Even if there is a distance of more than ten meters, the murderous aura brought by the sword energy can cut everything around it.

"Be careful."

Tang Li quickly stood in front of the man and blocked it with a talisman in his hand.

After a bang, many things around him were cut off.

The man standing behind Tang Li said two words in a deep voice: "Presumptuous!"

A powerful aura instantly came from behind Tang Li.

Tang Li was surprised. She was about to turn her head to look at the man behind her. The next second, there was no wind around her, and everything in the space began to emit a powerful light.

The light was so dazzling that Tang Li couldn't open her eyes at all. When she closed her eyes, she heard a powerful ejaculation sound, followed by Qi Lingxuan's painful moans.

Tang Li hurriedly opened his eyes and looked in surprise at the man standing in front of Qi Lingxuan, exuding a domineering aura from all over his body. At this moment, he was pinching Qi Lingxuan's neck, making Qi Lingxuan unable to move at all. He opened his mouth, and an invisible feeling The pressure left her speechless.

At this time, the man moved his hands, obviously trying to break Qi Lingxuan's neck.

Tang Li was agitated and quickly stopped him loudly: "Wait!"

After speaking, he strode over, held down his arm, and said quickly: "Don't kill him, he is just controlled by the weapon spirit, this person cannot die."

The man turned his head to look at her, with displeasure in his eyes.

Tang Li grabbed his arm with both hands and looked at him, insisting: "This person cannot die. He is just controlled by the weapon spirit. As long as the weapon spirit in his body is suppressed or refined, he will be just a human being." mortal."

The man looked at Tang Li for a few seconds, as if he was a little confused. After a while, he asked, "Is he your husband?"

"No." Tang Li frowned, not wanting others to misunderstand her husband, and said, "My husband looks exactly like you, otherwise I wouldn't have mistaken you for him just now."

The man's expression changed again.

"Do you know who I am?"

This woman had the audacity to say that he looked exactly like her man.

"You are Emperor Xuanyuan." Tang Li was very sure: "You can freely enter and exit the main tomb chamber, and you have such great ability. Apart from Emperor Xuanyuan, no one else can be found."

Emperor Xuanyuan seemed to be very satisfied with her words and loosened his grip on Qi Lingxuan's hand.

The weapon spirit had no power to fight back in front of Emperor Xuanyuan. After being let go, his body was soft and he fell directly to the ground.

He wanted to use Qi Lingxuan to get through and leave here quickly, so he released the suppressed soul of Qi Lingxuan.

Qi Lingxuan could clearly see what was going on in the outside world. As soon as he was released, he begged Tang Li: "Fourth Aunt, please save me. I am controlled by the spirit of the weapon. The spirit of the weapon said that I am the son of luck in this world. As long as he controls me, he can use my body to rule the world, and then as long as he finds...ah um..."

Qi Lingxuan's expression began to become distorted, and his hands were covering his neck, as if he was fighting against the spirit of the weapon.

When Tang Li saw this, he frowned and said, "The weapon spirit is robbing his body again."

Emperor Xuanyuan suddenly asked: "How to suppress the weapon spirit in his body?"

"We need our Xuanmen exclusive secret book, but my master said this secret book has been lost."

"Is this a secret book?"

After Emperor Xuanyuan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a secret book appeared in his hand.

Tang Li turned his head and looked, his eyes lit up, and he was about to take the secret book in his hand.

Emperor Xuanyuan put away the secret book at this time.

Tang Li looked at him puzzled.

Emperor Xuanyuan: "I can give you the secret book, but you must agree to one condition."


"Guard my tomb and never let anyone come in and disturb me."

Tang Li was a little surprised that he would make this request.

But this is not the time to think about why he made this request. He first refined the weapon spirit in Qi Lingxuan's body and nodded quickly: "Okay."

As soon as she finished answering, a red dot suddenly appeared on her wrist.

She raised her eyes and looked at Emperor Xuanyuan.

Emperor Xuanyuan looked at her and said, "Blood contract."

Tang Li nodded and started flipping through the secret book without saying anything.

The entire secret book not only records in detail the process of refining the weapon spirit, but also contains many lost mystical techniques of Xuanmen.

Tang Li quickly read through the refining device spiritual skills and put the secret book away.

Then he walked up to Qi Lingxuan and looked at him condescendingly, "Qi Lingxuan, I have refined the weapon spirit in your body. He will never help you do anything in the future. If you want to succeed, you must rely on your own efforts."

After speaking, he stretched out his right hand on top of his head and recited a spell quickly.

A ray of light shined straight into Qi Lingxuan's head from the palm of her hand, and soon, a transparent sword began to rush through his body.

Qi Lingxuan couldn't bear it and rolled on the ground.

That ray of light directly enveloped Qi Lingxuan. When he was rolling, Tang Li retracted his hand and took two steps back.

Soon, the sword stopped and was finally refined and suppressed directly in Qi Lingxuan's body.

Qi Lingxuan also fainted.

After finishing all this, Tang Li turned around and looked at Emperor Xuanyuan.

Emperor Xuanyuan also looked at him. After a few seconds, a shadow came out of his body.

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