Superstars of Tomorrow

Chapter 302 Debut is the pinnacle

In the trailer, due to the limited time, most of the stars appearing in a flash, only a few protagonists and important supporting actors can clearly see their faces. Now that the broadcast is officially launched, most of the fans watch "Genesis" with the mentality of counting stars.

Most of the other people are just joining in the fun and being curious, but those who are really interested in this subject matter are actually only a minority.

After watching two episodes in a row, the strongest feeling among the fans is—abuse!

Tortured to death!

From the very beginning, there is a large wholesale of boxed lunches, can you not abuse it? !

At the beginning of the first episode, the beautiful light mirror and delicate touch points created a peaceful atmosphere in the old century, but what followed was the chaotic, bloody, and cruel disaster impact, which formed a sharp contrast between the front and back. The official arrival of the annihilation century means that more people will die.

"Genesis" itself has its own seriousness and historical sense, and the strong star lineup strategy has not diluted the propaganda of mainstream ideology. This is the first formal and in-depth dialogue between the main creative team and the audience and that period of history.

The history books and historical events recorded in various historical materials that people in the new century know are just skeletons. For the vast majority of people in the new century, their feelings are not deep, after all, it has been so many years.

And the visualization of history is to give flesh and blood to this skeleton!

Flesh is spirit!

Only in this way can people better understand the culture of that era and invest more personal emotions!

Roman has always demanded that the battle scenes be real and believable, even so realistic that it is scary. He felt that only in this way can the spirit of the people who stood up in that era be more prominent! Whether it is those who have left their names in history or not, and whether they are for everyone or for Xiaojia, there must be no less!

It is precisely because of Roman's high standards and high requirements that the shots in the eleven chapters are coherent and real, and the sound effect design also allows this realistic state to be maintained.

For example, in the Yanzhou chapter, there are two large-scale battle scenes in the first episode. No music is used, only sound effects are used. This is a very real-looking battle scene dominated by sound effects. But in the battle scene at the end of the first episode, a very tragic background music was used to promote the emotions of the audience and achieve an emotional deepening effect. And after that part is over, there is the ending song, and the list of the dead is released, including the names and tomb numbers of the martyrs.

Coupled with the powerful acting skills of the actors, the effect is doubled.

In the past, fans would just hahaha when they heard who would get the boxed lunch, but now they can't.

Heavy, brutal.

Presumably, this is history.

Not every chapter is filmed from the beginning of the disaster, and the timeline of each chapter is different. The Yanzhou chapter simplifies the previous ones, starting from Wuyan when he was a child. At that time, Fang Zhao had already gathered some people around him.

A leader is a power situation, which is why "Fang Zhao" already has a leadership temperament in power at the beginning of the chapter.

The characters displayed by the other characters in the Yanzhou chapter are also different from the gradual changes in the characters' personalities in the other chapters. According to the timeline of the Yanzhou chapter, they have adapted to the way of life of the Mie Century.

Because the timeline is different from other chapters, this also means that from the very beginning, Yanzhou chapter has more death lists displayed in the ending credits than other chapters. These are all recorded in history.

Of course, the large number of death lists does not mean that there are many official boxed meals. On the contrary, in other chapters, the official boxed lunches are thrown out like wholesale.

The other chapters are told from the very beginning of the disaster, when the peaceful world was directly impacted into a hell on earth, and some small stars, Internet celebrities, etc. who played tricks, received box lunches at the beginning of the chapter.

The fans of each family were tortured to the point of trembling.

This is just the beginning. Judging from the current situation, there will definitely be a large wholesale of boxed lunches in the future!

On the Internet, more than 90% of the hot spots are related to "Genesis". There are teams behind various companies and stars, and there are tap water from the public.

Someone even specifically listed the stars who appeared in the first episode.

"Count down those poor little ones who received box lunches at the beginning of the chapter..."

The 18th-line starlets, who had been hyped before and no one cared about them, were extremely excited at this time, and the team behind them also seized the opportunity to operate. The dividends brought to them by "Genesis" have begun to appear.

Some of them were not well-known before, but because the characters they played were impressive, even if they only appeared for a few minutes, as long as they worked well, they could increase their popularity a lot.

Of course, the most obvious thing is that it is the protagonist of each article who has the strength to directly fight for the headlines of the mainstream media.

