"What? Virtual projection movie?" Seeing the news announced by Hongxin, most of the melon eaters expressed their ignorance.

"Hongxin is actually going to make a movie! It's still a virtual projection movie. I don't know what it will be like?"

"I haven't heard of this director! I don't have any familiar stars, so I don't feel very powerful!"

"I have no interest at all when I see sci-fi themes. The sci-fi of domestic films is just a joke!"

"That's right, whether it's magic or science fiction, in the end, it's all made into a bloody love movie!"

It is worth mentioning that after Hongxin announced the production of a virtual projection movie, the entertainment industry, which has always liked to follow the trend of hot spots, was collectively silent, as if everyone did not know about it, and did not mention it.

There are no first-tier or even second-tier stars who said they will participate in the show. The big-name stars are all full of schedules, and the film and television companies put pressure on them, so naturally they will not participate in the show. And director Wang Luyuan didn't invite them because he was miserable by traffic fresh meat before, so that from director, screenwriter to actor, there is no famous person.

"Is this their cast?" Seeing the news announced by Hongxin, President Xia of Lida Film and Television shook his head repeatedly, "A second-tier director, an unknown novelist, and the actors have no obvious traffic, so he has to shoot the worst. The popular domestic sci-fi movie, the novice of Hongxin Film and Television is too new!"

"Maybe they just have too much money to burn!" Jiang Cuiliu said. "This is not uncommon. Every year, some companies spend money on movies. The Hongxin Group has a lot of money and is not afraid of losing money."

"If they want to pay, let them pay!" Xia Kui said, "In short, quickly get this virtual projection shooting equipment. I feel that this thing will definitely replace 3D movies. This is not popular in the world now. , if we let us seize the opportunity, in the next ten years, Lida Pictures will not have to worry about it!"


"Director Jiang, Red Letter has already started preparations, here is their staff list!" In a luxury hotel, an agent handed the information of Red Letter's virtual projection movie to the man on the sofa.

He was smoking an electronic cigarette, with half-white hair and deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

Jiang Hongru, one of the top directors in China, has also won many international film awards. Moreover, he has also directed sci-fi blockbusters in Hollywood, and was the first director invited by Hongxin.

Jiang Hongru was very willing to cooperate with Hongxin, but Lida Pictures was his old club, and he could only refuse if the old club let it go. However, he still pays attention to the actions of Hongxin Pictures, and he is also very interested in virtual projection movies.

"Director Wang Luyuan?" Jiang Hongru nodded, "The director was chosen well, Wang Luyuan is still very talented, but he is not very lucky."

"The others are too childish, right?" Jiang Hongru pointed to Yan Wei's name and said, "The assistant director is actually Hongxin's game director? A game director and a movie director are completely different."

"Is this guy related to the leader and forced in?"

"And this subject matter is still an IP work. This IP traffic is not popular, and the shooting is difficult. Combined, this movie is inherently insufficient, and it is completely nonsense!"

"Fortunately, I didn't agree to the red letter, otherwise I would have to smash the sign again!"

The agent smiled and said: "I was speechless when I first saw it. They are making movies. This lineup can only make that kind of inferior online movies."

"It's a pity, I'm still very interested in virtual projection film and television shooting." Jiang Hongru sighed, "It seems that it will take a year and a half to wait."


Although the big names in the entertainment industry ignore the red letter, other small actors and stars are very attentive.

When the Red Letter Movie was auditioning for male and female protagonists, there were tens of thousands of people who signed up. Besides those passers-by players who "I have a dream of a star", there are also many capable ones.

After layers of screening, they chose the male and female protagonists and the main actors. Wang Luyuan's requirements are very simple. He doesn't require much fame, but he must have acting skills and a clever actor.

The next step is to officially start filming and start the first virtual projection film and television shooting plan.

As the boss and technical consultant, Lu Zixin is also in the studio.

The studio for virtual projection shooting is completely different from the traditional studio. The materials of the walls here are specially made, and each wall is actually equipped with smart devices, which can be used as mobile terminals.

At intervals, miniature projection equipment is installed to adjust the light in the studio.

"Where's the props? Field service! What did you do, just these props?" In the studio, Wang Luyuan shouted with a loudspeaker.

This scene is going to be a scene from an alien planet. According to the script, a lot of special props are needed.

"Director Wang, the props are ready." The field manager replied quickly.

"That's all? You save money for the boss! How can you express the magic and wonder of alien planets with this little thing? Does it all depend on computer special effects?" Wang Luyuan frowned, "No, no, this is too rudimentary! "

"Director Wang!" Yan Wei stepped forward and said, "This is enough. We have already made the scene, and now the projection special effects have not been activated, so it will be completely different."

"Xiaoyan, what I mean is that there must be important props. It is easier for the actors to find the feeling when shooting in this way, and the post-production is also easier." Wang Luyuan explained patiently.

"I know, Director Wang, you'll know when you see it!" Yan Wei shouted, "Brothers, turn on the projection!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the virtual projection studio suddenly led up, and in the white room, light intertwined, and a dream-like scene appeared.

This is a magical planet where all kinds of strange creatures thrive. There are colorful and strange plants, strange-looking animals with special abilities, and magical creatures that don't know whether they are animals or plants, such as running stones, flying flowers and clouds, etc...

The effect of this virtual projection is several times stronger than that of ordinary virtual projectors. In a special studio, the light is reflected into people's eyes, as if all this is real.

"Oh my God!" The crew members exclaimed, "It's so beautiful!"

"Is this the special effect?" Wang Luyuan's eyes widened. Generally, when filming a movie, he shoots against the props or green screen first, and then uses the computer to create the special effects later.

This kind of special effect is also difficult to satisfy, but today, for the first time, he saw the picture of the special effect scene appearing directly!

This is completely different from traditional film shooting. Those special effects scenes that can only be seen in the later stage actually appear like real scenes! Wang Luyuan was shocked!

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