Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 6 Chapter 739: Sadness

Aside from distracting thoughts, Ye Mo took a deep breath and then swallowed two ‘Pui Yuan Dan’ without hesitation. The powerful spiritual power began to collide in the meridians, and Ye Mo began to refine the medicinal properties, and then constantly attacked the seven-layer barrier.

Under the powerful consumption power of ‘three 诀’, Ye Mo felt that the medicinal properties of the body would soon dissipate, and he was still far away from the seven layers of qi.

As soon as the teeth bite, Ye Mo swallowed the five ‘Da Pei Yuan Dan’ in front of him. A group of flames like a flame burned in Yemo’s meridians and Dantian.

The consumption capacity of 'Sanshengyu' is really not to be said. The five 'Da Peiyuan Dan' swallowed together. The kind of eruption is quite similar to a monk in a training period. terror. In the past, I have practiced six layers of gas and dared to eat five ‘Da Pei Yuan Dan’ in one breath. It is estimated that only Ye Mo.

If it is a general practice, these five medicinal herbs plus the two in front will not wait for you to refine, and will completely burn the entire person's meridians. However, the metamorphosis of ‘three generations’, the ‘three generations and all things’ understood by Ye Mo, even if there is a lot of aura, as long as the first time does not blast the meridians and Dantian, it will always turn into infuriating and be refining.

Ye Mo also knew that he had violated the peace of mind of cultivation and adopted a rampage, but he did not regret it. At this time, he stayed at the gold page, he was anxious than anyone else. He was too arrogant to hang Mu Xiaoyun.

Fortunately, ‘Three Life’ did not disappoint him, even if he had more spiritual power, he could digest it. But the premise is that these spiritual powers can stay in his meridians. Ye Mo couldn't help thinking of the last yujian explosion on the island. The thing he was hurting, if it wasn't for the time when his meridians were completely widened, he really couldn't add to this violent aura.

"Oh..." Ye Mo could almost hear the cracking sound of his own internal barriers. Those infuriating in the meridians and Dantian almost found the venting vent from the rupture. Ye Mo felt that the infuriating gas in his body began to swell up and became stronger and stronger.

A strong liliang feeling in the body of Ye Mo, Ye Moxin suddenly happy. In order to impact the late stage of training, he was anxious, but fortunately, the 'three generations' is indeed strong. Under his eagerness, he broke through.

"Lecture seven layers..." Ye Mo stabilized and repaired, and suddenly stood up.

The hand stretched out. A dazzling fireball appeared in his palm, several times stronger than before. Ye Mo sighed with a sigh of relief, and he knew that his current cultivation was much stronger than before.

Although he only practiced seven layers of gas, he just entered the late stage of practicing Qi, but Ye Mo felt that he was not afraid of a perfect monk who had a perfect period of training.

He remembered the three warriors who had not been able to repair them in Hangzhou Water City. I don’t know what their strength is. Should I have no problem with these three people?

In this case, he must consider it. Because he has to go to Taiyimen to take revenge, he must face this kind of master. To say that Taiyimen does not have the kind of person who can't see through it, Ye Mo will never believe it.

"Go out." Ye Mo stood up and shouted. No longer want to stay in this place for a second, he immediately asked to go out the next moment.

Sure enough, his thoughts flashed, and the next moment, he has left the gray shijie.

Finally came out, Ye Mo has a feeling of tears. How long has it been closed by this gold page shijie?

Not good, Ye Mo suddenly remembered his own 'Indigo Flower'. The reason why he went to Wuyun Mountain this time was mainly for the 'Indigo Flower'. In the Golden Pages shijie, there was no loss of medicinal properties, but it did not mean that it would not be outside.

Ye Mo reached out and took out the 'Indigo Flower'. Although he installed it in a jade box, Ye Mo would definitely have to go half a month to a month. The medicinal properties of the 'blue flower' in his hand must be worn out. ...,

However, he only practiced seven layers of gas, not to mention that when he did not build the foundation, he did not get the other medicinal materials of the refining ‘Zhuji Dan’. In this way, as long as the time is longer, ‘珈蓝花’ is not wasted.

Ye Mo thought, I knew that I would put ‘indigo flower’ in the golden page shijie, although I couldn’t get it, but it’s better than the drug loss.

Thinking of this, Ye Mo tried to enter the gold page again, and there was no way to go in. Suddenly he took the ‘indigo flower’ in his hand, and he realized that he was surprised to find that the ‘blue flower’ in his hand was sent to the gold page.

Although I can't get in, but the medicine can go in, which makes Ye Mo feel happy. However, his medicinal materials are now only ‘Indigo Flower' and several medicinal herbs that help ‘Zhuji Dan’, and the rest of the medicinal materials are used up by him.

After all the remaining medicinal materials in his hand were sent to the gold page, Ye Mocai began to look around himself.

