Renegade Immortal

Volume 10: Within the Dominant Realm Chapter 1593: The soul returns from the rainy night in the anci

Wang Lin stared at the sky blankly, watching as the two rainbows gradually disappeared into the dark clouds and disappeared in the distance.

"Who is she... very familiar, very familiar..." Wang Lin murmured, and unknowingly, there was an inexplicable sting in his heart. This sting merged with the sadness that had just dissipated, and seemed to turn into A strange force appeared, causing Wang Lin's breathing to stop and his complexion to turn pale in an instant.

He staggered, took a few steps back, and stared at the end of the world until he collapsed. He pressed his right hand against his chest, and the stinging pain there submerged him like a tide. In the indescribable pain, it was as if his heart had been torn apart, and there was an even lingering feeling of melancholy.

All of this came from the woman who flew through the sky before. This woman's figure seemed to have existed in Wang Lin's mind for countless years, but this figure was accompanied by complex thoughts.

After a long time, there was a trace of blood on Wang Lin's face. He breathed heavily and closed his eyes.

"It turns out that there really are immortals... Then is my dream... really a dream?"... Wang Lin remained silent on the wet soil after the rain until the sky was completely bright. He opened his dazed eyes and silently Go forward.

"I dreamed of the Immortal, and you know... the Immortal dreamed of me..." Wang Lin couldn't understand. It seemed that the trajectory of his life had been completely changed due to a drunken dream.

Wang Lin once again set foot on the official road and walked towards the county seat. He did not abandon Ning Xin who was watching the surrounding scenery before, but walked silently. The bamboo bookcase on his back swayed with his footsteps and made a creaking sound. The sound accompanied him all the way away.

At the beginning of the day, the sun sets.

Wang Lin walked on this official road and followed the traces of water all day long. When he was tired, he would sit aside, take out dry food from the bamboo raft and eat it. After taking a short rest, he would move forward again.

The sound of horse hooves and the sound of carriages sometimes came from far behind. Every time these sounds came together, Wang Lin would stay aside. It was only when those carriages or horses galloped past on the official road that it became more serious.

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye. During these seven days, Wang Lin's weak body slowly seemed to become stronger. He left at the beginning of the day and rested at sunset. It would be best if he could meet an inn.

Or maybe you can see an official village with smoke curling up at sunset, and staying the night is even more comfortable for Wang Lin than staying in an inn.

But most of the time, at sunset, Wang Lin has the illusion that he is the only one left in the world. He finds a few village shades by the road alone, leans there, covers himself with thick clothes, and counts. Stars in the sky, under the twinkling starlight,

Thinking of the warmth of home and the loving smiles of my parents, I slowly fell asleep.

The fire that was burning in front of him also gradually extinguished under the crackling fire. A wisp of green smoke floated from the fire, rose into the sky and merged with the sky.

The wind at night, with its chill, would often wake Wang Lin up from the cold. Every time he woke up, in the silence around him, he would silently look at the darkness. It seemed that this darkness made him feel familiar, in that pitch-black space. At night, he was not afraid, but his heart was as calm as water. He looked at it, shrank his thick clothes, and fell asleep again.

At this time of year, Zhao Zai is in the rainy season. Even if the rain stops, the sky is still covered with dense clouds, and thunder echoes from time to time. After a pause for a long time, they will fall again and wash towards the earth.

At dusk on the eighth day, Wang Lin held up an umbrella and hurried forward with a wry smile. Outside the umbrella, heavy rain poured down, lightning and thunder roared. Although it was only dusk, the world was already dark.

"It's only one day's journey before we reach the county seat, but the rain is getting heavier and heavier." Water vapor filled the ground, and when the rain fell, water droplets bounced up and fell on Wang Lin, making his green face The clothes were mostly soaked and stuck to his body, constantly absorbing the body's heat, slowly making Wang Lin feel very cold.

Especially when the wind carrying water vapor blew by, it seemed to penetrate into the bones. Wang Lin shivered. Most of his umbrellas were placed on the bamboo bookcase behind him, which contained books, dry food, and a change of clothes. Clothes and other items must not get wet.

Wading through the accumulated rain on the ground, Wang Lin took a few steps quickly, looking for a place to take shelter through the surrounding rain curtain. In the shade of trees in the distance, he vaguely saw a vague outline, which seemed to be a house. look.

Without having time to take a closer look, Wang Lin held an umbrella and walked towards it. As he approached, the blurry outline gradually became clearer. It was an abandoned earth temple.

The sound of crunching came faintly in this rainy night, and when it fell into the ears, it had a sinister meaning.

The temple is not big and looks very dilapidated. There are two temple doors, one of which is closed. The red paint painted on it in the early years has turned into a dark color with the passage of time. Even the door knocker is full of rust. The rainwater condenses in a ring on it, dripping like a stream.

