Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 240 Achieving class crossing, but not completely crossing over

Chen Yu said with a complicated expression: "Your daughter refused your request to study abroad, and you had a seizure on the spot in front of the hospital."

"Just like when you kicked her boyfriend out of the house."

"Reprimanding her for her self-degradation regardless of image."

"Although she is not yet thirty years old, her life is already dead, like a dead person in a tomb."

"All that is left in this world is the body."

Struggle leads to a wonderful life. He bit his lip hard, with mixed feelings in his heart, and said feebly: "She always chooses to lie down, isn't she a dead person?"

"Who will take care of her when she gets old?"

"How can she have the nerve to talk to those classmates or friends when she meets them in the future?"

After hearing these words, Chen Yu felt a rare depression.

Her daughter is not only her relative, but also her work.

Life is wonderful only through struggle. She has too many ideals, and she needs her daughter to achieve them for her.

When her daughter doesn’t do what she thinks is right according to her ideas.

If you struggle to have a wonderful life, you will think that your daughter is hopeless.

"Your eldest daughter's future life will indeed not be easy. She often worries about money, but her mentality is always very happy."

"She chose to lie down, and the ending was not as bad as you thought."

"She had a very kind heart."

"This kind of kindness was maintained from childhood to the end of her life."

"Lying flat doesn't mean she's lazy, she just spends her life the way she sees fit."

"She has done countless good deeds. I will tell you just one here."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yu talked about the attitude of his eldest daughter, whose eldest daughter had a wonderful life through hard work, when her boyfriend was preparing to take the national examination.

When she first heard it, the eldest daughter felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

My boyfriend studies hard every day and compresses his rest time to a few hours. The eldest daughter, who works hard to have a wonderful life, does not recognize it and feels very sad.

But thinking of all the efforts he had made for the exam, he suppressed his inner depression and tried his best to help him.

For this kind of help, in addition to verbal encouragement, she also went to her father.

Begged her father to lend her some money.

At this point, Chen Yu paused and said with a half-smile: "This patient, do you know why your husband wants to help them?"

"It's not just Ergenzi! The smelly girl acted coquettishly, and he surrendered unprincipled."

Only through struggle can you have a wonderful life.

"You were wrong because of a promise made by your daughter."

"Promise what?"

"If your boyfriend fails the national exam this time, your daughter will choose to re-study college."

Only through struggle can you have a wonderful life.

The temples that were rubbed hard.

"As long as I drop out of school and take the exam again and again, I won't have to go to work in my life."

"A child's life is his or her own, and each generation has its own ideas."

"One destiny, two luck, three feng shui, four accumulation of yin virtue and five study, one generation can do the things of the other."

"I don't plan to have children at all. It's a pleasure to earn a few thousand for my own living."

I have watched Chen Yu’s live broadcast countless times, but this one left fans really at a loss as to how to express their feelings.

It can only be said that it was fate.

Many water friends feel that their daughter, who has a wonderful life through hard work, may really have some diseases.

If you feel pressured, why don't you tell your boyfriend?

Instead, he wanted to encourage him to take the exam.

No wonder Chen Yu said that her eldest daughter's future life will be full of surprises and excitement.

At this point in Lian Mai's progress, even the funniest person has no intention of continuing to post live barrages.

Chen Yu made it clear.

The eldest daughter, who has a wonderful life through hard work, ran away from marriage because her boyfriend became more and more similar to her mother.

Others are the chicken's children, and the boyfriend is the chicken himself.

If you don’t want to see this scene, why bother trying your best to help your boyfriend?

Your boyfriend is heading in a direction that you don't want to see. Even if it's inconvenient to express your direct thoughts, you don't have to give him any help.

Seeing the confusion among the friends in the barrage, Chen Yu first changed into a comfortable position, and finally said slowly: "In your opinion, what her eldest daughter did is very unreasonable."

"If you think about it from another angle, you will understand."

"If the eldest daughter stops her with words or refuses to help, it will undermine other people's efforts."

"The eldest daughter just wants to lie down and live her own life, but that doesn't mean she wants others to make the same choices as her."

"She felt that her boyfriend had put a lot of effort into this, and she felt that she needed to help."

"As for what the final result will be, she is too lazy to think about it."

The water friends nodded.

One of the water friends suddenly asked, what will happen to the second daughter who has a wonderful life through hard work?

For a time, the live broadcast room, which had fallen into depression, became active again.

Countless water friends came to ask about the barrage one after another.

Even I have a wonderful life through hard work, and I have temporarily put aside all kinds of negative emotions in my heart.

Ask the second daughter if she will choose to fight her like the eldest daughter.

Chen Yu smiled and said, "I have said before that the choices your eldest daughter made are completely opposite to your arrangements."

"On the contrary, your little daughter has achieved everything you hoped for."

"My little daughter has completely inherited your personality."

"If the eldest daughter accepts your arrangement against her will, your younger daughter is willing to let you plan her life."

"And in a way, she knows how to plan life better than you do."

"The day your eldest daughter completely breaks up with you is the day your younger daughter graduates from college."

"After graduating from college, my younger daughter entered a large company under your arrangement."

"After layers of calculations, I finally achieved a further class leap and became the wife of the president of this large company."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on his face.

He rubbed his belly with his hand happily.

"Good baby, your sister has disappointed mom so much. You are mom's little cotton-padded jacket."

Through the screen, Chen Yu took a look at the belly where hard work leads to a wonderful life, and Chen Yu secretly sighed in his heart.

But now that we are here, some things still have to be said.

"Your little girl achieved what you wanted her to achieve and became the second you."

"The set of chicken-child ideas you instilled in her were applied to her children."

"In the end, I suffered from severe depression."


Only through struggle can you have a wonderful life.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, Chen Yu kicked him into the ditch again.

How come both daughters have serious problems?

The second daughter has obviously achieved success, so how can she have depression.

Could it be that, like myself, it is all because of the education issues of the next generation?

"Could it be that my youngest daughter's children are as careless as my eldest daughter?"

Only through struggle can you have a wonderful life.

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