Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 17 Chapter 2175: Terrans still

The sacred sacred sacred priest immediately stared at Ye Mo. When he discovered that Ye Mo was also a humanized sacred emperor, his blood red suffocating and killing immediately became real, pushing some invisible bans around him. It creaked.

Not only him, even the rest of the emperor in the square, all staring at Ye Mo with horror. They really can't figure out, Ye Mo, a sacred emperor, has the courage to scream to a Taoist emperor? Isn't this looking for death? Even if Ye Mo is also a human race, no one can appreciate this kind of behavior.

Luo Qinghe looked at Ye Mo without knowing it. He couldn’t think of this kind of **** Terran, and he knew that he would dare to come up and drink the Emperor.

"Ye Dansheng, just give me a road to the district." Hehe saw the opportunity to help Yemo, and immediately said.

As soon as he said it, the savage magical monk calmed down. Hehe Daoyuan’s peak is repaired, and it seems that the strength is much stronger than him. Moreover, the cyan of the body around the body also formed the essence, which can be formed by continuous killing. What's more, he knows Gehe. Hehe has been in the virtual city for more than 100 years. In the past, Bai Lihong, who ranked the 127th in the Shinto list, was killed by the big bully. No one came to him afterwards.

"Hey, I am the Gong of the Mozu, you are also a Taoist emperor, is it necessary to help the rude human race not to be successful?" Gong Xiang's blood-red suffocation slightly converged, facing a strong Taoist, He has to give face.

The people around me are also coming over. It is no wonder that this sacred emperor dared to speak to Gong Xiang. It turned out that there was a strong leader behind him.

Ye Mo did not hesitate to speak. I went forward and said, "This has nothing to do with the rest of the people. Gong Xiang, you are looking for a sect of the Holy Land as a Taoist emperor. Do you still have a face without a face?"

Ye Mo didn't want to owe him any time, and once he helped him, he would not owe a good man if he didn't help alchemy. Ye Mo is the most unwilling to owe his grievances. If he helped him, he can refine alchemy instead of alchemy. I always feel a little awkward in my heart.

Moreover. In the face of Gong Xiang, a Taoist demon, he really did not look in the eyes.

When Gong Xiang heard Ye Mo’s words, he immediately became overjoyed. He simply did not wait for Hehe to speak. Just say it first. "I am the person who represented the Mozu to participate in the distribution meeting of the Daoguo Tower. Although Ji Kang and Luo Qinghe are competing for the gods list, they are also considered to be in the quota for the entrance to the Daoguo Tower. Of course, I am qualified to come out. Who are you? Is it not necessary to intervene in the fruit tower to enter the quota and the holy list?"

Although Ye Mozhen was shameless, but because he stood on one side, he did not dare to over-excite Ye Mo. Beginning to say things from the truth, if he stands on the ground, he still dares to start, then he will immediately ask the Daoqiang strong man in the Holy List Square. And he himself can kill Ye Mo and Luo Qinghe.

Some people have already recognized Ye Mo is Ye Dansheng at this time, and they have started to talk on one side.

Ye Moe smiled. "You said that it is not wrong. This is the person who represented the Terran in the Daoguota quota allocation meeting. Why do you qualify for the qualification? I am not forced by the Mozu. Living in all ethnic groups, the world is not the first one?"

"What? You represent the Terran in the Daoguota quota allocation meeting?" Gong Xiang could not believe to stare at Ye Mo, is it enough to live, want to die?

Don't look at Ye Mo's side, but he can't help. All ethnic groups are allocated to the conference, and only the talents of their own family can speak and accept challenges. This is definitely not a human race, and even the conference venue can not enter.

"What, this time someone represented the Terran to participate in the quota distribution meeting of the Dogo Tower?"

"The Terran rejoined the Daoguota quota allocation conference..."

"The human race's path to Dan Sheng is going to participate in the distribution of the Daoguo Tower."


In just a short period of time, Ye Mo’s participation in the Daoguo Tower quota allocation meeting on behalf of the Terran has already been passed out.

In the virtual city, as long as the people who heard this news flocked to the holy square. This is the first time that they have heard someone attending the Daotang Quota Allocation Conference on behalf of the Terran.

This is definitely an exciting news, even if it is only assigned to a quota, it also shows that the Terran has begun to speak among the various ethnic groups. It is no longer the kind of obscurity that obeys and accepts. In the virtual city, it is just the existence of bullying.

The Luoqing River next to it is more excited and shivering. He wants to speed up the promotion to Daoyuan, just to represent the Terran in the quota distribution meeting of the Daoguo Tower. Although he knew that even if he advanced to the Daoyuan, his strength could not grab a place in the distribution meeting of the Daoguo Tower. However, he has already been fed up with the human race being oppressed in the virtual city and being bullied in various ethnic groups. He may not be able to change the status of the Terran, but he can make all races understand that the Terran is still there.

