Renegade Immortal

Volume 10: Within the Dominant Realm Chapter 1601: Family Letter

The cows are cows every year, the cows are cows every year.

In a flash, another ten years have passed.

Su Dao died of old age three years ago. When he left, it was in the winter of that year. He was struggling, wanting to survive that winter, wanting to live a few more months, and see the next thing. Catkins of the year.

However, his mind could understand the world, but his body could not change the alternation of life and death. The winter was thick that year, snowflakes danced all over the city, and the rivers in Suzhou City were covered with thin layers of snow. Behind the ice, he looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky as if for eternity.

Wang Lin pushed the wooden chair he was sitting on and walked on the streets of Su City. Wang Lin, who was nearly forty years old, was full of stability and vicissitudes. He was wearing a white gown and silently pushed Su Dao.

This year's winter was extremely cold, and the falling snowflakes were blown by the cold wind and fell on the two of them. In the early morning, the distant bells of Sushan Temple rise slowly. The sound of the bells can cleanse people's soul.

"Lin'er, Master is leaving... Master has no heirs in his life. Your three senior brothers have inherited many of my principles, but you are the only one who has the same thoughts as mine...,

I know that you have already understood the theory of cause and effect. Although it is still hazy, you will eventually understand it. What you want to pursue is not just cause and effect.

This mansion is given to you by the teacher. "Su Dao's voice was weak, mixed in the wind, and fell into Wang Jing's ears. Wang Lin was silent, with sadness in his eyes.

Su Dao has been with him for seventeen years. In these seventeen years, Wang Lin grew from a young boy to a middle-aged man. By staying with Su Dao, Wang Lin learned a lot and understood a lot.

The snow was heavy, and under the sound of the bell, it obscured the view ahead and covered the whole world, Su City, and the street where Wang Lin and Wang Lin were.

The sound of the creaking wooden chair being pushed seems faint and imperceptible. Only the marks of the two wheels on the ground are like life. Looking back, it is so long that you can see the starting point. But when you are not closed, you cannot see it. Where the end is.

The snowflakes fell, and the two lines of imprints on the ground gradually merged together, and even the starting point could not be seen.

"Send me... to Sushan outside the city..." Su Dao's old voice was even weaker, but his eyes were bright, looking at the sky and the earth, as if he had seen his own end.

Wang Lin nodded silently, pushing the wooden chair slowly forward with the creaking sound, towards the end of Su Dao.


It gets bigger and bigger, facing the wind and letting the snowflakes fall on my face and hair, letting it melt and turn into cold, spreading into my heart. Wang Lin pushed the wooden chair out of this ancient street and out of Su City. In the distance, he saw the hill outside Su City.

The mountain is not high, but it has gods.

This god cannot see it, but when he closes his eyes, he can picture every plant and tree in the mountain in his mind, and he can feel the mountain's breathing in the cold wind. This is enough.

After following the bluestone-covered mountain path to the top, Su Daozheng slowly closed his eyes. He felt vaguely unable to hold on any longer, but his slightly closed eyes revealed the same expression as he did seventeen years ago. of bright light.

The eyes are the windows to the heart. Su Dao's body will decay, but his thoughts and the trajectory of his life will never dissipate because they have already appeared.

"Carry me on your back, go... there." Su Dao's voice became weaker and weaker. Wang Lin walked up to him, carried Su Dao behind him, followed the direction he pointed, and walked out of the bluestone mountain road, under a patch of white snow. , walking step by step towards the place in the mountains where no one seems to go.

At the end, there is a lonely grave. The grave exists there in the snow, as if it is waiting for something. It seems to have been waiting for decades, until today.

In front of this grave, Su Dao sat there, looking at the tombstone, his eyes were filled with softness instead of tears.

"I'm here... You said you wanted to look at me all the time, so I buried you here so that you can always look at me at home down the mountain." Su Dao murmured, touching the tombstone, his old face light. He pressed lightly against the stone, forgetting the coldness on it.

In other words, the coldness of the monument turned into warmth in his heart.

Slowly, he closed his eyes, with a soft smile on his face, and lost his breath...,

Su Dao, return to the ruins.

Wang Lin stood there for a long time. He turned around and looked down the mountain behind him. From this position, he could see Su City and Su Dao's mansion in Su City.

A deep sense of melancholy filled Wang Lin's heart. He was confused. He was always thinking about what kind of existence this world was.

Is it my past life, my reincarnation, or a dream. It's just that no matter which one, it can't explain all phenomena clearly. It's like the eternal circle between true and false, which makes people unable to find the starting point and the end point.

Half a month later in the seventeenth year, there was another grave next to the solitary grave on Mount Su. They were no longer alone.

Three years after Su Dao's death, Wang Lin was thirty-nine years old.

