Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 286: Lydia's Promise

As Raun thought, the change of the festival site immediately caused a great uproar in the entire Muen Principality. It is no wonder that a long-established festival suddenly changed the venue for some reason. Naturally, many people felt a little surprised. But they didn't think it was so strange, because many people already knew that the reason for the change of venue for the Midsummer Festival in Gold City was Lydia's idea. This grandfather's surname likes to be funny, so it's not surprising to get involved in the holding of the Midsummer Festival.

What's more exciting for the mercenaries is that this Midsummer Festival match was actually held in the Holy Arena!

This is not an ordinary place! In the Principality of Munn, the Holy Arena has a very high status.

A long time ago, the existence of the sacred arena was to select the most loyal, bravest and most powerful guards to form the guard team of loyalty to the Dragon of Light. They are not only the pride of the Principality of Muen, but also the spokesperson for the strongest under the Dragon Spirit of the Light.

The times have changed, with the Dragon of Light gradually losing its power under the pressure of the parliament, the use of the sacred arena has also changed. More than 100 years ago, the Parliament "replaced" the Dragon of Light and "wanted" this. Glorious tradition. According to them, the true warrior should dedicate everything to the continent where the light shines, not to a particular existence. Moreover, even if she is the successor of the Dragon Soul of the Light, she is just one person. It is too wasteful for the top power in this continent to be loyal to one person.

However, the Principality of Moon is definitely not a bird parliament. They know better than anyone else that the parliament is doing this because they are afraid that the heirs of the Dragon of Light will have powerful military power in their hands to oppose them. activity. However, the Principality of Muen did not respond to this. They still retained the role of the sacred arena, and did not abolish this tradition in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Dragons of Light. It just changed the situation. The winner of the arena no longer swears allegiance to the Dragon of Light as before, but swears to fight for the guardian of the Dragon of Light. This is a complete word game. Everyone knows that the Principality of Muen has always been a dragon of allegiance to light, and this has never changed. Even if the Council of the Dragons of Light has always despised them for this kind of "foolish personal worship", the Principality of Muen is still doing his own thing, and has not repented. The contradictions between the two sides are not only reflected here, but in all aspects. From the standpoint of the Council of Dragons of Light, they have been dedicating their efforts to proclaiming that this continent belongs to all the people of light, not a specific existence. Each of the people on the continent of light can change the world, and as their representatives, of course, they have justified reasons to exercise their power.

But from the perspective of the Principality of Munn, this continent belongs to the Continent of the Dragon of Light, and you are all its people. Then you should obey the will of the Dragon of Light, not violate and oppose its majesty and glory. Not to mention self-interest, which is even more intolerable.

It is also because of the positions of the two sides that the tension between the Principality of Moon and the Parliament of the Dragon Kingdom of Light is determined. From the former perspective, the latter is an outrageous man who tries to usurp the throne with a sounding banner. In the latter's opinion, the former is a conservative aristocracy who maintains its ruling base and is stubbornly unwilling to accept the progress of history and civilization, and acts as a tiger. And as the spokespersons of the people, they want to resist the rule of these privileged classes, so that the people of the light continent can enjoy true equality and freedom!

Both sides believe that they are not wrong, so the confrontation from civilian to official is all-round. The people of the Principality of Munn believe that the guys of the Dragon Kingdom of Light are all ungrateful, pick up the knife and fork and call the mother, and put down the knife and fork and scold the mother of betrayal. The Dragon Kingdom of Light believes that the people of the Principality of Muen are all poor worms brainwashed by those ruling classes. They have no idea what the thing they are defending is just people, and they have no ability to judge themselves.

Speaking of momentum, the Principality of Muen, against one nation's strength against more than thirty alliances of the Dragon Kingdom of Light, must be at a disadvantage. In fact, it is now basically on the continent of light. Except for the Principality of Muen and some tribes in the bitter cold land, most people believe that the Principality of Muen is a group of aristocratic men who seek to enjoy themselves under the propaganda of the Dragon Dragon Council They just care about themselves and are desperately squeezing the people. And those people have long been brainwashed by them, thinking that they are righteous as slaves ... Look, what a poor group of people.

But many of them don't know at all that the amount of money paid by the Principality of Moon to the Dragon Kingdom each year accounts for one-third of all the revenue of the Dragon Kingdom, and they are also fighting with other territories. A completely different brand, nakedly proclaiming these gifts of loyalty to the Dragon of Light. As for the Light Dragon Council? Or for the people of the continent of light? Sorry, this is not our responsibility. We have done our part as courtiers, so how to use this money is the matter of the Dragon of Light and it has nothing to do with us.