Gong Xiang immediately understood that Ye Mo was not joking with him. When Ye Mo said that it was true, his heart immediately said that he was ecstatic. "Well, since you are also representing the Terran in the Taoist Tower, Then I will officially challenge you now, let’s talk in the ring."

After finishing this sentence, Gong Xiang finally spit out the depressed gas in his heart. He had a reason to kill Ye Mo in a bright and honest way, even if he did not dare to stand up and stop him.

Ye Mo has long been waiting for the sentence, if Gong does not say this sentence, even in this big square, he will also kill the Taoist Emperor of the Mozu. When he first bred, he killed the Holy Emperor of the Mozu. Now he has turned the peak, and his strength has been improved several times. To kill a Taoist Emperor of the Mozu, there will be problem?

Just as Ye Mo and Gong Xiang wanted to start, a low voice sounded in everyone’s ears. “All the tribes participated in the Holy Land of the Daoguo Tower Allocation Conference. Please enter immediately, the Daogu Tower quota allocation meeting. About to start."

There was a slight disappointment in Gong’s eyes, but this disappointment was fleeting. He said to Ye Mo with a smile. "Very good, you can still live more time, wait for the Daoguo Quota allocation meeting, I I will still find you, and explain your own aftermath. Unless you are on the side, don’t even have a place."

After talking about the shape of the Gong, he has already flown to the gate of the largest building on the left side of the square.

Hehe said to Ye Mo, "Ye Dansheng, I am waiting for you at the door of the Daoguo Tower quota allocation meeting."

Ye Mo looked at him with a strange look. "You don't worry if I can't come out?"

Hehe immediately replied, "Don't worry, Ye Dansheng's cultivation should not be worse than me."

He and Ye Mo had a simple fight before, and they had a bottom to Ye Mo’s strength. He is sure that even if Gong Xiang and Ye Mozhen really fight, then the Gong will not be able to eat Ye Mo.

"Okay, then you will wait for me." When Ye Mo finished, he would go to the gate. Since Luo Qinghe appeared in the holy list square, it will not go for the time being. When he attends the conference, he will talk to Luo Qinghe.

Luo Qinghe quickly walked toward Ye Mo and said: "I just thank Ye Dansheng for saving, otherwise I may have fallen."

He heard the people in the square talking about Ye Mo called Ye Dansheng, and also called Ye Moye Dan.

Ye Mo smiled. "You wait for me in the square. After I have finished the conference, come back to talk to you. I still have some things to ask you."

Luo Qinghe said quickly, "Ye Dansheng, everyone in the Daoguota Conference can bring two people of this ethnic group to participate. If Ye Dansheng has only one person, I am willing to follow Ye Dansheng to attend the conference."

Ye Mo was very satisfied with Luo Qinghe's words. Luo Qinghe said this, obviously it has already set aside life and death. If he is afraid of death, then it is impossible to say this. In this kind of conference, you will face the scene of being killed anytime, anywhere.

"Okay, then let me go with me." Ye Mo immediately agreed with Luo Qinghe's request.

"Ye brother, I am also willing to join you in the quota distribution meeting of the Dogo Tower." Another beautiful female voice came, Wang Nanshuang has rushed to the front of Ye Mo and Luo Qinghe. Behind Wang Nanshuang, there are Ji Xi and two other women. Apparently they came after hearing the news.

Although Wang Nanshuang is the goddess of the goddess, she is not bad in Ye Mo’s impression. However, if you go to the quota distribution meeting of the Dogo Tower, then even if Wang Nanshuang is also a cultivator, the strength is far worse than the Luoqing River.

"No," Yemmer replied simply.

Wang Nanshuang was in a hurry and said quickly, "Ye Shixiong, this is not the time to say personal grievances. I know that Ye Yexiong has opinions on my goddess, but I have the opportunity to give some strength to the Terran. My goddess of the Holy Gate will never fall behind. Since Wang Nanshuang said that he wants to participate in the quota distribution meeting of the Daoguo Tower, even if it is a difficult thing, it will not shrink. At most, there is death. Besides, the other tribes are all three, and there are only two people in my family. Not falling into the momentum?"

Ye Mo Shen said for a moment, "You are right, then go together ~ agree with Wang Nanshuang to attend the conference, Ye Mo knows who Wang Nanshuang is, Xiaoyun's master has told him. He knows that Wang Nanshuang is telling the truth, but there is no falsehood.

"Ye brother, I will go with you too." At this time, Dong Hao also rushed over.

Ye Mo smiled. "There are only three people allowed to participate. Now that we have three people, you are waiting for my good news."

Ye Mo represented the Terran in the Daoguo Tower quota allocation conference, and it has spread throughout the virtual city. There are more and more people in the Holy List Square, and they all spontaneously come together. They used to be like a roaming soldier. It was because no one took the lead. Now that there is a person who takes the lead, it immediately forms a scale.

No matter whether this Ye Dan Sheng can not get a place in the Daoguo Tower quota allocation meeting, this is already a good start for the Terran.

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... (to be continued..)

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