As for the Yanzhou chapter, before Wu Yanchang grew up, Fang Zhao was the protagonist of the Yanzhou chapter.

After all, according to the timeline, Wu Yan was still young in the first season, and compared to the protagonists in other chapters, his roles were less. The role of "Fang Zhao" during this period cannot be simplified, because too many things revolve around "Fang Zhao".

"Fang Zhao's aura! Absolutely! [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]..."

Someone took screenshots of Fang Zhao's fighting scenes in the first episode of Yanzhou Chapter. There is also a screenshot of a close-up of the facial expression.

"The death gaze from Summoning God! When I watched this passage, I felt a chill down my spine."

"I also uploaded a screenshot [picture]! This is the monster-fighting scene that flashed in the trailer! I didn't expect it to be 1v6!"

"It's 1v7! There's another one hidden behind."

"It looks very casual, but it's not casual if you look closely. His moves are fierce, crisp, and murderous intent follows you everywhere... There is also a meeting scene. Fang Zhao glanced at the camera, and the sense of oppression came! Probably this is Leadership temperament?"

"Awesome! It doesn't look like it's played by a newcomer. Fang Zhao is indeed very good."

"Wait! Which Fang Zhao are you talking about? It sounds like I can't tell the difference. How will we divide it when we discuss it later?"

"Heh! Fang Zhao is also a rookie in acting, and has already become famous in the game and music circles!"

"Game fans have dug up and watched the classic video from "Battle of the Century" back then. It's the same."

Well-known film critics in Yanzhou also gave Fang Zhao's evaluation.

"Some people, given a chance, can soar into the sky. Fang Zhao is like this."

"Debut is the pinnacle," said another film critic.

Debut is the pinnacle, it sounds amazing, but it can actually be understood in two contexts.

One is that when they come out, they will go crazy, far surpassing other actors of the same level and level, and set foot on the peak that many newcomers have been unable to reach for many years. The other is that when you come out, you reach the apex, and then slide down.

This is the brilliance of that film critic. Now according to the understanding of the public, this is a good word, and it was called by Kuang Fangzhao. But if the future has gone downhill, the film critic can still give another explanation.

Even so, there are still a lot of media news quoting the film critic Fang Zhao's comment that "debut is the pinnacle", mostly in the context of praise and emotion.

A newcomer, an outsider who has never acted before and is not even an actor! With "Genesis", he became really famous in the show business circle!

A certain military area.

There was also a group of people who got together and watched "Genesis", and read all eleven chapters one by one.

Just after reading the Yanzhou chapter, one of them pointed to the screen and asked the other.

"Is this the person you chose to play 'Fang Zhao'?"

"Yes, for this actor, I voted for him at the time! Now it seems that I made the right choice."

"Indeed, he acted very well, and people immediately remembered him. His temperament is very different from others."

There are too many celebrities, those who are blind, or who are blind and unable to recognize people, may not be able to remember the face of "Fang Zhao", but they will remember the temperament. It immediately corresponds to the character itself.

Many celebrities don't match up with people after putting on make-up, and the impression that was not deep in the first place has faded even more. But Fang Zhao left a deep impression on them. Another reason is that they prefer Fang Zhao. Fang Zhao came from the Baijixing Military Region. You can find out by checking the news of the year.

"This actor was once a soldier, and he really fought terrorists."

"No wonder. You can feel the murderous look in the fighting scenes. Although other actors can perform some, but the murderous look is not as real as him." Soldiers who have actually been on the battlefield are very sensitive to this.

"The other actors are also good, much better than those so-called war movies before. The filming is very good! This show is for everyone to watch. It is not the previous nonsense dramas, and there are no exaggerated performances, especially in terms of fighting scenes. We should do this It's more immersive."

Multiple one-shot fight scenes, cold, neat, and not fancy.

There are not so many fancy fights in this drama. What the actors of the crew learned during training is also different from their previous dramas.

In the past, the play in the play was to be cool, for the sake of looking good, but now it is closer to reality.

Out of artistic needs, Fang Zhao actually added some performance traces when shooting, no more, no less, just right, and more natural in front of the camera. This is for the shooting effect, and it is the change that Fang Zhaoying made after Shen Wei and Luo Man's guidance.