According to the Long Light State Council, they should rightly reject this huge sum of money at this time, because according to them, it is the evil nobles of Muen who oppressed and exploited the vast number of working people. Gold coins with blood and tears, such dirty money, they cannot collect.

But do they dare?

Every member of the Shining Dragon Country Council did not say anything, and was very clear in their hearts. As the richest and most economically powerful Principality of the Shining Dragon Country, the money from Munn truly supported the existence of the Shining Dragon Country. If you really have the backbone, do n’t want this money, then in a few years, the Dragon Kingdom will break down because it is unable to make ends meet ... so even if people do n’t take the Dragon Council of Light into consideration at all, They had to hold their noses to recognize.

These old adult things will be mentioned later and returned to the sacred arena.

Although for this and other reasons, now the Dragon of Light itself can no longer add color to this arena, but there is no decline due to this. Every few years, there will be similar tests and trials, but unlike before, the winner here will become the guardian of glory of the Principality of Muen-this is also an amazing title.

It's just that those who were able to enter the Holy Arena before are those who have been famous for a long time, and those who have distinguished status. For the mercenaries, although they are looking forward to this stage, they are also very clear that this is just a dream. They do not have that strength, and they do not have the qualification to enter the most sacred stage.

But now, dreams come true.

What's more exciting for the mercenaries is that they not only have the opportunity to step on this sacred stage, but also have the possibility to get glory they would never dream of --- while changing the place of the ritual, Lydia also said In his own name, he announced to the entire Principality of Muen that the winner of this Midsummer Festival not only won the sacred title of Guardian of Glory, but also qualified to fulfill one of his wishes.

Any wish is OK!

As soon as this statement was made, the whole Principality suddenly fry.

You must know that Lydia is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and is still beautiful. Such a peerless beautiful girl publicly admits that she can realize "any wish" of the winner, and any normal man will want to enter. Even the mercenaries began to dream. Could they become the winner, and they could have a close contact with this beautiful and moving His Royal Highness that he could not even imagine? In other words ... if your wish is to marry her, then you are not taking advantage! ?

Ordinary mercenaries can think of this, then of course the four mercenary guilds can think of it.

Rhode was naturally also clear.


"What do you think? Marilyn?"

He put down his announcement from the Mercenary Association Muen General Conference, looked at him, and frowned with a helpless expression.

"I don't know what His Highness is thinking."

As for Rhode's inquiry, Marin could only answer helplessly in the end.

"The only thing I can say is that Her Highness is never the kind of person who makes decisions casually ... Of course, I admit that she often gives people this kind of seemingly sudden whimsy, and then decides The feeling of an idea. But in fact, until after everything has come to an end, you will not find out that she has already planned ... "

"I understand what you mean."

For the explanation of Marin, Rhodes is also sympathetic, and this is also the case in the game. Her Highness occasionally has a lot of inexplicable escape ideas, and even in the battle against the Dark Dragon Kingdom, she will occasionally make some concessions It seems that the player is simply inexplicably out of line with a mission. Of course, as players, as long as they can complete the task and get rewards, they don't care so much. But every time they completed the seemingly inexplicable tasks, they found that they had inadvertently made the greatest efforts for the advantage of the entire battle situation-and it was by virtue of Lidia's detached thinking. With the tactics of the ghosts, the Principality of Muen was able to resist the dark dragon country for a long time with the power of one country ...

But in the end, she failed.

Rhodes is very familiar with Lydia, and because he is too familiar, he always feels that there is a strong conspiracy revealed behind this statement. Perhaps to others, Lydia's sentence was just a little girl's inadvertent verbal mistake, but Rhodes knew very well that Lydia must have made a plan long ago, so she said it intentionally.

Don't think that Archangel will not engage in conspiracy, this is the most unscientific idea.

Not to mention, there is that [Peak of Glory] mission.

The content of the record is unknown. In the taskbar, only a few words are written.

"Victory at the Midsummer Festival, return to the path of glory, and reproduce the lost glory."

In such a short sentence, there are no specific mission goals and no specific mission rewards. But Rhodes doesn't think this is an optional task, because the color of this task can tell that this is an elite task, and it must be very rewarding to complete it.

Not to mention, Lydia's promise ...

Rhode took up the letter in his hand and stood up.

"Malin, are you ready?"

"It's almost there, we can go at any time, Mr. Rhodes."

Hearing Rhode's words, Marin quickly answered.


Hearing this, Rhode nodded, then he went to the door and opened the door.

"Then we should leave."

Then Rhodes said calmly.

(To be continued)

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