Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage

Chapter 189: In the dark cave

Chapter 189, Dark Caves


"It’s so bold, how do you want to eat it, is it starting from the feet?"

"No, generally speaking, it starts from the lips. Look at 'Mao. Line, Chinese, Wen, Net"

Eavesdropping on the marriage of the Shadow Spider Queen's marriage proposal to Yunxi, one by one reveals the expression of the heart, revealing the mysterious smile of people coming over.

The girls who haven't married yet are blushing, looking at the shadow spider queen who continues to give Yunxi pressure with curiosity.

"Oh, I am envious, if I have such a figure and charm, I want to do it." Looking at the Shadow Spider Queen, she will push Yunxi to the point of being overwhelmed, and the more inferior It is.

The temptation to be calm and unwilling is that she has not grown up, and she will never learn the charm of her life.

How to supplement nutrition, will have so long legs, and tall and beautiful ~ milk!

"Dragon Blood Alliance! Dragon Blood Alliance! Dragon Blood Alliance!"

The singular and unrecognized words almost appeared at the same time in the minds of the Star Knights of the Stars, which are engaged with Yunxi (there is no such annoyance exception).

That is the shouting from the soul, that is the last hope of the thousands of girls who are not willing to be their own tragic fate in the thousands of gods. The obsession is the unfortunately long dragon that has discovered this effect. The origin of a tragedy.

"If you can choose, it is the first one." Yun Xi looked at the Shadow Spider Queen who launched a marriage proposal on her own.

The first time he met such a proactive woman, he was almost overwhelmed.

However, why, the branch of the satellite system task four - love, the stars of the stars have not reached the contract prompt?

It seems that there is a subtle mistake. Look. Wool, Chinese net

"A very sensible choice."

"I will take responsibility, let me go." The Shadow Spider Queen lifted her white neck with satisfaction, raised her chest and announced her victory.

"Hey, go with you?" Yun Xi looked silly at the shadow of the Spider Queen, what was she talking about?

"Since it has become my thing, I have to go with me naturally."

"You, there is no other choice." Shadow Spider Queen grabbed Yunxi's hand strongly, carefully read it over and over again, then frowned.

"Wait, I haven't..." Yun Xi's words have not been finished yet, and the body is forced to be pulled up by the Shadow Spider Queen, forcing a large range of displacement.

The people at the ceremonies only saw a shadow, and the Shadow Spider Queen took Yun Xi from the village.

The apostle who captured the **** of water was originally the mission of the Shadow Spider Queen to this human village.

Originally, Tianjian Shaya*Langunis did not say that the captured prey needed to be alive or dead. With the character of the Shadow Spider Queen, the dead prey was the good prey.

However, she did not expect that the prey she was going to capture was a human being whose energy source constantly made magical food. If it was killed, it would be too wasteful.

Therefore, she is determined to make this water **** apostle become her own thing, and make delicious bread for herself every day.

"Ah, the apostle and the one are gone!" Looking at Yunxi suddenly disappeared, he shouted in horror and began to worry about the situation of Yunxi.

"Ha ha ha, I am missing, that is of course."

"Not all said, to eat it, it is natural to go to the gentle township, eat it bit by bit."

"Little girl, you are too young, don't ask any more." Married women have covered their little mouths, and they have revealed the expression that "children should not know the next thing."

"Hey, is that the case?" It was reminded by everyone that this realized that the last breath of the dialogue between Yunxi and the Shadow Spider Queen.

Oh, I don’t understand at all. Sure enough, the children are the children, and the adult-level dialogue between the adults and the one is completely unknown.

In the end, what method will I eat?

"Don't worry, the adult will come back soon, give him some supplemental potion, although he shouldn't need it."

Mei Lan was very contemptuous and took a look at the direction in which Yunxi disappeared.

The lonely man and the widowed woman disappeared together in the direction of the deep forest, and they just finished the marriage proposal. The next development is too easy to calculate.

It is a pity that she has no other choice. Once the marriage contract is confirmed, it is still the case that both sides agree on the public ceremonies. It is impossible to repent.

Moreover, she did not mean to repent.

As a wise man, once she makes a choice, she will not regret this kind of thing.

However, what does the word "Dragon Blood Alliance" always appear in the mind, what does it mean?


"good to eat!"

The bells intoxicated in the delicious bread reveal a particularly silly smile.


On the other hand, Yun Xi, captured by the Shadow Spider Queen in the cave, is experiencing the greatest crisis after he descended into the water **** world.

In front of me, there is no darkness, even a trace of light. The only thing that can barely shine is the Slim emerald on Yunxi's wrist.

In the absolute darkness, Yun Xi felt a terrible sight, the Shadow Spider Queen who captured him in this cave.

"Hey!" I couldn't see what it was. Yunxi's clothes were torn apart in an instant, and even a pair of underwear did not stay.

"Tell me, what organ do you use to make the kind of food?" The Shadow Spider Queen's voice hoarse with a seductive atmosphere, and he displayed the unique spiritual talent of the Shadow Spider.

"What organ... there is no such thing..." Yunxi looked at herself with a smile and seemed to be a shadow spider queen who had to do something sinister.

This mysterious brunette beauty is really not an ordinary person.

After someone proposes to marry him, will he be forced to take it away, or will he bring it into a cave like a black house, and undress?

This is too much initiative.

"This is impossible!"

The Shadow Spider Queen does not recognize this incomprehensible thing. The exchange of equivalence is almost the rule of the existence of all things, and the dark void is no exception.

At least, the creatures in the dark void are impossible to understand the special abilities of the so-called hero rank bakers, which is too much common sense.

The field of void creation is not like the hero ranks, let alone the ability of Yunxi to make one hundred fourth-order buttered breads that day.

It is totally unreasonable, and the law of conservation of mass can not die in the face of the ability of the baker of the hero rank.

Author's message:

Ps: Third, our Xiaoxi was brought to the dark and unbelievable by the powerful Queen of the Royal Sisters! The fourth is to be tomorrow morning or morning. Everyone can rest tonight. Remember to drop the recommended ticket for 12 o'clock. This week, the bread will be restored to the state. There is no way to explode. But you know all the bread at the end of the month. Tickets.

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