Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 905: Ye Qianhe came out again

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

"As long as the holy armor can be built, let alone the **** shame of today, I am afraid that all major schools will bow down to us." Another said with stubbornness.

"Don't say anything when we're done, let's go." Gongxi Kuangdao heard their pride and became louder, fearing that someone might hear something bad, and got up to greet Xiao Er at checkout.

Seeing that they were leaving, Ling Chuxi hesitated a bit, and listening to what they meant was obviously to be detrimental to the Liuyun Sect. How can I say that the brother is the sect, or should I leave them now?

Ling Chuxi weighed his strength. Huang Fu’s utter decisiveness was definitely not convenient. Su Yizhi’s strength was not weak. Jiang Wuhen, Su Yanhua and Bai Lihan also promoted to Zhenyuan successively, plus himself, Duan Qingchen and Ling Yichen. There are six real Yuan realms, all with the power of a battle, and people like Lan Xinyu and Su Xiu'er should have no problem in protecting themselves.

Coupled with his Jianxin Soul Breaking Technique and Duan Xiaomo's unexpected Tianji Realm, there should be no problem.

"Hum, with the help of a few small fishes and shrimps, you are actually trying to make the main ancestors bow their heads, ridiculous, really ridiculous!" Just as Ling Chuxi was about to remind others to start, an old cold hum was beside him Sounded.

How could this sound be so familiar, Ling Chuxi looked away.

Hey, why is he? Ling Chuxi was stunned for a long time, but she didn't expect to see Ye Qianhe here. Really destined, this old pervert can be seen everywhere.

Ye Qianhe, who returned to Zongmen Holy Realm, was much more low-key than before. No one carried the sedan chair, no one played music, and no one sprinkled the flowers. As for the slogans, they didn't know where to die. The whole person has lost the spirit of the past. A long gown should not have been washed for a few days. There are still a few oil stains on the chest. It seems to be more and more dismal.

Where did Ling Chuxi know that Ye Qianhe saw Ling Chuxi out of sacred territory once and fortunately, and was caught in evil spirits, thinking of staying in it and dying in Ling Chuxi's hand sooner or later, so he returned to Zongmen Sacred Realm, I wanted to go back to please Master Master's point of study, Shimen Jue Xue went back to avenge blood and hatred, how could he know that his evil deeds outside had already been passed back to Tianxing Sect, and he was expelled from the teacher once he returned.

Ye Qianhe is now a betrayal and a helpless family. He can't even get the money back to the countries of the mainland. This time I heard that Liu Yunzong Yue Qingjie's 80th birthday, I also want to come to fight the autumn wind to eat a few good meals.

Who knows but vaguely heard that Gongxi Kuangdao several people seemed to be unfavorable to Liuyun Zong, could not help but overjoy, this is a great opportunity to please Liu Yunzong, if these people can be seized, Liu Yunzong will certainly Looking at myself differently, I might be able to mix a guest with Ding Dangdang, and then spend my later years in Liuyunzong.

Recently, I have eaten a lot of money, and he doesn’t want to have any stars, a thousand rivers, and a thousand years to come to Jiuzhou. Being able to spend the rest of my life is the biggest dream in life.

He saw that Gong Xi Kuang Dao was not dressed like a sect, but he only vaguely heard the last few words and thought that they were just a few deflated children who had never seen the world before and knew nothing about it. Seeing a few people leaving, they immediately jumped out.

"Who are you?" Gong Xi sank into his heart. Just now Ye Qianhe was full of anxiety in the corner, and he looked like a half-dead old man, and Gongxi Kuangdao didn't care. How could he know that several people's conversation had been overheard by him.

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