Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 The Secret of the Alliance Chapter 971 The Dead Knot

Wang Lin had been waiting and brewing for this punch for a long time! At this moment, when he swung out, the energy in his body was circulating, and it was even more integrated with the power of the ancient gods. When he swung out his fist, the color of the world changed. From a distance, Wang Lin's fist was very different from Pi Huda's finger. However, this The power of the punch set off a storm, and the storm turned into an angry dragon, roaring and swallowing the crumbling finger.

At this moment, Wang Lin's right fist collided with the finger.

With a loud bang, Wang Lin's body was shaken, and he immediately retreated. He stepped on the Immortal World Continent and stepped back a few steps. Every time he stepped back, there would be a deep footprint on the ground, and there was even a thumping sound. sounded.

Looking back at the huge finger, more red light was emitted from it at this moment. Under the dense mass, the finger was almost filled with red light. Especially Wang Lin's punch caused the front end of the finger to collapse, and the final start began. of disintegration.

After a few steps, Wang Lin stepped back hard with his right foot and rushed out again, heading straight for the finger.

Boom boom boom! Wang Lin didn't pause, and punched out continuously. The power of the ancient god was released from his body, constantly impacting the fingers.

After a moment, there was a bang, and the fingers finally disintegrated, turning into strands of powerless heaven and earth, which dispersed around, blowing up a large area of ​​dust on the ground, forming a sandstorm that spread around.

In the Yaoyun Sect, on the top of the mountain shrouded in seven-colored halo, Tianyunzi's eyes revealed a strange light, and he murmured: "I didn't expect this son to have such a magic weapon..." He raised his right hand and waved it forward, and a strong wind immediately flowed. Whistling out in front of Wu, the wind dispersed the light of the seven fences and took shape instantly. It turned into a colorful wind dragon, roared up to the sky, and flew away into the air.

This colorful wind dragon is hundreds of feet tall. As it moves, it is like a whirlwind hanging on the heavenly star. It sweeps across the earth and stirs up thick dust. Even the clouds in the sky are rushing and pressing. Let this colorful wind dragon The wind dragon roared past.

It was so fast that in just a moment, it was already far away from where Wang Lin was! Wang Lin's face became even more gloomy as he stared at the long dragon that was transformed into a piece of colorful light in the distance. This dragon's body was made entirely of wind, it was moving too fast, and there was a fierce flame that could swallow people.

"This dragon is by no means simply transformed by supernatural powers. There is a real dragon spirit within it!" Wang Lin revealed a cold light on both sides.

"Tianyunzi... what on earth is he thinking! Did he really miscalculate that trace of extreme sunshine..." Wang Lin sighed secretly. He met countless people in his life, but only this Tianyunzi didn't have any thoughts at all. It’s hard to figure out. It was like this hundreds of years ago and it will still be the same hundreds of years later.

It was obviously his own calculation, but in fact, it fell into Tianyunzi's calculation. At the moment, Wang Lin's face was gloomy, and he was even more afraid of Tianyunzi.

Tianyunzi... If I didn't take this extreme yang before,

There will be shadows in the Taoist heart, but now that I have taken this extreme yang, I feel that everything is within Tianyunzi's calculation! This is a double game, whether you take it or not, you will be in the game! What is the purpose of Yao Yunzi? Such calculation is to make my Taoist heart have flaws and have the shadow of not missing anything? "

"White mushroom, I'm afraid I always thought that every time I had a sudden appearance, I could make Tianyunzi miscalculate once, but he didn't expect that even this thought was calculated by the master."

"This Jiyang, whether it is in my hands or returned to Tianyunzi, my Taoist heart will have flaws, and there will be all the shadows. No matter what I do, it will be like this... In the end, this situation will How can we defeat this conspiracy!" Wang Lin stared at the wind dragon speeding towards the horizon in the distance, his mind racing with thoughts in an instant.

"Even if you throw away this trace of extreme sunshine, it is useless. If you don't step into this situation, you will step into it. There will be no change... Throwing it away will have no use. It will just confuse yourself...

"We can't return it to Tianyunzi. Otherwise, it will be equivalent to this confrontation. I have completely failed. Instead of returning it, why should I accept it before... Alas!"

"But if you didn't accept it before, you were also part of Tianyunzi's calculations. He took everything into account and arranged such a dead end for me! Tianyunzi must have a deeper reason for all this... maybe , this is just his first step in me...just like the white mushroom, the sun was shining brightly when it was born, all this is just the introduction!"

"I don't know what Tianyunzi's purpose is, but I know that if he wants to resist, he must make a miscalculation. Even if he makes a mistake just once, this perfect Tianyunzi will have a flaw! And I will also break the situation and win a life for myself!" Wang Lin looked at the sky, the wind dragon was getting closer and closer, and its roaring sound could be heard in the distance.

Breaking! Let Tianyunzi make a real miscalculation! "Wang Lin felt as if his stomach was about to explode, and all kinds of thoughts came one after another.

At this moment, the roar of the wind dragon in the sky was getting closer and closer. After a moment, the sky was shrouded in colorful lights. The wind dragon suddenly came and went straight to Wang Lin with his mouth wide open, trying to fall from the sky and devour him! A cold light flashed in Wang Lin's eyes. If this wind dragon was all transformed by magical powers, he would not be able to resist it. However, if there was a dragon spirit inside, it would be completely different. Wang Lin would never forget that while looking at the moon in the sky, he used that Crown, take away the scene of the yellow-robed true dragon! Putting his right hand on the storage bag, Wang Lin was about to grit his teeth and take out the crown, but immediately, a long laugh came from the horizon, and he saw a sea of ​​fire suddenly appearing in the distance. This sea of ​​fire filled most of the sky, and on the fire plug, A red unicorn came walking on the flames.

This unicorn is extremely powerful, and its eyes are even more fierce. Sitting cross-legged on its back is a skinny old man, the sword master Ling Tianhou! Outside Ling Tianhou's body, four swords of the soul were hovering, and bursts of sword energy were emitted from the surroundings that shot straight into the sky! The unicorn swept its fierce eyes and didn't even look at Wang Lin. Instead, it stared at the colorful wind dragon. It let out waves of low roars. If Ling Tianhou hadn't been by his side, it would have rushed up to fight with this dragon. A fight between wind and dragon! Ling Tianhou swayed, jumped down from Qilin, looked towards the empty space in the sky, and laughed:

Yao Luck, unfortunately, I happened to be passing by here, but I didn't expect to see you teaching your disciples again. "

He left the Qilin, and the Qilin roared loudly, set off a sea of ​​fire, and headed straight for the wind dragon. The wind dragon turned around suddenly, roared similarly, and fought with the Qilin.

This scene was too sudden. Wang Lin flashed his light, quietly stepped back a few steps, raised his fist towards Ling Tianhou, and said, "I have seen Senior Sword Master."

Ling Tianhou glanced at Wang Lin meaningfully, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and said:

"To be able to take over Tianyunzi's finger of tampering with the sky and changing luck, your cultivation is very good!"

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