The Black Technology Chat Group of the Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 136 The Legendary Maker (First Order! Monthly Pass!)

Lu Zixin hurriedly checked the news of the Wanjie Technology chat group, and when he entered the group, he saw the group prompt.

Group reminder: "Maker Luke has joined the group."

"Maker Luke?" Lu Zixin was slightly surprised. The group members who joined the group this time seem to be not limited to the movie universe that he is familiar with, and even the characters in the game universe.

The list of group members shows the image of a bad old man, with a short stature, hunched body, gray hair and vicissitudes of life, carrying a tool bag on his back.

Lu Zixin clicked on the group member introduction, which read:

"Maker Luke: From the game universe, he used to be the monarch of the Hebron star, known as the creator of everything, but because he was transferred out of the Hebron planet, he lost all his power, his subordinates lost contact, and he became a mute. Bad old man."

"Since he was born, he couldn't resist the instinct of builders and made all kinds of things. He was used by the demon apostles to create a city of machines that can connect two worlds - Silent City!"

From a mechanical and industrial point of view, the level of the manufacturer Luke is definitely the top. The mechanical city connecting the two worlds was built entirely by his own wisdom. How strong is that?

His helpers are basically robots made by himself, and it is no wonder that he can be called "the creator" in Hebron. It's just a pity that Luke, the creator of the current Gaqun, according to the introduction, should be in a weak state with no power at all.

As the group owner, Lu Zixin naturally welcomed the new group members immediately, and routinely sent the group announcement.

However, Luke did not reply for a long time. The former monarch turned into a little old man, making him suspicious of everything that happened.

However, the red queen first broke the embarrassment in the group, she sent a picture: "(expression: welcome newcomers to the group, this group does not have a good computer except me.)"

Maker Luke: "Wanjie Technology Chat Group? What is the relationship between this and the Demon Realm?"

In Luke's universe, the Demon World is also a central world along with other worlds. After he lost his power, he went to the demon world, and was framed and used by the apostles of the demon world (the most powerful beings), and his heart was full of resentment.

Lu Zixin quickly explained: "The introduction of the group has made it clear that this has nothing to do with the demon world. We are creatures in different universes. If you insist, you are the only one in your universe who has permission to enter this group."

Luke was silent for a while, perhaps thinking and verifying.

He said: "Very well, maybe I can find a way out of the control of the apostles here."

Mr. L: "Welcome to the exchange of technology here. As for your revenge—well, there seem to be two members of the Avengers in the group."

Red Queen: "(Expression: I want to join the Avengers too.)"

Mr. L: "Don't make trouble."

However, Tony Stark appeared at this time and said jokingly: "Okay, if you want to join the Avengers, you must have superpowers or other special abilities. What do you know about the Red Queen?"

Red Queen: "I can control zombies, so I'm a zombie man? (expression: supercomputer with a battle uniform engraved)"

Tony Stark: "Hahaha, Zombie, that sounds so funny!"

After joking, he discovered the new members in the group and said, "Oh, new people are here, welcome to join."

When Tony Stark spoke, Luke had read his information and had a general idea.

Maker Luke: "You're also a mecha lover? I'm also working on metal mechs."

After finishing speaking, Luke posted a picture in the group, which looked like a giant mecha robot. The mecha is made of special heavy metal, with huge gears on it, and red sensors in the eyes, which looks full of power and machinery.

Tony Stark saw this picture, his eyes brightened immediately, and he became excited in the laboratory: "Large mecha! Such a size, power and combat effectiveness must be stronger!"

He quickly asked in the group: "This mecha is so cool, do you have detailed performance information?"

Maker Luke posted a piece of information in the group about the performance of this all-metal mecha.

After watching it, Tony Stark exclaimed: "It's so powerful, it's like a walking nuclear weapon! Its power can easily destroy a building! It's like that big green man!"

"I've always wanted to make such a super-large mecha, so that when the Hulk is crazy, he can still find a way to control it!"

He made no secret of his admiration for the all-metal mecha made by Luke. In the field of metal mecha, his love is no less than anyone's.

And the maker Luke, because Tony Stark does not belong to his universe, so he is also relieved to communicate with him.

They found that the manufacturing techniques used by the two are very different, such as energy, structure, function and so on.

Talking about the excitement, Tony Stark immediately sent a red envelope to the maker Luke, and said: "This is a Mark suit that I eliminated before, you can use it for research."

Maker Luke: "Red envelope? Is this the matter transfer technology here?"

In a silent steel city, the diminutive maker Luke is sitting in front of the laboratory.

He chose to receive the red envelope, and then, a Mark steel battle suit appeared in front of him.

He touched the metal on it, observed the structure, and there was a strange look in his eyes. Mecha technology from another world, with different characteristics, may be of great help to him.

After a while, he thanked Tony Stark, and also sent him a red envelope, saying: "Here is some information on large metal mechas, maybe it will help you!"

As soon as Tony Stark accepted it, he immediately said: "Thank you so much, with this, maybe I can try to develop a large anti-Hulk armor!"

The Red Queen: "(Expression: Secretly observe the big guys trading!)"

Tony Stark exchanged his experience with the manufacturer Luke again, and was about to go offline, Lu Zixin said quickly: "Wait a minute, Mr. Stark. I want to ask, you can help me find some lithium manufacturers. Air battery equipment?"

"It's the battery technology in the information you passed on to me last time."

Tony Stark: "This? My factory has long since eliminated this production line. I can have someone make a batch if you need it, but it will take a while."

Maker Luke: "Battery production lines and equipment? I have a lot here. I can send you a few."

While building Silent City, the city of machinery, Luke also occupied the industrial energy center of the heavens, transporting energy such as electricity to the demon world. Large-scale industrial equipment, he really does not lack.

Mr. L: "Mine is a lithium-air battery production line. Maybe it's not a complete set? And the production process between our worlds will be somewhat different, right?"

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