Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 598 If...

"Although we have been separated for thirteen years, my heart and feelings for Die Wu have never changed. What I owe you, I will use all the time left in this life to make up for it, so... you annoy me, hate me I, want to punish me... Whatever is fine, but don't leave me again, I've already lost Ruoruo, don't lose you again." Ling Chen hugged him tighter and tighter, talking dreamily.

Sword Emperor is Xuanyuan Diewu, this point, he is already absolutely sure. Xuanyuan Diewu has been avoiding him since she recognized him, and she resolutely left today, and he still thinks that he broke her heart... After all, she devoted her whole life to him, and when she saw him again, she found that he was with another girl. It is undoubtedly a huge blow to her who is deeply infatuated. Even if she hates it because of love, she should.

When Xuanyuan Diewu was in danger in Xincheng, she would appear at the first time and defend the city with all her strength, proving that she definitely did not hate herself purely. Therefore... He originally thought that after saying these words, Xuanyuan Diewu's determined heart would soften and he would not leave again. However, the body in his arms began to struggle again, and the struggle was even more violent than before.

"I'm not Xuanyuan Diewu...she's dead...I'm not her!"

While struggling desperately, she shouted with all her might. The voice was still hoarse, but there was a weeping sound that could no longer be concealed, and a kind of despair that almost pierced the heart.

Shadis Yika has been quietly watching them beside Ling Chen, from what Ling Chen said, she can guess the relationship between them and what happened. The tenderness and sincerity contained in Ling Chen's words are enough to melt any girl's heart. She thought that the Sword Emperor would fall, but she didn't expect it to be a more violent struggle. She raised her head curiously. Cheek, looking at the fiercely struggling figure...Suddenly, her eyebrows twitched suddenly, a deep astonishment appeared on her face, and her eyes were fixed on the Sword Emperor for a long time...

"Die Wu! How could I have mistaken you!"

"I'm not her... She's already dead... She died thirteen years ago... My name is Feng Xieyu, not Xuanyuan Diewu!"

"Die Wu..." Jian Huang's resistance made him a little at a loss, Xuanyuan Die Wu had a deep affection for him, and reunited after thirteen years of separation, even if she had resentment, it shouldn't be like this! He hugged Jianhuang tightly to prevent her from breaking free, and said anxiously: "I know that I have failed you, no matter how much you hate me, you should hate me, but..."

"She doesn't hate you!" The Sword Emperor shook his head vigorously, with more and more wet marks spreading on his face: "What she faced back then was your death, which was the cruelest thing in the world to her, but You are not dead, this is the greatest happiness in the world to her. Lost and found, dead and returned, besides being grateful to God, what else can she complain and hate. That girl named Ruoruo, she only has endless gratitude , because she is always with you. The happiness you can live with her, she will only be happy and at ease... She will give everything for you, even if she hates the whole world, she will never be able to hate you. But... ...I'm not Xuanyuan Diewu, she's really...dead...I'm not her!"

Ling Chen was stunned, the strength of his arms gradually lost in a state of desperation.

Die Wu doesn't hate him... That's right, it's always been her unilateral guilt. With Die Wu's soft and watery personality, no matter how big a mistake she made, she would not blame herself, and how could she hate her.

Even if you hate the whole world, you will never be able to hate you...

Isn't she really Die Wu...

No! She is Die Wu, absolutely ~ absolutely not wrong. But why exactly is this...why...

"Are you really not... Die Wu?" The strength of both arms was completely lost until they fell down. Ling Chen looked at the Sword Emperor with dull eyes, and his voice was weak and lonely.

After struggling for a long time and finally getting rid of it, the Sword Emperor did not leave again, she shook her head forcefully and resolutely: "I am not..."

"then who are you?"

"My name is... Feng Xie Yu." The Sword Emperor's voice trembled with extreme restraint.

"Then do you know who Die Wu belongs to me?" Ling Chen looked at her and said softly.


"She is my wife." Ling Chen's voice was soft, with warm tenderness in his eyes.

