Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 624: Six hundred twenty eight

Chi Shuyan first took out a bottle of the previously refined Spirit Gathering Pill, and when he swallowed it, he immediately transported the aura, thinking of the fourth-layer formula of Xuan Yin Jue, trying to raise the aura in the body to the most complete point, but unfortunately it went further The more aura he needed later, Chi Shuyan had to gather the pill all the time.

Although the Spirit Gathering Pill is a low-profile version of the Spirit Gathering Pill, it is much more effective than the Qi-Returning Pill, but for this promotion, Chi Shuyan froze all the previously refined Spirit Gathering Pills. The six auras in the body barely rose to completion, and only then began to prepare for promotion.

Chi Shuyan was full of aura, and the vigorous aura continued to overflow from her body.

The room was raging with aura fluctuations at this time, like being hit by a hurricane.

The low-level promotion is not dangerous. In addition to the last fight with the sorcerer, she noticed that her body was faintly filled with aura. At this time, she took a lot of blessings from the Spirit Gathering Pill, and the promotion was smooth. After a while, bang! With a bang, Chi Shuyan didn't spend much time breaking through the barrier, and finally promoted and entered the fourth level of Xuan Yin Jue.

She faintly felt that the fifth floor of Xuan Yin Jue was a watershed, and if she successfully entered the sixth floor, she would be surprised if she felt very different from what she felt now.

It's a pity that the first to fifth levels of Xuan Yin Jue are still at a low level. The more difficult it becomes, the more aura is needed.

And the most lacking thing on this earth is aura, she faintly feels that the sixth level in this world is over, unless there is any adventure.

However, she didn't think much about the promotion, so let it go.

Besides, although she has now entered the fourth level of Xuan Yin Jue, she is still far from the sixth level.

Chi Shuyan withdrew aura after being promoted, and then looked at the chaotic bedroom and what bandit had ransacked. Chi Shuyan immediately threw out a cleaning talisman, and the things in the bedroom returned to their original place.

After seeing the extremely tidy bedroom, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

She faintly felt that after she was promoted, the aura around her body became more abundant, and the aura became stronger.

She simply took out the finger that she wanted to give to Qi Zhenbai, but she never sent the finger to it, and sent aura into it. This time it took only ten minutes to directly upgrade the finger of the third-grade elementary magic weapon to a high level.

For some reason, Chi Shuyan suddenly thought of the storage or forging method mentioned in Xuan Yin Jue, and immediately became interested, and first withdrew his spiritual energy.

After finding the iron spirit given by Fu Shiyin, Chi Shuyan once again picked up the spirit energy and pinched out the flames, adding some of the iron spirits to the jade fingers, controlling the flames to burn, and flushing them with the spirit energy.

Chi Shuyan persisted for more than a few hours, because the first time he tried to refine the storage ring, the movements were very unfamiliar, and the steps to refine the storage ring were complicated and there was a lot of demand for aura.

After a while, Chi Shuyan's forehead was sweating.

Chi Shuyan made persistent efforts to deliver the aura. At this time, the jade pull finger made a scream, and he screamed like a conscious one to escape. Chi Shuyan squinted his eyes and retracted the jade pull finger that was about to escape before the aura in the body was transported completely. Hands.

After withdrawing the aura, Chi Shuyan took a few more Qi-returning pills, and when the dried aura recovered, she began to observe the storage ring she refined, because she did not know whether she was successful in refining this thing for the first time. It was quite nervous at the moment.

However, regardless of the success or failure, Chi Shuyan discovered that this jade pull finger had been directly upgraded to a fourth-grade intermediate magic weapon by her, converging her mind. Chi Shuyan tested the space inside and found that the space inside was almost only a few dozen square meters.

She faintly felt that the reason why the jade finger level was so fast and the success of forging the storage ring for the first time was probably due to the iron essence.

Chi Shuyan didn't know whether to be disappointed or happy for a while.

She hadn't forgotten that those Tongtian Great Gods refining in Xuan Yin Jue were all Xumi Rings, commonly known as Space, which planted all kinds of flowers and trees and claimed to be a small world.

Well, don't compare with those big guys. She is quite satisfied with the dozens of square meters. Although there is nothing in it, there are no flowers or grass, but it is quite convenient to put things.

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