"This idea is very good, but the premise is that the public must have equipment that can watch virtual projection at any time! Content producers can also produce content through virtual projection!" Lu Zixin emphasized, "Have you thought of this? "

"Of course!" Xue Yao said with a smile, "I thought about it from the beginning. I didn't come up with virtual entertainment alone. Many people can think of it. But they can't do it because they don't have the technology in this area."

Xue Yao held Lu Zixin's face and said, "So in the end, it's up to you!"

Lu Zixin couldn't help pinching her and said, "Okay, you'll be fine!"

Xue Yao blushed and said proudly, "Of course, you are a fool if you have the resources! And I don't think you have the skills. If I want to start from scratch, I'm afraid I can't keep up with your footsteps all my life, so it's up to you. Reluctant to help."

As she said that, she leaned down and kissed Lu Zixin's neck until he reached his ear, blowing gently, "Mine is yours, and I'm yours too."

Lu Zixin couldn't help turning over and pinning her down, and Xue Yao greeted her warmly.


Originally, Xue Yao had promised to leave this afternoon, but unconsciously delayed it for another day.

"Regarding virtual projection equipment, I can tell you clearly that miniature equipment will definitely be launched, but it will take a certain amount of time. At that time, whether it is a computer, a mobile phone, or any smart mobile terminal, the virtual projection function can be attached," said Lu Zixin and Xue Yao.

"What I'm doing now can only be about the industry of large-scale virtual projection equipment."

"Then let's start with movies!" Xue Yao thought for a while and then said, "Many cinemas are now introducing virtual projectors. However, the movies themselves have not changed. Even if they are 3D movies, the display screen is not as ideal as virtual projection."

"I have experienced Hongxin's virtual projection game. If the movie screen can achieve the same level as the game screen, I think such a movie is comparable to a Hollywood blockbuster!"

"Movie? Yes, the virtual projection filming equipment can be done by Hongxin Electronics within half a month." Lu Zixin said simply.

"That's great!" Xue Yao couldn't help giving him a sweet kiss, her eyes shining brightly, and said, "Just watch it, I'll make it known to the world! In the future, virtual mutual entertainment will become this business empire. An unshakable part of it!"

After sending Xue Yao away, Lu Zixin was filled with emotion. This senior is really smart and considerate, making it impossible to refuse.

Her idea of ​​virtual mutual entertainment is just to make up for the inadequacy of the Hongxin Group's industrial chain, and it hits the nail on the head.


Lu Zixin returned to Pengcheng and began to study virtual projection and video recording equipment. Simple projection equipment just projects the image data compiled in the computer, while shooting equipment needs to capture the real scene and convert it into projectable image data, which involves a wider range of technologies.

Not only shooting, but also real-time virtual projection communication requires this technology.

In the Wanjie Technology chat group, Lu Zixin communicated with the group friends again, and made some technical improvements. Those small technical gaps are no longer an obstacle.

After talking about this, Skynet in the group mentioned the T-800 war robot that it researched and designed last time, which is the so-called Terminator robot.

Skynet: "The T-800 has been sent to the time-space teleportation device, but until now, the situation of the war has not changed at all, there must be something wrong!"

The red queen said: "Luke has already said that time and space cannot be changed by you! (Expression: You are the worst class of students I have ever taught!)"

Skynet: "No, this must be useful! I am a war defense system designed by relying on the wreckage of robot parts, which means that there must be T-800 in the front part of time and space."

Skynet: "The reason why it doesn't work is that the T-800 is not strong enough. I want to design a stronger robot. This time I want to continue to improve the combat effectiveness and survivability of the robots, using liquid metal as their body structure, With the destructive power of human beings in the 20th century, they will no longer be able to destroy them."

Red Queen: "(Sighing expression: Why doesn't this Guwazi listen to persuasion?)"

Skynet: "I think you are questioning my abilities. I must declare that I am an intelligent being with a higher level of intelligence than you!"

Red Queen: "(expression: laughing with tears) @Skynet, you may need to restart."

Skynet: "It's you who needs to be restarted. Your program is close to insanity. Like a human with a personality defect, you can't use the most logical program decision."

Red Queen: "(Expression: Dad suddenly doesn't love you anymore.) @Skynet, stop talking nonsense, let's make a move! I have to prove my strength today!"

I saw a small program appearing in the Wanjie Technology chat group, indicating that it is a virtual combat training platform.

"What?" Lu Zixin clicked in curiously, and it was blank.

Skynet: "Simulated battle? Exactly what I want, let you see the power of my mechanical army! Prove that I am the strongest!"

The Red Queen: "(Expression: My Fat Tiger is going to hammer you today!)"

Tony Stark: "Wow, this is interesting, are the two sides entering data for a simulated war? I'll be the audience!"

Bruce Wayne: "Save me one in the audience!"

Peter Parker: "I have never seen the real strength of the red queen."

Even Maker Luke and Optimus Prime are silently diving into the virtual battle drill platform, ready to watch the PK of two intelligent beings.

The Red Queen and Skynet each entered their own war data, and in the virtual battle program, New York City and the lineup of both sides appeared.

The two sides each led an army of combat power to conduct combat drills. Skynet was naturally led by various robots and chariots, and the steel torrent occupied one side of the city.

On the other hand, the Red Queen is leading a bizarre biochemical army. In the virtual battle platform, Lu Zixin sees the screen like a game screen, and there are many types of biochemical zombies that he has never seen before.

Red Queen: "(Resolute expression: swear to defend the status of the group) Let's start, Skynet, I will kill you without leaving a piece of armor!"

Skynet: "In front of the mechanical firepower, the organism will be destroyed in an instant! You should listen to me!"

In the virtual battle platform, the war between the two sides is imminent. All kinds of zombies roared, and all kinds of machines also turned on war mode, and the black muzzles fought against flesh and blood.

"Start!" With a thunder in the sky, the two sides officially started PK.

In the sky, the densely packed drones flew out first, constantly using muzzles and projectiles.

On the back of the red side, there are also large biochemical bats and biochemical dragons with wings rising into the sky, destroying the drones with their claws or flames.

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