The Sword Emperor's body trembled, and tears fell like rain in an instant.

Ling Chen raised his head, his eyes were blurred, as if he was telling the sky the image that was hidden in his heart forever: "That night thirteen years ago, Die Wu hugged me, bathed in the moonlight, by the stream for a long, long time, she has been Comforting me, telling me that I must not lose confidence in my own life, she will do her best to save my life...even, facing me who was destined to die at that time, she took out a red rope, One end was tied to the little finger of my right hand, and the other end was tied to the little finger of her left hand."

Ling Chen's vision became hazy, he still clearly remembered every scene that happened that night... Even on the day when he really died, he would not be able to forget it.

"This one is the red rope that Yuelao tied the two of us tightly together. One end of the red rope is connected to you, and the other end is connected to me. Brother Tianya, do you know what this means? means , from now on, I, Xuanyuan Diewu, will become Brother Tianya’s wife, today, and forever. And Brother Tianya, become my husband Xuanyuan Diewu, we will always be together, no matter what happens, we will never be together. will be separated, and no one can leave the other."

"I, Xuanyuan Diewu, am willing to be Brother Tianya's wife. Brother Tianya and I were born in the same year, the same month, and on the same day, and I would rather die in the same year, the same month, and the same day as Brother Tianya. This life belongs to Brother Tianya alone. Please bear witness to what Xuanyuan Diewu said Every word, every word, if violated, will be lost forever. Please God bless me and Brother Tianya, no matter what happens, we can be together forever."

He repeated the words that Xuanyuan Diewu said back then, and after thirteen years, none of the words he repeated was wrong. Because this is the most beautiful voice and language he has ever heard in his life, it is the memory that will never be erased in his mind, and it is also his greatest spiritual support in those years in "Heaven" and "Hell".

The sword emperor's thin shoulders trembled violently, and he suppressed himself tightly to prevent himself from crying.

"At that time, Die Wu was still a child, but with a seriousness and piety that did not match her age, facing me who was infected with a terrible virus, she made a vow at the cost of cursing herself, tying the life she had just begun to I, a person who may die at any time. I have devoted my whole life to her feelings, and I can’t repay them. To have such a wife, even if I suffer ten times more, I will thank God.”

Ling Chen lowered his head, looked at the Sword Emperor intently, and the corner of his mouth curled into a light arc: "'Brother Tianya, become my husband Xuanyuan Diewu, we will be together forever, no matter what happens, nothing will happen. will be separated, and no one can leave the other', this is what Die Wu said, the vow she made, and she will definitely abide by it, right... right?"

"But...but I..." Sword Emperor clutched his chest with his right hand, weeping uncontrollably.

"Die Wu and I have really faced each other's death." Ling Chen was still smiling, he quietly reached out, and gently hugged Jianhuang's shoulder: "Death has not been able to separate us completely." , what else can stop us from being together? I am not dead, Die Wu is not dead, but Die Wu is avoiding me now, I know, Die Wu is such a kind girl, the reason for her avoiding me is only possible There is one, that is what predicament she is facing, or something bad happened to her, she is afraid that it will implicate me... Am I right? "

"'s not..." The Sword Emperor shook his head hastily, and retreated weakly.

"Then, is it that Die Wu doesn't want to be my wife, doesn't want to be with me?"

"No! That's not the case." The Sword Emperor became even more flustered, his voice broken.

"If the same thing happened to me, do you want me to leave you like you, or face it with you? Do you think it will make you more sad to face it with you, or will it make you more sad to leave you?" Sad?" Ling Chen asked quietly.

"I...I..." The Sword Emperor retreated steadily, and finally couldn't suppress his sobs anymore.

"Life and death have not separated us. Are you really willing to separate us who finally reunited because of some small things? Is this really what you want? You want to make yourself sad for the rest of your life, and at the same time let Am I sad for the rest of my life?" Ling Chen said softly, slowly, he opened his arms and faced the Sword Emperor: "If you still think that you are not my Die Wu, and you don't want to continue to be my wife, Then, you can turn around...if you are my wife, my Die Wu...come to my side."

