Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 4 Chapter 370: Take hostage once

The 370th chapter is a hostage

Ye Mo circumvented the patrol fleet. Some tired and flew again for more than an hour to see the land. He knew that after this round, he must have missed the route that was originally booked. E^ Look now that he doesn't have any coordinates on his hand, and he can't understand a word from the locals.

Ye Mo found a place where few people fell. His real yuan is too expensive and he can only find a place to recover. It may be that he was in a hurry when he came. Ye Mo only found out that he had no dollars here, and he did not have any documents.

It was very empty here, Ye Mo waited for a long time, and did not wait for a person to ask the way. Just as Ye Mo was going to ask for more places to visit, a fast-moving off-road vehicle caught Yemo’s attention.

The off-road vehicle is normal, but it is not normal that the off-road vehicle includes five drivers, all of whom have pistols. Moreover, the rear compartment of this off-road vehicle has also been modified, and the inside of the compartment is empty.

The main reason for Ye Mo to decide to follow the off-road vehicle is that there are several Chinese characters in the compartment of this off-road vehicle, 'I want to take revenge', but these words are very small, although the inside of the carriage is black, but escapes from Ye Mo. God knows.

What Ye Mo did not think was that the off-road vehicle actually stopped in a hidden place not far from a store. In addition to the driver, the other four went into two stores not far away.

Ye Mo then followed up and walked into one of the stores. He was ready to ask how far San Francisco left, and then take a look at what the four wanted. But when he just walked in, there was a féi fat policeman who saw Ye Mo, and suddenly he looked alert and walked over.

Ye Mo’s knowledge immediately discovered the policeman, and he could not help but frown. If the policeman asked him about his origins, he could only do it. The policeman really hurts the egg. He doesn't ask the two black people, but he can't go with him.

"help!" A sharp voice came, the fat policeman of féi immediately looked back, not far from the two blacks being robbed in another nearby store. The shopkeeper was called for help, and he was being held hostage by a black gangster.

Féi fat police took care of Ye Mo and immediately rushed out of the pistol. Ye Mo shook his head. He knew that there was two accomplices in the same store as he was. I didn't expect these black people to make such a big move, just to grab the store.

Knowing this, he was too lazy to come over. He saw Chinese characters in the carriage and thought that these people had Chinese speakers.

Just as Ye Mo was ready to go away, there was a black man who was close to him. Ye Mo immediately knew that this person was looking for a hostage, and immediately stopped moving, but his heart was thinking, nòng a free lead is not bad.

Sure enough, the black gangsters controlled Ye Mo, and the other one stunned the owner and started looking for something. What makes Ye Mo strange is that the black robbers have thrown away all the change. Are these people not robbing? Why don't you even have money?

Soon Yemmer knew that these people were not coming to rob, but came to the store to find things. He didn't know what to look for. However, since these four people have been steadily smashing in both stores, Ye Mo guessed that these people should only know that things are in the store, but they do not know which store they are in.

Ye Mo looked at the sturdy and strong shopkeeper, and finally understood why the gangster wanted to take him hostage. This shows that Ye Hao is a good bully, although Ye Mo seems to be about one meter eight, but compared to the one-meter-nine shopkeeper is still dwarfed, and the owner is still in the cross ròu.

The remote place has faintly heard the police car's tweet, and two police officers have come to support. Another store sent a call, estimated to have succeeded, and the two black men who held Ye Mo hostage quickly took Ye Mo out of the store.

The four gangsters chose Ye Mo and another shop owner as hostages, rushed to the off-road vehicle parked next to them and quickly started the car.

It is estimated that the front of the car could not sit down. The two black men took Ye Mo and another hostage into the sealed compartment behind the modification.

When the police car came over, the robbery team had disappeared without a trace. Ye Mo noticed that one of the robbery squads had a black box in his hand, and it was estimated that the box was what they were looking for. Then Ye Mo’s knowledge was swept in, and it was all in a packet of white powder.

Was it drug trafficking? Ye Mo immediately understood that the five were a group of drug dealers. Just don't know how their drugs are hidden in the store, or they know that other drug dealers are hiding things in the store, so they are black and black.

The off-road vehicle is very fast, but it is only integrated into the traffic after a while, and after half an hour, the off-road vehicle enters an empty section.

The bearded black man in front of the car called, and the car slowed down. He quickly escorted the two hostage blacks and threw the store owner away.

The two black men are coming to Ye Mo, and Ye Mo grabs the two black people and shakes their hearts and throws them directly outside the car. The three people in front heard the sound behind them, thinking that Ye Mo was also thrown out. He didn't even return his head. He immediately turned into a small road and drove the car up.

