Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 4 Chapter 542: 3000 world 3000 road

The fifty-fourth chapter three thousand world three thousand roads

"Thank you for your help, my brother and I are grateful. M" Lu Na saw Ye Moe kill Li Dayi, although he did not know how he killed, but he thought it should be a flying knife.

Ye Mo secretly laughed, the two men claimed to be male and female friends, one called their predecessors, one called their own big brother. The two men do not know what identity is in 'Beisha' or whether it is smelling winter.

"Why should Beisha chase you both?" Ye Mo looked at the two men and asked.

Lu Na blinked. "Because I and my sister Lu Ling both work in 'Beisha', my sister was taken away by the people of Beisha because of the crime of others. I guess she is already fierce. Poor. My sister has done so many things for Beisha, just because she has to help others to sin, and finally fell to the end. I have the heart to revenge, but I have no ability, can only secretly escape with my boyfriend. 'Beisha'."

Lu Ling? Ye Mo suddenly remembered the young woman named Ling sister. Lu Na’s sister would not be her. If she was, she would be tired of Lu Ling. Ye Mo carefully looked at Lu Na and found that she was really like Lu Ling.

Ye Mo did not have any embarrassment about this, each for his own benefit, and he did not have anything to do with Lu Ling.

Ye Mo Yang raised the bag in his hand. "This is the new element you have discovered 镪265? Can fission be used as an atomic bomb charge?"

Lu Na shook her head and said: "In fact, I am only an assistant. The main test is my teacher and two other chemistry professors. Two months ago, the data of this thing has basically come out, and my teacher has also accumulated I couldn’t afford the disease. The two chemists, one went to the Bering Sea a few days ago, and one went to the United States. I only saw the opportunity to escape."

“What do you want to do to Bailinghai?” Ye Mo’s heart suddenly moved, and he immediately asked.

Lu Na did not care about Ye Mo’s expression and said casually: “I heard people say that the largest base and scientific test site of 'Beisha’ is in the Bering Sea, which seems to be called the Yangwan base.”

Ye Moxin was so happy that the news was good for him. He said that after Luo Yuecheng stabilized, he was ready to go to the Bailinghai to find the 'Black Yang Empire'. He did not expect the Yangwan base to be there. It seems that he will go directly. Enough. I just don’t know how the United States’ investigation into the disappearance of the plane was like it. It seems that since the last time sent a few abilities to find Ning Xiaoxue, there is no movement.

"Oh, this name is good, I hope this thing is really strong." Ye Mo looked at the bag in his hand and said, since there is no way to cultivate to kill a country, I will use technology and comprehension to kill. you.

Unexpectedly, after listening to Ye Mo’s words, Lu Na suddenly said: “This element was originally named as strong by my teacher. Later, because this is a newly discovered element, I added a gold word. Different words in the same tone, but also fit, so it is very convenient. If my master does not die, this discovery of fissile elements will definitely get the latest Nobel Prize in Chemistry..."

Lu Na thought that both Master and her sister had suffered unexpectedly in 'Beisha' and some of them were saddened. Instead, her boyfriend whispered comfortably on the side.

Ye Mo listened to Lu Na's words but he was a little worried. It seems that there is something to catch. Suddenly there was a flash in his mind, a homonym, a fission?

He suddenly remembered the phrase "one leaf, one world, one world, three thousand leaves". He got two pages of gold paper. If you change one word, it is ‘one page, one world,’ and the same word. Will it be that ‘Lianhang Jingzhai’ was originally passed down as “One Page One World”? Just because time has passed, so the understanding of inheritance is wrong?

It may also be that the ancestral inheritance was wrong, and the ancestors could have gotten ‘one leaf and one world,’ so they didn’t understand it. Besides, the general Buddhism or the Zen Gate all like to use flowers, leaves, grasses, and other things to replace some mysterious things. I have never heard of using books to replace anything.

Ye Mo became more and more aware of his own guess.

If you guess the true dialogue, your two pages of gold paper represent two worlds, that is, ‘two pages and two worlds’. However, the number of general avenues is not three or its multiple, or six, or nine.

In this way, he got two pages of gold paper, there is no way to see the mysteriousness, or because it is not complete, there is probably a third. I got the top and bottom pages. If there is a third one, it should be the middle page. In this way, it is in line with the upper middle and lower, or the ‘three pages and three worlds’.

Ye Moxin suddenly was shocked. If he speculated correctly, then the woman who went to ‘Lianhang Jingzhai’ should take one of the three pages in the middle, which is the middle page.

