Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 261 Go, Evil Legion, Silver Chariot!

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Banner had to smile awkwardly: "Well, it looks really scary."

"I've seen even scarier ones." Natasha pointedly said.

"Feel sorry."

"It's okay, but I think we might need a little more horror."

"Now is the perfect time to show your anger," Steve also said.

"Well, actually I've been angry all the time."

The Invincible Hulk broke through the clothes lent to him by the kind-hearted person in an instant, and just looking at it, the green skin that made people feel reliable was exposed to the air again.

At this time, the "good show" brought by Tony is about to debut!


Facing the extremely shocking Leviathan biological beast, Hulk was the first to let out a roaring roar!

Then a punch hit it hard in the face!

The huge Hulk is as small as a green flea in the Leviathan creature at this time, but this competition of power ends with Hulk winning!

When the huge Leviathan creature behemoth was rolled over by Hulk's invincible punch, Tony, who had already used Jarvis to find its weakness, immediately launched a missile to hit the target!

The seemingly invincible powerful creature was blown up into a fire!

Maybe this is just the kind of teamwork Nick Fury is looking for.

But before everyone was happy for a second, four or five such giant beasts were drilled out of the wormhole in the sky, and like dumplings raining, more and more enemies began to pour into the earth!

"We have to find a way to close the portal, otherwise the situation will only get worse, we simply can't deal with such a large number of enemies." Steve said the key!

"The portal is protected by a pure energy shield, which cannot be destroyed." Sol, who had been shattered by his favorite brother again, also returned.

"Why every time I see you there is only bad news." Tony said helplessly.

at this time,

Dior's voice suddenly sounded in everyone's mind.

"Maybe Loki's scepter can pierce that energy shield and destroy that thing."

Although Professor Shawig may not have a hand this time, the Mind Gem Scepter will definitely break through the energy shield of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!

This is the chance to break the game!

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder you must have me bring it." Natasha, who was holding Loki's scepter as a weapon, said suddenly.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

"But what about these enemies?"

Dio's voice sounded again, "You go and find a way to destroy the portal, and leave the rest to me."

"I'm here to help you, this is not the time to be a hero." Sol, who was holding the Thor's Hammer, said immediately, and his thunder power can also wipe out the enemy in a wide range.

"And me, it's not a problem to deal with these trash fish."

"That's me too."

Steve, Barton, Tony and others stood up one after another.

Dior, who was still in the fierce battle, only felt that there seemed to be a surge of blood in his heart. He always thought that he was fighting alone and wanted to fight alone, but in fact, this was not the case. There were still a group of people standing behind him. !

"Captain, it's up to you to make a decision."

Dior, who was in a complicated mood, handed over the choice back to them.

Steve also lived up to everyone's trust, and he made arrangements right away.

"Before destroying the teleportation device, we have to hold the line of defense!"

"Barton, you occupy a high place, observe the entire battlefield, and report the enemy's position!"

"Stark, you hold the last seal (crab) lock line, don't let these monsters run out of three blocks!"

"Sol, you summon thunder and lightning, kill those monsters, and together with Dio, you will defend the front line of the battlefield!"

"Natasha, you and I are going to destroy the teleportation device."

"And the Hulk... wreak havoc!"


With a roar of Hulk, everyone went to their place.

. . . . . . . . .

"I almost thought that you alien reptiles are really brave and not afraid of death. It turns out that there is also an emotion of 'fear'."

Dior, who was in the Shura Field, held the already bright red death scythe, and looked at the army of the Qitarians in the sky who dared not move forward.

one hundred...

five hundred...

one thousand?

In this short period of time, he could not remember how many lives he had shattered.

But now it looks like that!

"Since you don't come to me, then I will come to you!"


Dior, who inserted the [Gaze of Death] into the concrete floor, was ready to fire for the first time!

It is estimated that only he himself knows how much preparation he has made in advance for this possible battle. It is not necessary now, is it still waiting for the cub?

The golden ripple energy is immediately injected into these cards in the hand!

Then two dark black cards were first thrown by him onto the open space in front of him.

"Go, my evil legion! Tear up all these disgusting alien monsters!"

"Yes, Commander!"

The two full-charged [Extreme Squadron] one-time experience cards turned into a super army of 300 people!

Everything from marines to tanks to helicopters!

The powerful power coupled with the special ability "Focused Fire" allowed them to instantly shred the enemies in front of Dior!

Then they began to fight on their own in the way of a legion, until they died or time ran out, otherwise they would never let any enemy go!

And this is just the beginning!

"Show yourself, my most loyal knight! Go protect those two people, and destroy any enemy who dares to cross the cordon, leaving no one behind!"

A silver card instantly transformed into a humanoid knight wearing silver armor and holding a Western sword.

"Yes, my master."

The loyal [Silver Chariot] disappeared in front of Dio's eyes after a few ups and downs, and all the enemies blocking him were frozen in place, until his figure disappeared, these Zeta Swiss soldiers fell to the ground one after another. , a blood hole on the forehead is flowing with disgusting liquid!

Until they died, they couldn't see when the [Silver Chariot] attacked them!

Now there is [Squadron of Evil] to clean up the enemies in the air and on the ground, and there is [Silver Chariot] to protect Natasha and others who went to destroy the teleportation device.

Only the source remains.

So Dio looked up at the huge wormhole in the air.

At this time, Thor was summoning the power of thunder and lightning to bombard there, and countless Zeta Swiss soldiers and Leviathan creatures that failed to come out in time were all bombarded to the ground!

But in terms of attack power, if not the power of space, Thunder's destructive power should be the strongest!

But this kind of mighty power, even Thor, who has the name of Thor, can't use it for a long time. His physical strength and his divine power are rapidly depleting!

After a while, Thor could no longer sustain this high-intensity attack.

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