Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 640: Six hundred forty four

A few days later, Chi Shuyan was honestly ready to go to class, but the day before the class, she did not forget the invitation of counselor Zhang. Before going to counselor Zhang’s house, she bought a lot of fruits without notifying others, and went straight to the school. Counselor Zhang's house.

Since Counselor Zhang had invited several times before, she naturally had to check it out, but she didn't want Counselor Zhang because she spent too much to entertain her.

When she came, she was lucky, Zhang Xiaoyang and counselor Zhang's wife were there.

Zhang Xiaoyang was kicking the ball in the room. Counselor Zhang's wife, Teacher Huang, heard the knock on the door and walked over to open the door. When she opened the door, she saw Chi Shuyan. Counsellor's daughter-in-law looked surprised and excited.

Inside, Zhang Xiaoyang was excited when he saw Chi Shuyan's sharp eyes. Before the counselor Zhang's wife could speak, the little guy suddenly rushed into Chi Shuyan's arms with a small firecracker, and shouted, "Sister Chi!"

The daughter-in-law of counselor Zhang next to her was afraid that the child might be too strong, and she didn't know how serious she would hurt the little girl.

It is not just Counselor Zhang. Counselor Zhang's wife also regards this young girl as her lifelong benefactor. When she wakes up, her men will often tell her about the critical things at the beginning. If it weren't for this young girl, counselor Zhang's wife That is, Teacher Huang can hardly imagine the end of their family, let alone what will happen to himself and the children in his stomach.

Especially when she had an accident with her man, how old Xiaoyang would do?

At this time, counselor Zhang's wife looked at Chi Shu's face and her eyes were gentle and gentle, and she could not forget the kindness of this little girl for a lifetime.

Chi Shuyan looked at Zhang Xiaoyang tenderly, seeing that his legs were okay for a long time, he was still raised white and fat, and his eyebrows were quite happy. He said, "Mother, it's okay, I like Xiaoyang!"

Speaking, Chi Shuyan handed over a bag of fruit, fearing that counselor Zhang would refuse to let Zhang Xiaoyang take it.

Zhang Xiaoyang immediately puffed up his cheeks with the help of a little adult, gritted his teeth and played seriously. Chi Shuyan watched the little guy staggering while walking with the fruit, for fear that the child would fall, so he strode over to take it.

"Let this kid mention it! It's okay, it's okay!" Counselor Zhang's wife laughed and stopped Chi Shuyan.

The sensible Zhang Xiaoyang just refused to mention Chi Shuyan at this moment, and said with her cheeks earnestly: "Sister Chi, I will help you with it!"

Chi Shuyan raised his lips: "It's a good boy!"

Zhang Xiaoyang's eyebrows opened and smiled.

The daughter-in-law of counselor Zhang saw that the little girl who had saved her family was so polite and polite, she said helplessly: "You kid, how come you come to your mother’s house and bring things? Don’t make an early call, counselor Zhang knows you are coming. So happy. I called him right away. By the way, did you kid have lunch? I didn't have lunch, lunch and dinner are all here!"

Next to Zhang Xiaoyang also hurriedly said: "Sister Chi, my family eats, my mother cooks the best dishes!"

At this moment, Chi Shuyan came over without prior notice. She was afraid that Counselor Zhang and Counselor Zhang’s wife would be too enthusiastic. She immediately said: "Mother, I have already had lunch, so please don’t bother you. I came here just to see. Look, you and Yangyang still have a baby!"

Speaking of the child, counselor Zhang’s wife immediately took the little guy who was sleeping inside, and said gratefully: “If it weren’t for your child, don’t talk about my life at first, it’s a question of whether this child can be born or not.”

The daughter-in-law of counselor Zhang said with tears in her eyes and a little choked up.

Chi Shuyan was busy comforting others. The counselor Zhang's wife wiped away her tears and told Chi Shuyan that the child was called Zhang Nianen. The implication was that the child and her family would always remember this grace.

"Sister Chi, I know you saved my father and my mother! Thank you, Sister Chi, I will never forget Sister Chi!" The little guy Zhang Xiaoyang suddenly groaned and angered counselor Zhang and his wife. Chi Shuyan chuckles.

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