If it is really like what he thinks, then these pages of gold paper are not going to be against the sky? Even in the realm of comprehension, it is impossible to have such a giant treasure. We must know that the things that form the small world are all beyond the existence of Lingbao, or even the existence that we dare not think about. When did the Earth have such good things?

‘One leaf, one world, one world, three thousand leaves’, or this is the three thousand worlds, Ye Mo is thinking from fission. The general monks know that there are three thousand avenues. This corresponds to the three thousand worlds, is it the expression of the three thousand avenues?

If the meaning of the two leaves before and after the "one leaf, one world, one world, three thousand leaves" is different. Then his three pages of gold paper can be understood as three worlds, each world has three thousand avenues, adding up to nine thousand avenues.

God, Ye Moyue wants to be more confused. He licks some painful heads and feels that there are too many things in this sentence. He can't digest it for a while.

But no matter what it contains or what secret, this golden paper is absolutely amazing. He is likely to have lost a piece of gold paper, and this little piece of gold paper must have been taken away by the woman who was killed in the ‘Lianhang Jingzhai’.

Thinking of three gold papers containing three thousand worlds, Ye Mo’s heart immediately became hot. In any case, he must find the third gold paper.

Woman, a half-step congenital woman, Ye Mo smashed his head, when did this powerful woman? He remembered the uncle who was desperately saying that she was black, was she getting it?

Ye Moyue thinks that she should be her, because if it is her, everything is explained. The powerful woman got the upper and lower parts of the Jurassic, in fact, she got two superficial Tao Te Ching, so she knew that the Jurassic was in the Tao Te Ching.

If it is really her, she will definitely find the correct Jurassic. Because the correct "Jurassic" is the "Morality" with two pages of yellow paper inside, one of which is gold paper.

But once the woman discovered that her newly acquired "Jurassic" had two pages, and only one blank sheet of paper was obtained from the lonely, what would she react to?

The first reaction is definitely the suspicion of falling, because the scriptures are brought back, so it is not dangerous to say that it is desolate. Thinking of desperation, because he was going to fall into the confession of this old woman, Ye Mo was worried.

"Ye's predecessor..." Lu Na's boyfriend saw Ye Mo has been silent, and his expression has changed a few times. It seems that there is something hesitant about, and he immediately called it out.

Ye Mo returned to God. He thought that there were two people here. He smiled a little and slyly: "I'm sorry, I just thought about something that I thought. I thank you for your information. This thing is very useful to me. I don't know what you plan to do now."

Ye Mo knew that Lu Na was involved in the study of this fissile element and wanted to call her to Luoyuecheng.

"Ye's predecessor, after I graduated from California State University, I came to 'Beisha'. Later I met Lu Na here. After this happened, Luna and I planned to go to Luoyuecheng to rely on the predecessors. I thought I was chased here. There is also a brother who escaped with me. He and the people of 'Beisha' have died." The man was a little cautious and seemed to have some sadness.

Ye Mo did not expect that they would have to go to Luoyue. They wanted to come. If they were really wanted by Beisha, they would have no good place to go except for Luo Yue.

"Go to Luoyue, I am very welcome, what is your name? Don't call the predecessors, we are almost the same. But if you are engaged in technology, the effort is not bad." Ye Mo is definitely not going to vote for Luo Yue. Will refuse.

"My name is Liang Jun. My kung fu is ancestral. After my father died, I was alone. I sold my family to study in the United States. If I didn't meet Lu Na, I guess I was still in 'Beisha'. Liang Jun replied.

Ye Mo nodded and said: "Well, you are going to stream snakes now, there is also the land of After you went to the snake, you will find Yu Zong, and then Yu will let you send you. Luo Yue. I will call her later."

After Liang Jun and Lu Na gave their words, Ye Mo immediately called Yu Miaozhen and asked her to wait for Liang Jun and Lu Na to arrive and immediately send two people to Luoyue. As for the information, it is still reliable on your own.

After the two left, Ye Mo fell into fear again. He was really worried about falling. With the means of the old woman, it will certainly not be kind to the lonely. However, he has no way to leave Luoyue now. Luoyuecheng is under construction. What if he left and what happened?

As for the development of science and technology, it is not a day or two. Ye Xing’s perverted character, with so many people, and sufficient funds, has only come up with a defense system for several months. This is still fast. It is. The rest of the things, although he can be designed, but it has actually become a real thing for a while.

Ye Moe affirmed that it is impossible to block the United States alone.

(Thanks to my friends for their subscriptions and monthly passes, there are still many friends who come to reward today, thank you! Thank you for your interest in Xiaohui Wanxiang.)


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