His parents were also brought by him from the mountain village many years ago. But his mother was used to the life in the mountain village. Shi Qian was very uncomfortable with it in Sucheng. After living in Jiuhu, he returned to his hometown and lived in that mountain village. Live an ordinary life.

In the winter when Wang Lin was thirty-nine years old, Wang Lin stood in the yard, watching the falling snowflakes, and received the imperial edict from the Emperor of Zhao.

This is the fifth imperial edict issued in the three years since Su Dao's death.

The contents of the five imperial edicts were roughly similar, but the words were more ornate each time. They all wanted Wang Lin to go to Kyoto and become the emperor's master.

Over the past twenty years, Wang Lin's name has risen among the scholars of Zhao State. Although he has never left Su City in these twenty years, the imperial examination scholars will visit him every year to listen to his teachings.

All of this is related to Su Dao, but it is also closely related to Wang Lin himself. In the past twenty years, some dignitaries and scholars were all attracted by Wang Lin under their visits. Words convinced.

Everyone in the world knows that Wang Lin is the successor of Su Dao, a great scholar. Especially after Su Dao's death, this has become even more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

However, everything is not absolute. There are still quite a few people who do not recognize the existence of Wang Lin. They believe that Wang Lin is not worthy of being called a great Confucian. Among them, the Emperor of Zhao is the main one.

Such voices were only scattered before Su Dao's death, but in the three years after Su Dao's death, they became more and more numerous and louder. In the end, during the three years of Wang Lin's silence, it turned into a voice of doubt.

Wang Lin paid no attention to this kind of thing. He lived a peaceful life with Dafu.

Wang Lin's silence made those who questioned even more presumptuously. They admitted that Wang Lin was a disciple of Su Dao, but they believed that Wang Lin was a person who was only seeking fame and reputation and was not worthy of being called a Confucian. With the push of caring people, the matter gradually became violent, and even such voices appeared in the entire Zhao Kingdom.

Wang Lin still ignored this. He watched the sunrise and sunset, watched the change of spring and autumn, comprehended the heaven and earth, understood cause and effect, looked for signs of life and death, truth and falsehood, and traced the starting point and end point of everything.

Although he himself was confused, he continued to appreciate life. He didn't want to pay attention to those complicated things, and he didn't want to prove anything. These meant nothing to him, just like children playing and quarrels of words.

However, the more silent he became, the louder his voice became. What was more fatal was that among the other three disciples of Su Dao, except for Su San back then, he was already old and ill and blind, but the other two were both. He stood up and questioned Wang Lin.

As a result, the scholars of Zhao State were in chaos, which even affected ordinary people. The disturbing voices were like a storm, sweeping across Zhao State.

Some people even found Wang Lin's examination papers from his academic examination twenty years ago. They criticized him arbitrarily and made arrogant accusations in the name of Wang Lin being just a scholar.

Under such chaotic calls, the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth imperial edicts from Zhao Kingdom's capital came like snowflakes, directed at Wang Lin.

What's even more egregious is that it has affected Wang Lin's parents. His parents are already old. They could have lived a peaceful old age and were respected. But now, under these constant calls, even the wanderers in the mountain village don't know why. After learning about this matter, word spread, and the people in the mountain village were pointing fingers, which made Wang Lin's parents feel angry.

The old man was already old. Out of anger, Wang Lin's father fell ill.

In the winter of this year, Wang Lin stood in the yard, holding a family letter in his hand. The family letter was written by his mother and asked by his fourth uncle to send it to him.

In the letter home, Wang Lin was informed that his father was fine.

Reading the letter home over and over again, Wang Lin's calm eyes gradually became filled with anger.

"Some, it's over." Wang Lin folded the letters from home, put them in his arms, looked at the falling snowflakes, and spoke slowly.

He had no intention of proving anything. No matter how loud Zhao Guo's voice was, it would not make him waver at all. The word "Confucianism" was just a false name, and he didn't care.

He was like an old man who just wanted to slowly understand the world.

But everything has a limit, and Wang Lin's bottom line is his parents. His parents' anger, his parents' pain, his parents' sadness are his Wang Lin's anger, his Wang Lin's pain, and his Wang Lin's sadness.

"Dafu, let's continue the arrangement. I will give lectures for ten years. Within ten years from today, I will welcome people from all over the world to Suzhou City to discuss studies with me. If anyone thinks that he is beyond me, he will take this mansion away from me. "Wang Lin flicked his sleeves, turned around and left.

Behind him, the already old Dafu still looked as excited as he did twenty years ago. He was also very angry in the past three years. Those who were respectful to him in the past not only gradually alienated him, but also made cold remarks. Appear.

Hearing Wang Lin's words today, he felt proud and expectant, and hurriedly went down to arrange the matter.

Hum hum, my young master is still so heroic. Ten years of lecturing, hehe. I would like to see those who were making noise before. How do you feel after failing again and again?

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