The other temple door was badly damaged. It was slightly connected to the door frame, but it could no longer be closed. Instead, it kept shaking in the wind and rain, making the creaking sound that Wang Lin heard before, which spread far away.

As the wind and rain got heavier, the half door shook even more violently, as if it was about to be blown off the door frame.

Wang Lin walked in quickly, took a look at the temple, and stepped in. In the courtyard of the temple, the ground was full of gravel and weeds. Under the wind and rain, the weeds were bent and swayed rapidly. The rain was pouring down, mixed with the sound of rustling.

A thunder roared, followed by lightning, illuminating the world for an instant, allowing Wang Lin to see everything in the temple clearly. He even exclaimed and subconsciously took a few steps back. He saw what was happening in the temple. On the edge, there are a few bones.

His heart was beating loudly and Wang Lin looked pale, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier. He gritted his teeth and walked into the temple without looking at the bones that had died here for who knows how many years.

A statue of earth, several feet high, was located directly behind the temple. Its face could not be clearly seen. It could only be seen that the color on it had faded a long time ago, and it was very dilapidated among the spots.

There was also water accumulation in the temple. The tiles on the roof of the temple were broken in many places. Rainwater fell from above, leaving many places on the ground covered with water stains.

A gloomy atmosphere lingered in the temple. Wang Lin took a deep breath, with a pale face, and walked towards the land to bow. Then he found a place without water traces, lowered the bamboo raft behind him, and sat there. Finally, he took out some dry branches that were broken and collected when the rain stopped on the way from the annual row, pushed them in front of him and lit them with fire sticks.

Maybe these dry branches were not completely dry, and there was moisture on them. Wang Lin tried to light them several times but failed. His body was very cold and he tried to light them again with trembling hands.

But at this moment, a thunder seemed to resound in the temple. The rumbling sound made Wang Lin's hands tremble. In the thunder, the roar of lightning lit up the world, and a huge shadow appeared. shrouded around Wang Lin.

"Who!!" Wang Lin suddenly raised his head, suppressing the panic in his heart, and looked at the temple gate.

His voice was so loud that he almost roared. In this quiet rainy night, at this moment when the thunder had just dispersed, it made the person who stepped into the temple from the front tremble with fear.

"Who!!" A frightened voice came from outside, and a middle-aged man in ragged clothes with water stains on his face, who looked like he had just crawled out of the water, took a few steps back in front of the temple door with a pale face. Almost fell.

After he could vaguely see Wang Lin in the temple, the middle-aged man relaxed. He quickly walked into the temple, glared at Wang Lin, patted his chest vigorously, and yelled at Wang Lin.

"You scared me!!"

Wang Lin was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly and breathed a sigh of relief. He hugged the middle-aged man and said apologetically: "It's dark at night and I can't see clearly. The lightning came too fast. I hope you don't mind.

The middle-aged man snorted, muttered a few words, and then ignored Wang Lin. Instead, he sat aside, put his right hand deep into his arms, took out a small half of a wet chicken leg, looked at it, and burst into tears. stand up.

His cries were very sad in the rainy night, and Wang Lin felt a little creeped out when he heard them. He moved aside a few times, lit the fire and the paper folded with a snap, but he wrapped the paper strips in one go and gradually rose up. fire.

Being flashed by the fire, everything in the temple became clearer in the flickering light and darkness.

The middle-aged man was crying, and after taking a bite of the wet chicken leg, he grinned and started laughing again. While laughing, Wang Lin was stunned for a moment.

"He's a lunatic..." Wang Lin moved further out. If it wasn't for the heavier rain outside, he would definitely choose to leave here. Even though this barren mountain is next to an official road, the sudden appearance of such a madman on a rainy night still makes people feel chilly.

The middle-aged man smiled and cried again.

"No one cares about me, no one cares about me... I can't remember... who I am..."

His cries filled the temple, and gradually, Wang Lin felt pity in his heart. He turned to look at the madman and sighed softly.

"Dreams are like life before waking up, life is like a play. Who am I... Dreaming is life, waking up is death, or dreaming is death, waking up is life... The moment when eyes are closed and opened is between life and death. , or maybe you just can’t tell the difference between real and fake life...

This life may be a reincarnation, or maybe it is also a cause and effect... But when will I wake up..." Wang Lin murmured, with confusion in his eyes. His dreams these days always seemed to talk about something he wanted to touch. His unclear thoughts made him vaguely feel something during these seven days of silence.

While sighing, Wang Lin took out the dry food from the bamboo raft behind him, looked at the fire in front of him, and heard the sound of rain outside the temple. He put it to his mouth and started eating silently.

The rain from heaven and earth fell slowly, covering the mountains, the earth, and the temples. In the temple, next to the fire, two dream souls who seemed not to belong here met.

One is looking at the fire, the other is gnawing on a chicken leg. The image of the land reflected by the flames between the two always has an incomprehensible smile on the corner of his mouth, as if looking at the two of them for eternity.

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