerful ones.

The first true monarch in the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce is undoubtedly the true monarch Gushan! It is rumored that True Monarch Gushan has already comprehended the three chaotic rules, and based on this, he has cultivated two supernatural powers, with extraordinary power. He once killed a True Monarch who had also cultivated supernatural powers. .

"Yes, it seems that the two of you are well prepared and have such a good understanding of my Yuankong Chamber of Commerce."

True Monarch Gushan didn't care at all. If the other party can boldly seize the ore veins of the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce, it will definitely investigate the Yuankong Chamber of Commerce. But so what?

He is a top true monarch, a half-step true god. Apart from the powerful True God, the Ancient Mountain True Monarch is not afraid of anyone. What's more, there are quite a few strong men sent by the Chamber of Commerce this time. There are six top true monarchs who have become supernatural powers, and there are as many as a dozen people who have comprehended the rules of chaos.

This is almost half the power of Yuankong Chamber of Commerce.

Such a lineup is enough to swept away all enemies below the True God. Even True Monarch Gushan himself would not be able to deal with such a lineup consciously.

"Haha, I have long heard that True Monarch Gu Shan has acquired two magical powers, so I can give it a try today!"

Long Zhenjun laughed and looked at Lin Feng. There was no hesitation, and today they did not have any retreat, only to fight with all their might.


Long Zhenjun was all over his body, full of fighting spirit, his terrifying aura instantly climbed to the extreme, and the surrounding space was even faintly distorted.

Lin Feng didn't give up much, his body exuded a terrifying chaotic flame, which vaguely surrounded the surroundings, forming a flame purgatory, which was brewing the nine-layer wind and flame supernatural power.

In terms of destructive power, the magical power of refining is more powerful, not to mention that there are so many Chaos True Monarchs on the other side, only the magical power of refining has a wide coverage and is almost a large-scale killing.

"Kill or kill!"

True Monarch Gushan waved his hand, and immediately, more than 20 True Monarchs also started to do it. A piece of chaotic rules appeared in the void, complementing each other.

It was the first time that Lin Feng had seen so many chaos rules. Although it was in battle, it was still quite shocking.


There are six true monarchs on the other side, and they have displayed six magical powers.

Lin Feng's nine-layer wind and flame supernatural power is very extraordinary, but the opponent's supernatural power is equally extraordinary. The supernatural power collided violently. After Lin Feng's supernatural power resisted two supernatural powers, he finally couldn't hold it, and was torn apart instantly by the third supernatural power.

However, instead of retreating, Lin Feng advanced, and four kinds of chaotic flames emerged from his body.

"Sacred Body of Spirit Flame!"

Lin Feng let out a low roar, he just wanted to be unexpected, he didn't use two magical powers at the same time, he just wanted to paralyze the other party, and made merit in one fell swoop in the most unexpected way.

Filled with surging flames and power, the Holy Flame Holy Body has only four types of spiritual flames, but its power is also very impressive. Especially in such an unexpected situation, Lin Feng's nine-layer wind and flame supernatural power was forced, and everyone felt that Lin Feng was retreating. Who would have thought that Lin Feng would not retreat but advance, and used the second supernatural power?


Lin Feng punched a chaotic true monarch. The chaotic true monarch was still releasing supernatural powers just now, but at this moment, when he saw that Lin Feng ripped apart supernatural powers with a punch, and four terrifying flames drowned his body, There was no response at all. The body of chaos exploded in an instant, facing such a ferocious body-refining magical power of Lin Feng, without the Chaos Spirit Treasure with excellent defense, I am afraid it would be difficult to survive.

"True Monarch Slaughter Cloud!"

Even True Monarch Gushan roared, and his expression changed drastically in an instant.

True Monarch Slaughter Cloud has already reincarnated, and if he wants to cultivate to the peak again, he doesn't know how long it will take. You must know that True Monarch Slaughter Cloud is one of the top True Monarchs, a powerful True Monarch who can display supernatural powers.

But now, just after the battle, True Monarch Slaughter Cloud was instantly beheaded, which greatly exceeded True Monarch Gushan's expectations.


Lin Feng's strike was effective. Seeing that the opponent's true monarch displayed the rules of chaos, he rolled over at once. With a flash of his figure, there was a faint breeze surrounding Lin Feng, and he retreated to the back in the blink of an eye.

Chaos Spirit Treasure! This is a speed class Chaos Spirit Treasure!

Lin Feng has a full nine Chaos Spirit Treasures. Although there are many Chaos Spirit Treasures that attack, other Spirit Treasures are not bad. These chaotic spirit treasures, Lin Feng used to despise, he has the universe inside, everything can be solved with the universe inside.

But now the universe in the body cannot be used easily, so these chaotic spirit treasures are used together, and the power will be revealed. Despite the incomparable anger of these Chaos True Monarchs, they couldn't catch Lin Feng, let alone behead him.

"Hahaha, Frost Ancient Flame Hand!"

Long Zhenjun laughed out He dealt with Gushan Zhenjun and another top-level Zhenjun alone. Although he was stretched thin, he was not defeated at present.

Body Refinement Divine Ability is not only powerful, but also seems to have strong defense. In terms of strength alone, Long Zhenjun is still above Gushan Zhenjun, which can't help Gushan Zhenjun to be shocked and angry.

Below the True God, he rarely encountered a True Monarch who was stronger than him.

But today he met, and more than one. He could see that the other True Monarch, possessing two supernatural powers, one was the supernatural power of refining the law, and the other was the supernatural power of body-refinement.

"You are by no means unknown, who are you?"

True Monarch Gushan roared and repelled True Monarch Long. It's a pity that Long Zhenjun rushed over immediately and entangled Gushan Zhenjun and another Zhenjun.

In addition, Lin Feng also killed a top true monarch, Lin Feng's pressure dropped sharply, and he only needed to deal with the three top true monarchs and other true monarchs.

With Lin Feng's strength, he was naturally able to handle it. For a time, the scale of victory was slowly tilted towards Lin Feng and the others.

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