Strange Life of a Cat

Chapter 154 Father Cat

Chen Zhe didn't expect to see this black cat as soon as he opened the door. When he was boiling water to make tea, he warmed up a glass of milk and prepared to replace the overnight one on the balcony. He later accidentally learned that not every cat can drink milk, but seeing how happy the black cat drank every time he came, he stuck to this habit.

Seeing Uncle Lamei waving to him and raising the paper cup filled with milk, Zheng Tan hesitated.

going or not?

Zheng Tan thought about it.

Before that, his decision was to take a quick look and leave, far away from here. But now looking at Uncle Lamei's kind and expectant eyes, Zheng Tan's curiosity, which had been suppressed to only a tiny bit, started to spring up again.

What does Uncle Lamei want to do?

Zheng Tan slowly jumped up and got into the balcony.

The balcony is still the same, with cartons, cushions, and paper cups filled with milk.

Because Zheng Tan came over, Chen Zhe didn't put the paper cup with warm milk outside. He turned around and entered the room, placing the milk in front of Zheng Tan who had jumped up on the desk.

Zheng Tan jumped up on the desk just to broaden his horizons and see the changes in the room.

Compared with what I saw the last few times I came here, this room today, no, it should be said that the entire room has changed a lot.

The books on the bookshelf are all gone, and the shelves displaying items are also empty. From here, Zheng Tan can still see that the other two rooms in the house are open, but now there is nothing, and there are a few more on the floor in the living room. A large box that has been sealed.

There is a cup of wintersweet tea on the desk. Judging from the steam, it must be freshly brewed tea. The jar containing the wintersweet flowers is already empty. This is the last tea brewed when the wintersweet flowers are in bloom. There are not many wintersweet flowers left in the community now. As spring approaches and temperatures rise, wintersweet will disappear from people's sight.

There was an upside-down foreign language book next to the teacup. If he hadn't experienced the incredible thing in that room not long ago, Zheng Tan would not have connected the pleasant-looking scene in front of him with the former.

Looking at the people in front of him again, Zheng Tan realized that compared to the previous times he met Chen Zhe, Chen Zhe had changed a bit. Although he seemed quite gentle before, Zheng Tan always felt that this guy His whole body was shrouded in a heavy shadow, and the heaviness did not disappear even when he smiled. But now it's like the smog has been dispersed in the sky, becoming clear and pure.

People tend to behave more naturally when dealing with seemingly harmless animals.

Chen Zhe sat back at the desk. He stared at Zheng Tan for two minutes. When Zheng Tan started to feel unhappy, he finally looked away and confessed what he had done. Chen Zhe just briefly mentioned some things, mentioning three murder cases, but did not go into detail about the techniques and processes behind each incident, especially the incident involving Laiji at the end, which he simply summarized as "Its a trick".

Zheng Tan listened to his words and thought to himself that it was just as he had guessed. Lai Er's ending was caused by this man. But, how did Chen Zhe do it?

trick? trick? trick? magic?

Then what?

Then, there is no more.

After Uncle Lamei finished speaking this English sentence, he picked up the tea cup, continued to pick up the cup of tea on the table, took a sip, and continued to talk about other things.

Zheng Tan: "..."

This made Zheng Tan very disappointed. Although the scene looked really scary and weird, it was impossible not to be curious. Just like after witnessing a great magic trick, people would wonder how to do this. What about?

Therefore, what Zheng Tan is most curious about is how Lai Er was burned and what kind of trap Chen Zhe used to set up in advance. Unfortunately, Chen Zhe didn't tell.

"The piano has been donated, and the large boxes in the living room are filled with books, which are also to be donated. Regardless of whether they are original foreign language books or Chinese books, they have all been donated anonymously to a few middle school books in remote mountainous areas. Library, some teachers and students teaching there may use it..."

Chen Zhe continued.

But why did he suddenly say this to a cat? It's really baffling.

Zheng Tan couldn't understand.

Not in the mood to drink any milk, Zheng Tan looked around boredly, and then focused on the upside-down book next to the tea cup. It was an original foreign language book, not in English. Zheng Tan didn’t know which language it was in. Zheng Tan’s focus was not what the book was about, but the painting on the cover of the book: In the church, a young man was confessing to the priest.

Many people repent in order to relieve their mental suffering. Is Mr. Chen Zhe also repenting?

wrong! The point is, if this guy is really repenting, why would he do it to a cat? What a waste of confession!

Zheng Tan looked at the cover of the book, then at Chen Zhe, who was sitting on the chair facing him and talking to himself, then at the cover of the book, then at Chen Zhe...

What a mess!

Zheng Tan suddenly had the urge to turn the table over.

Damn, I'm a cat now, not a priest. Why do you want to repent to a cat? !

However, Chen Zhe doesn't seem to be purely repentant, but rather seems to simply want to share the psychological pressure. Also, this kind of thing cannot be told to outsiders, even the most trusted people may not be able to tell it. As for the reason why Chen Zhe chose a cat to talk to, Zheng Tan could roughly guess that this was not the first person Zheng Tan had met who talked about his stress to an animal to relieve his psychological burden. Obviously, for people, cats cannot speak and cannot understand human speech. Even if they understand, they cannot tell the second person what they hear.

However, Zheng Tan is that special case. Not only can he understand it, but he also has a certain level of understanding about it!

"ashes to ashes, and dust to dust; in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection unto eternal life..."

After Chen Zhe finished speaking, he was silent for a while, then took a deep breath with a relieved smile on his face. He raised his head and saw the cat squatting on the desk staring at him, looking surprised. Chen Zhe smiled again. He had decided to bury these things in his heart. He never thought of saying these things out. Even if he did, he never thought of saying them to a cat. Sure enough, speaking out what you have been holding in your heart will feel much freer. He was grateful to the cat. If it hadn't been for the cat, he would have carried those words he had suppressed for so long into his future life.

Suddenly thinking of something, Chen Zhe took out a golden pocket watch-like object from his pocket and waved it in front of Zheng Tan, "Black Cat, tell me, what should I do with this thing? For many people, it It’s very important and can even trigger betrayers, but I don’t want to carry it with me all the time. When I see it, I will think of that nightmare past.”

Zheng Tan was actually very impatient. After listening to Chen Zhe nagging so much, he didn't elaborate on the key points he wanted to hear. Now he was holding a pocket watch waving in front of his eyes, which made Zheng Tan's eyes tired. Tan was even more upset, so he directly raised his paw to take a picture of the swinging pocket watch in front of him.

Chen Zhe didn't hold the things firmly, and was a little distracted when he spoke. He didn't want to get any advice from a cat, he just said it casually. Suddenly he felt a tug on the chain on his hand. When he looked over, the pocket watch had been separated from his fingers and was lying on the desk.

As if he had not expected this, Chen Zhe was stunned for a moment, then looked at the pocket watch that was thrown on the table next to him. After a few seconds, Chen Zhe smiled with relief and said, "According to your suggestion, then so be it."

Zheng Tan was a little confused, any suggestions? What does "this" mean?

[The following words are not included in Chapter V]

(2.11) 2k words, a bit short, I want to rest early, otherwise I will be sluggish on Monday.

PS: Someone asked me today about the issue of Lucifer and Satan in "Lucifer fell into Satan" in Chapter 145. In fact, there are different versions in different cultural backgrounds.

By the way, friends who are interested in psychology can read "The Lucifer Effect"

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