The air condensed briefly, and then was filled with a sense of sadness. The Sword Emperor's shoulders were trembling and twitching constantly, and the gray face scarf had already been completely wet... Finally, under Ling Chen's gaze full of tenderness and longing, her psychological defense completely collapsed, and all scruples completely collapsed in an instant. , in the whole world, only this lingering figure in front of her is left.


This cry was like a cuckoo's cry of blood, mixed with countless emotions, it almost shattered Ling Chen's entire heart... But this time, the voice was a pure girl's voice, no longer pretending to be obscure and hoarse . She threw herself towards Ling Chen, threw herself onto his chest with all her strength, and burst into tears, heartbroken and heart-piercing.

Who knew how sad and desperate she was when she heard the news of Tianya's death, who knew how much she had endured and suppressed in these years, and who knew the endless joy, pain and joy in her heart when she knew that he was still alive. struggle……

Gently placing his hands on her back, Ling Chen closed his wet eyes and smiled reassuringly. Finally, his Die Wu came back, no matter what happened to her or around her, as long as she came back, everything else was nothing compared to it.

Shadis Yika also smiled softly, and the smile seemed to be happier than Ling Chen.

Xuanyuan Diewu's cry was earth-shattering, as if she wanted to vent all the emotions of the past thirteen years at once, she cried for half an hour until her voice became hoarse and Ling Chen's clothes on his chest were completely wiped out. wet. Ling Chen has been gently hugging her, motionless, without saying a word, allowing her to vent... It's great to be able to hug Die Wu again, this kind of image that only appeared in dreams before.

Finally, Xuanyuan Diewu was tired from crying, and her crying subsided a little bit. She leaned against Ling Chen's chest, listened to his heartbeat, and put all her weight on him... Such a feeling, for her It also only appeared in dreams.

"Finally can't bear to cry anymore?" Ling Chen lowered his head and said with a smile as he patted her on the back. He stretched out his hand and touched her cloak cap...Thirteen years, a full thirteen years, he was so eager to know how Die Wu would be in thirteen years, and how she would be so beautiful.

As soon as he touched the edge, his hand was grabbed by a hand wrapped in gray cloth strips in panic.

"Die Wu, let me see you, okay?" Ling Chen took her hand instead and whispered in her ear.

Xuanyuan Diewu lay on his chest and didn't get up, her voice was ethereal like the wind: "Brother Tianya, I haven't seen you for so many years, you've grown... more and more girls like you, no wonder there are so many beautiful girls around you. But ...but...if I become an ugly monster, would you still... want me?"

"Haha!" Ling Chen smiled and asked back: "Then if I become an ugly monster, will Die Wu still want to be my wife?"

Xuanyuan Diewu nodded reflexively: "Yes, of course I am, I...I..."

"That's right, my answer is of course the same as Die Wu's." Ling Chen shook the little hand in the middle of the hand: "We are husband and wife, we advance and retreat together, we share honor and disgrace, we share weal and woe, we live and die together, we will never leave. Don't talk about me Die Wu has become an ugly monster, even if she has become a beggar, a cripple, or a heinous villain, she is still my Die Wu, my wife, and her position in my heart cannot be replaced by anyone."

Xuanyuan Diewu's shoulders twitched again, and the tears that she thought had been dried up were released silently again.

"Besides, my Die Wu was so pretty when she was a child. When she grows up, she must be a beautiful beauty. It can't be ugly." Ling Chen said with a smile. As soon as he finished speaking, he felt Xuanyuan Diewu's body in her arms trembled violently, and an extremely sad and heartbreaking emotion was released from her body, spreading to the depths of his heart.

Ling Chen's heart skipped a beat, and a terrible guess suddenly appeared in his mind...

Could it be that Diewu she...she...

Could it be that the reason why she has been avoiding herself...could be...

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