Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 574: Five hundred seventy seven

Lu Chengfu just came out and heard Li Yu's complaint suddenly. He almost slipped in surprise. This kid was too vengeful.

After a while, Lu Chengfu heard the little guy's angry voice again: "Shuyan, don't worry, Grandpa Yuchu and Xiaoyu like him, and I won't like him. If they want to stay, I will definitely follow you! "At the end, the little guy's voice is getting weaker and shy, and Chi Shuyan is a cultivator, and he can still hear the little guy's words with keen ears and eyes. He was immediately funny and moved.

As soon as the little guy said nothing, Han Yu, the ‘loyal minister’ of his own Nine Princes, immediately said faithfully: "Nine Princes, I will follow you too!"

The little guy is not like Li Yu. The little guy repels Lu Chengfu. After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Lu Chengfu reluctantly. Lu Chengfu's "wounded" heart was immediately comforted, but he thought that Li Yuchu and the two children would leave. Lu Chengfu said with a bitter face: "Sister-in-law, you won't really come to pick up people, how long did Li Yuchu live with my two children? Sister-in-law, would you come back in a few months?"

As soon as Lu Chengfu's words fell, the little guy Li Yu was anxious, and immediately held Chi Shuyan's hand and kept holding on, staring at Lu Chengfu angrily.

Chi Shuyan really wanted to take a few people back right now. She had already set up the Seven Star Formation, and the two children and Li Yuchu could move back to live immediately.

However, she doesn’t live in a single-family villa now, and Xie Mingxuan’s affairs have not been resolved. She is not good at bringing children, and the other side is empty and not popular. It just so happens that Lu Chengfu likes the two children and Li Yuchu very much, so he still lives here. very good.

Chi Shuyan said now: "I'm afraid I really have to trouble you for some time!"

As soon as Chi Shuyan's words fell, the little guy Li Yu was anxious and sad. Chi Shuyan hugged the person in his arms and whispered a few comforting voices: "I'll pick you up when I catch some bad guys in a few days. !"

When Lu Chengfu heard that his sister-in-law was not in a hurry to pick up someone, he smiled happily now. For fear that his sister-in-law would regret it, he hurriedly said: "Okay, sister-in-law, you come to pick me up next time. My house is too big and I still dislike it. Jinzhou and I live in a deserted space, and Li Yuchu and the two children live together, just right, hehe!" It’s fine for a lifetime.

But he did not dare to say the last sentence.

Just as Chi Shuyan was about to speak, she suddenly looked at Lu Chengfu. Seeing that this kid hadn't seen him for a few days, he seemed to be a little fatter. It seems that the days have been really good.

Lu Chengfu was frightened by his sister-in-law, thinking that he had just spoken out his selfishness, with a guilty conscience.

Let the sister-in-law go in quickly.

Chi Shuyan led the dull little Li Yu, and waited in the living room, Chi Shuyan made three jade tiles of the best soapstone, and read one each for Li Yu and Han Yu, and one was left. For Li Yuchu, she wanted to give a bracelet at first, but the two little guys and Li Yuchu were not suitable for bracelets, so Chi Shuyan changed the jade brand.

Little guy Li Yu and Little Attendant Han Yu didn’t expect to have a gift. The little guy Li Yu, who was dull and silent, looked excited, with bright eyes staring at Chi Shuyan with joy for a while and stared at the very beautiful in front of him. Soapstone jade jade brand.

The little guy Han Yu also received little attention, and was very happy to receive the gift suddenly.

Chi Shuyan touched the heads of the two children: "Do you like it? I will bring it to you!"

After he brought them together for the two little guys, Chi Shuyan handed them ten blessings and a few jade plaques to Lu Chengfu.

Lu Chengfu looked surprised: "Sister-in-law, what...what is this? did I have it?"

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