Of course, other people don't know Fang Zhao's deliberately changed performance for the sake of shooting effect. In the eyes of the seniors in the circle, Fang Zhao's understanding of the role, line skills, action skills, etc. are very impressive. Everyone is satisfied, which reassures the people who voted for him in the Hundreds.

I am relieved but also a little proud. What do so many good reviews mean?

It shows that we have good eyesight!

Look, we have selected the unknown but most suitable actor from a group of powerful and big-name actors!

With enough confidence, when accepting interviews or writing comments, it is natural to praise Fang Zhao in a good way. Praising Fang Zhao is tantamount to praising themselves! By the way, I will slap the face of those people who refuted and questioned before. My eyesight is better than theirs! It also made the students of film and television art colleges see clearly who is the one who knows the talents!

At this time, they can somewhat understand Roman's psychology.

This feeling is really cool.

Yanbei City Cadre Rest Center.

Old Master Fang wiped away his tears, his eyes were red. I don't know if it was the heavy infection in the play, or because of the great-grandson in the play.

After watching the two episodes, the old man also kept staring at the screen, his eyes were not focused, he didn't know what he was thinking, and remained silent.

The old lady sitting next to her also had red eyes, and sighed: "In that era, it was not easy to survive... Xiao Zhao also acted well. It is said on the Internet that this kind of one-shot fight scene has to be filmed many times to be successful. , the actors work very hard and are likely to be injured. Yanzhou Pian Xiaozhao has more scenes like this than others, and I don’t know how much hardship I have endured. It is not easy to achieve this effect.”

"Of course! Can this effect be achieved without hard work?!" Old Master Fang's tears that had just been suppressed came out again.

The two old people sat there and chatted for more than an hour, from the cruelty of the eradication of the century to the personality changes of the survivors, and then to the filming life of Fang Zhao outside the film.

"Shall we read the other chapters now?" the old lady asked.

They told the juniors of the Fang family in advance that if they want to come, they should come early, and don't come to find them today. Therefore, no one came to disturb the two old people today. The two old people planned to watch a drama for a day.

"No, wait a few hours before watching." Old Master Fang said.

When the mood calmed down, Mrs. Fang flipped through the news on the Internet. When he saw the words that praised Fang Zhao, he laughed so hard that the wrinkles on his face almost bloomed. Wipe away the tears and snot that came out again, wash my face, and went out to talk to my old friends.

Flamingo Yanzhou branch.

The Diting series of earphones and audio equipment endorsed by Fang Zhao became popular again. After the first and second episodes of "Genesis" were broadcast, the sales volume increased significantly. Some city-level warehouses in Yanzhou were out of stock. In the past, there was less stockpiling and more empty positions.

The influence of "Genesis" is global.

"Fang Zhao's momentum..."

"If we want to renew the contract with Fang Zhao, the endorsement fee must be increased, otherwise he may not renew the contract with us."

"Then shall we still sign with him?"

"Nonsense! Of course I signed! The design department had a plan before, but they didn't know how Fang Zhao's situation was after the broadcast of "Genesis", so it has been shelved. Now that Fang Zhao is on the rise, the new product plan will definitely start to be implemented. Listen to the new series Model, high-end model."

Fang Zhao has already acted as a leader, so of course he has to correspond to a high-end model with a minimum price of five figures.

"Okay, let me leave a message for him first, they only have two hours of internet access every seven days, and they have to wait a few days for his reply. Why do you think Fang Zhao doesn't have a manager?"

It is rare for Flamingo to come to the door to find an endorsement and make him wait for a few days.

But this is due to force majeure, it's the "Genesis" crew's regulations, it's not decided by Fang Zhao or a certain actor, and Flamingo can't do anything about it.

Fang Zhao is not the only one that Flamingo is looking for an actor to endorse, but now, they have to wait to find an actor to take photos of the new commercial.

Before long, more manufacturers will definitely go to Weixing to shoot commercials while the actors are resting.

Leading actors and important supporting roles, people who appeared more times in the previous episodes, people who are popular on the Internet, and endorsed products have all seen an increase in sales.

The big ship "Genesis" does not know how many people's interests it carries.

But at the same time, the original purpose of this film and television project is also being completed.

The martyrs cemeteries in all continents and places are once again ushering in the peak period of passenger flow. There are some tombs that no one pays homage to all year round. This year, many people suddenly appeared to visit the tombs.

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