Soul of Negary

Chapter 35 The Ignorance's God-Building Plan

A good mage is not necessarily a strong mage, there is another sentence behind, but when a good mage is well prepared, then he will be powerful.

Without adequate preparation, a mage will not attack the magic circle set up by another mage.

Because of the cooperation of the magic circle, the power of a mage can increase in geometric multiples.

Under normal circumstances, Field is still not Marci's opponent. After all, even if Brali brought someone to arrest him, he could only escape.

Field's strength lies in the fact that anyone still has him in his memory, and if he is still afraid of him, he will not die. The other is the perception brought by spiritual sense. Field's predecessor, and his current parasitic Logue, are both spiritual. A person with a strong sense of strength, it was by virtue of his spiritual sense that he escaped the arrest of the law enforcement team several times.

In addition, Field's frontal combat ability can only be said to be good. Breaking into March's formation, with the blessing of the formation, March should be able to easily defeat Field.

However, there were obviously some accidents. Instead of helping Marci, the magic circle became his shackle.

Negri was sorting out his clothes. After three hours, the dinner party was officially held at nine o'clock in the evening, and all the forces in the mysterious side of the academy would be invited.

Mikael, as a member of the academy of the Mage's House, has a place in Negri, who has inherited his position.

While choosing a gift, Negri saw the small box that Kalanci gave him, and it was the contents of this small box that sent them into a desperate situation.

The thing in the box is a crystal like a ruby. This thing is called a blood crystal by Kalanqi. On the surface, it is an extraction crystal of life magic.

Anyone who eats this blood crystal can gain a life magic power, and it can also be used as a life extension for a day or two.

It is quite a precious thing. For some little mages, this is something they can't ask for, and it can be said that it is extremely solemn to use it for compensation.

It's a pity that they met Negri. Combining the spirit inside the corpse oil and some of the information he had collected, Negri determined what Marci was planning during this time.

Radical organizations and silt organizations, one demands the rights and interests of the upper class, and advocates expelling or even killing those garbage people who have obtained status, and the other is an organization established by garbage people with status to protect their own rights.

If Negri hadn't escaped from that identity before, the Sludge Organization would come to the door and ask Negri to join, and then gradually turn Negri's industry into the Sludge Organization's industry, and Negri would instead become a manager of the company. .

There are frequent conflicts between the two organizations, and some people with insufficient levels really think that the top management of the two organizations has an inextricable hatred, but the two are actually the right and left hands of Marci.

These two organizations are the key to Malqi's plan, the artificial evil god plan.

In Marchi's view, part of the power of Archmage Stim is due to the fact that he completely controls an evil god.

It is impossible for March to capture and transform an evil god. He has self-knowledge, but can he create a evil god closely related to him?

I have to say that Marchi is a person with ideas. He has studied some information on evil gods and righteous gods, and found that most of each god symbolizes something.

Marci still doesn't quite understand things like the righteousness and reason of the road, but he also found something from it, that is, to replace the impression of something in people's minds.

Just as the eternal hot person is the embodiment of the sun in people's eyes, the life carrier is also a symbol of life.

So after a long calculation, Marci was ready to create the incarnation of the bloodline.

He controls the two organizations, intensifying the contradiction between the high class and the garbage people, and at the same time deepening the concept of blood into the two organizations, and at the same time, there is a saying within the two organizations.

The reason why high-class people are born noble is because they have blood, and the reason why those trash people can succeed,

It is because the blood of some high-class people flows to them.

Therefore, the high-class people must kill the garbage people who have obtained their status and regain their bloodline, and the garbage people can also kill the high-class people and obtain the identity of the high-class people by sacrificing the god of blood.

Let the high class and the garbage people believe that their success and failure are determined by blood.

After that, through the magic circle, every once in a while, members of the militant organization and members of the silt organization were sacrificed, and the target of the sacrifice was the god of blood that did not exist.

Each member of the organization, after joining, needs to perform a ceremony to indicate that they have joined the organization, but they are actually connected to the magic circle set up by Marci.

The magic inside the magic circle will be affected by the two organizers, and their sacrifices and thoughts will gradually change the nature of the magic. Under the influence of the magic of this nature, they will become stronger and smarter and more likely to succeed.

Eventually, this magic will become the blood of the two organizations, and rooted in each organization member.

The inheritance of the bloodline, as the members of the two organizations spread branches and leaves, there will be more and more people related to the bloodline, and eventually a blood god is created from nothing.

Blood crystals are a by-product of this so-called god-building process. Those members of the organization that were sacrificed, because there is no real evil god, most of the sacrifice energy was wasted, and the rest condensed into such crystals.

Negri's judgment on this is that the idea is good, and the practicality allows people like Marci who only see the surface to operate, and will only create a monster, far from being called an evil god.

And the biggest possibility is that before the monster was created, it was discovered by other evil gods or powerful beings, and then swallowed it and stole the result.

In addition, this god-making god has a huge weakness. In order to control the evil gods born in the future, Malqi desperately connects himself with the magic circle. Those organization members, each of them has a relationship with this ceremony, their sacrifices and influences , so that Marci's control of the ritual has formed a huge loophole.

One of the sources of the corpse oil, a member of that radical organization is a certain disciple of Malqi. Except for the real son of Kalanqi and the former disciple Kade, the other disciples of Malqi are all experiments.

That's how the disciple, who became part of the ritual, found out that some secrets of the ritual defected, was cursed by Malci and killed, and became a corpse in the sewers.

At the beginning, the four bodies were all found by Negri relying on his spiritual sense. The magic power in two of the corpses had been extracted, and some important organs were also removed. However, the people who killed them obviously had no way to further extract the magic power, so the magic power was extracted from the two corpses. The half-processed corpse was thrown into the sewer, which was the practice of the bottom-level mystic, and it was cheaper for Negri.

Another corpse was burned by magic and escaped into the sewer without dying on the spot. Together with the disciple who was cursed to death by Marci, there were four corpses in total.

At the beginning, Negri only recorded this information, and in addition, there were many similar information recorded by Negri, so when the blood crystal was sent to Negri, Negri, who roughly understood what March was going to do, contributed to the present situation.

Field relied on the spirit that was integrated into Logue's soul to avoid the induction of the magic circle set up by Marci, and disrupted the operation of the magic circle.

If the normal operation of the magic circle is disturbed, if Marci can still cope with it, in the period of magic tide, it will cost him his life.

Now Marchi's entire energy is on the operation of the parallel magic circle, not to mention mobilizing the power of the magic circle, and even casting spells by himself has become a problem.

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