Ye Mo found that he is now at a remote mountain foot, but there is a small intestine path. It seems that there are people coming over at the foot of the mountain. Otherwise, there will be no way.

Ye Mo’s knowledge swept out and immediately surprised him that his knowledge had increased dramatically. He remembered that when he entered the sixth floor of the practice in the icy lake, his knowledge had just reached about two kilometers. Now his gods have already reached more than 7,000 meters, and they are many times stronger.

According to the ordinary seven-layer repair of Qi, it is good to know that the gods can reach 3,000 meters, and his current knowledge is even stronger than the perfection. ‘Three Life’ is really against the sky. Ye Mo sighs and looks for a direction to leave.

But the next moment, he suddenly stopped, he found a young Taoist lying outside the woods five or six miles away, this aunt actually knows that the master sister among the three sisters is lonely. Isn’t it a person who is a quiet person? How could it appear here and be seriously injured?

The next moment, Ye Mo appeared in front of the lonely, a 'Lian Sheng Dan' in his hand has fallen into her mouth.

However, Ye Mo’s heart quickly sank, and the loss of the loneliness was too heavy. Her vitality was extinct. Even his ‘Lian Sheng Dan’ only let her return to the light. Several red wounds on her body are deadly places.

"Who are you? Your eyes are so familiar..."

She opened her eyes and saw Ye Mo staring at her, but she just said a word, she closed her eyes again, and her face began to flush. Ye Mo knows that this is just her zuihou's strength in coalition. A person who has already lost his life, not to mention Ye Mo’s current cultivation, even if he is already in the Yuan Ying period, he will not save, unless he really has the kind of anti-day medicine.

Ye Mo thought of his own appearance and immediately swallowed a ‘Yan Yan’. He was already practicing Qi Qi, and he was about to find the people who went to Taiyimen. He still needs to cover his appearance.

In a little while, the scar on Ye Mo’s face disappeared. He was just a dusty decision, revealing his original face.

Lonely opened her eyes again. She recognized the person in front of her eyes and immediately showed a pleasant expression. "Yes, Ye Mo... Are I dreaming?"

"No, I lost my sister, I came to Xiaoshijie. You told me, what is going on here? I will help you revenge." Ye Mo’s heart suddenly had a kind of sadness, and his relationship with him was not very close. But she is a lonely and lonely sister. She loves both of her sisters and sisters. Now she is already in Luoyuecheng, and she has not seen it until now.

He didn't think that the first acquaintance he had seen when he came to Xiaojie was actually lonely. He didn't know who was actually doing this kind of pickpocket. Ye Mo once again took out a 'Lianshengdan' into the mouth of the lonely. ...,

The lonely eyes gestured to Ye Mo, let him not waste the drug. After a while, she said very slowly: "I know that you are coming in... It’s all uncle... She chased me and the fallen sister... I want to find your whereabouts... I don’t want to say Your business... I was forced to jump over the cliff... I was injured and fled, and I was stopped by a group of people and wounded again. I fled here..."

In the eyes of Ye Mo, there is resentment, and this is the old aunt, hateful. The last time I was a little worse, let her go. I didn’t expect to be ruined and lonely. Ye Moxin had some regrets. She knew that she should first find her, kill her, and then enter Wuyunshan. of.

"Ye Mo, Xiao Shimei likes you very much. She jumped on Shuangshi Cliff... If you can, you can find her and bring her back... Xiaoshimei said that her ideals have already helped her, she has no regrets. ......"

Ye Mo listened to the words of loneliness, and immediately remembered him and the lonely and lonely in Diane, and fell to accompany him to jump down, he helped Luo Yi achieve the ideal of flying. But now, such a beautiful and lovely girl, she is so forced to jump off the cliff.

Ye Moxin is full of endless anger, and at the same time has some regrets, not killing them early. He can't wait to rush to the front of the priest and immediately smash her corpse, but he knows that it will not work.

The sound of falling is getting lower and It seems to come from the sky. "I regret not listening to the lonely sister and staying in Luoyuecheng... I regret it until now... Ye Mo, my home is Outside the city... Shifeng Village... I used to call Shi Jingqin... If you can, take me back to see the family... and then send me to my sister and sister..."

Ye Mo hugged and fell, and the joy of advancing to the seventh layer of Qi Qi disappeared.

Lonely did not continue to say, Ye Mo’s ear came her voice, “Sister’s sister went to the tea mountain, and the sister pushed her sister to sleep... the yellow fruit tree next door, the next brother is silly...”

The sound of the lonely voice was finally silent, and Ye Mo will drop into the golden page shijie, and a long shout, the flying sword at the foot has already risen. He wants to go to see Xiaoyun first in the first time. If something happens to Xiaoyun, even if he kills all the hidden people, the lost will never come back.

(To be continued)

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