An hour later, the off-road vehicle parked in front of a villa, and the two blacks and drivers in front came out. Ye Moxin thought that the way these guys ran on the road was really far away, but they didn't know if they were drug-trafficking, black or black, or small.

When the bearded black man saw Ye Mo, he suddenly screamed and immediately called out.

Ye Mo simply couldn't understand what the guy was calling, and it was estimated that he was who you are. He went straight up and took a big beard. "Take me to find someone who can understand and understand."

The two black men next to him immediately pulled out the pistol. Ye Mo did not look at it. He directly passed the two fireballs. The two black men turned into flying ash.

The bearded man looked at Ye Mo with a look of horror. He didn't know what to say. The black face was full of fear and shock. However, although he couldn't understand Ye Mo's words, he probably guessed it. He quickly pointed his finger at the room and smashed it.

The beard took Ye Mo to a closed basement and opened mén. Ye Mo found several boxes inside. Ye Moxin said, I am looking for a person who can speak Chinese. I ask where is this place. What does this guy bring him here?

Ye Mo walked to a box and opened the box. It was all full of dollars. There are more than one million in this box. These robbers are really rich. In spite of the shock of the beard, Ye Mo directly put this box of dollars into his own ring. He now has no dollars, and the dollar in this box is a gift in the snow.

The bearded man looked at Ye Mo and changed a box of dollars. He almost fell off his eyes. Ye Mo opened several other boxes, all of which were simple guns yào. They were not interested in these things, and these guns did not look ugly. Ye Mo’s interest in collecting was not.

Just as Ye Mo was going to ask about this bearded man, when he was in San Francisco, he saw a map. The map hangs on the wall, which is obviously a map of the United States.

Ye Mo searched for a long time along the beach to find the location of San Francisco. He pulled a big beard and pointed at his feet and asked, "Where is it?"

Although I couldn't understand Ye Mo's words, this time the bearded man was guessing, and he pointed his finger at a position in Daly City.

Ye Mo stunned, he had already arrived in Daly City, although not far from San Francisco, but still some distance.

Knowing the direction to go, Ye Mo never left the beard, and he turned the beard into a gray. Then I found a clean place to practice for a few hours, before I set foot on the flying sword and went straight to San Francisco.


An awkward figure appeared on the streets of Anza, San Francisco. Of course, Ye Mo, who had just arrived, immediately stopped a taxi as soon as he fell.

If the taxi driver said something, Ye Mo couldn’t understand it. He could only try to say: "I am going to Chinatown."

"ok", the driver made a gesture of getting on the bus.

Ye Mo was happy, but I didn't expect this guy to understand his own words.

It seems that Ye Mo understands that he does not understand Chinese. The driver’s pronunciation is extremely non-standard. “I just have a few commonly used Chinese words.”

However, Ye Mo did not care. He only had to find Chinatown, and it was already a good thing. Chinatown must have people who can understand Chinese. He does not believe that Chinatown is also a foreigner.

An hour later, Ye Mo stood at the mén mouth of Chinatown's ‘Ying ù ù 阁. Because it was a jet lag, Ye Mo was here in the afternoon.

Ye Mo went into the ‘明yù阁’. The decoration here is somewhat like some old shops in China. A 50-year-old man wears a pair of glasses and is watching with an ancient book.

"What do you want?" A 20-year-old man in the store asked Ye Mo to walk in and immediately asked very politely.

Ye Mo glanced at the various antiques on the counter and some decorations of Huaxia sè, which found that this bracelet was given to him by Ning Zhongfei, which is a good thing in this store. It is.

"This bracelet is sold here by you?" Ye Mo took out the bracelet that Ning Zhongfei gave him and handed it to the guy.

The guy took the bracelet and immediately replied: "Yes, this is what I sold here, only a few days? Is there any problem? Grandpa..."

The old man who was reading the book also put down the book in his hand. When he came over, he took the bracelet in the hand of the boy and repeated it several times. Then he nodded and said, "Yes, this bracelet is sold here by me. Do you have any questions?"

Ye Mo smiled. "There is nothing in the question. I just want to ask where is this bracelet coming from?"

"This..." The old man with glasses took off his glasses, and some said it was difficult. Asking the origin of the source of goods has always been taboo, Ye Mo did not care about the origins of this bracelet, so that he felt a little embarrassed.

Ye Mo took out a stack of dollars, estimated another 10,000, and placed it on the counter: "Boss, this is the reward you answered, take it."

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