It has been a week since Red Letter launched a 10 million reward, and some people are beginning to doubt whether they have the ability to maintain the stability and harmony of this market.

However, the Hongxin Group is cooperating with the police and making intensive preparations.

The first is the tracking of network addresses. Hongxin Group has found several network information stations of this gang, two of which are in China and two in foreign countries, all of which have been locked.

Then there is the specific address. Hongxin Group and the police pretend to order from the seller, and then track the source of the goods.

This progress is also very fast. The police quickly locked the source of the goods, which were low-end electronic products exported through a country in Southeast Asia and entered the customs.

The only trouble is that although they know the general location of the group, they are located in other countries, and it is difficult to arrest them.

"Mr. Lu, the police are in contact with the police of the other country to jointly solve the case..." The assistant conveyed the latest news to Lu Zixin.

"Got it." Lu Zixin motioned for him to go out.

On his computer screen, it was the pattern of the electronics factory. At this time, the electronics factory was being demolished and some important equipment was taken away.

If we wait for the joint arrest to be carried out, it is estimated that the important people will have disappeared long ago. There is a reason for the other party's confidence that they will not be caught, because they have an insider relationship in the local area, and the Huaxia police only contacted the other party, and they received the news.

This is also the reason why overseas gangs are difficult to catch. No matter how strict the investigation is on Huaxia's side, it needs the cooperation of the other party.

"Master, I'll be there in ten minutes!" A few dozen kilometers away from the electronics factory is the blue sea. A burly man was riding a jet ski, they were RI-8901 and Tietouwa, who were sent by Lu Zixin on a mission.

Lu Zixin naturally wouldn't wait for the group to escape easily, so he decided to strike first.

"Okay, several important people, none of them can be let go." Lu Zixin ordered.

"Dad, I swear, I will never ride this stupid big man again in my life!" Ironhead boy shouted, "It's really heavy, if I don't bring it, I can get it done in a minute!"

"You give me some peace of mind, remember, go in later, just knock them out, don't do too many things, leave it to the police!" Lu Zixin urged.

His main purpose is to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys, to successfully capture these people into the country, so that everyone can see that they will be able to get away with impunity in the future, which does not exist!

"Hahaha, the Autobots are on their way!" Ironhead Baby yelled.

Inside the electronics factory, Adi is directing his subordinates to dismantle equipment and transfer personnel.

"Head, are we quitting?" a subordinate asked.

"Of course!" Adi reassured, "I don't know how the Chinese people found us. They will come to search in a few days. We will arrange it in another location."

"Don't worry, this month will be taken as a vacation, and the money will be credited to your account. You will have luxury cars, famous watches, and beautiful girls!"

"Long live the boss!" Everyone cheered and continued to disassemble the equipment with great effort.

Adi narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched the devices being packaged one by one. These people, these devices are his wealth.

As long as people and things are there, he can move anywhere and continue to make money! He was the first to expand this lucrative industry, and maybe soon, he will become a godfather figure.

As for what bounty, to investigate? It's all bullshit. This is not Huaxia. His relationship here is complicated. No matter how powerful the police in Huaxia are, they can't catch him!

When Adi thought about the money in his account and the digital currencies that had not been exchanged, he felt relieved. This is a wealth that ordinary people can't earn in a lifetime, and it can be enough for him to be handsome for a long time.

Suddenly, a loud noise shattered his fantasy. It seems to be coming from outside the factory, it seems to be playing a song with a large loudspeaker on, and it seems to be a Chinese song, and the rhythm is still lit.

"A new storm has appeared, how can it stop..." The iron-headed baby's singing broke the rhythm of the music, but all this is no longer important.

Two robots appeared at the entrance of the electronics factory, and the iron-headed baby, looking like a modified motorcycle, sang loudly there.

RI-8901, on the other hand, looked at them coldly. It was locating the people here through the sensing device and locking the target.

"Who are you?" the security guard at the door shouted at them with an electric baton, "Go away, you are not allowed to come in here!"

RI-8901 slowly walked towards the gate. The gate was a sturdy iron fence gate surrounded by electric grids.

"Don't get out yet?" Several security guards went out to drive it away, but RI-8901 grabbed a person, and it seemed like a chicken was thrown out, which startled them.

"Hit him!" They turned on the electric baton and greeted RI-8901. The ending was obvious, and it was useless. All these people flew out in minutes.

"Close the door! He's a monster!" Someone shouted inside, and the people inside quickly locked the iron door.

"Haha, it's my turn! Look at me, the electric light () and the poisonous dragon () drill!" The iron head baby rushed directly to the iron gate, and a diamond drill appeared in the front of it, spinning rapidly.

Lu Zixin frowned, how much did this guy pack for himself? And where did this strange move name come from?

The iron gate didn't resist the impact of the iron head baby for a second, and was directly smashed. Not only that, because the iron head baby was too powerful, it directly broke through the wall of the factory and rushed inside!

"Zhang Qiang, watch it, don't let it play too big!" Lu Zixin ordered quickly.

"Yes, Master!" RI-8901 stepped forward and rushed into the factory.

The workers and thugs it encountered were too lazy to do anything, and directly paralyzed it with a long-range electric current.

"What happened?" Adi didn't react at this time, he only heard a few loud noises, "Did these idiots explode some equipment?"

"Head, it's not good, the monitoring is completely broken! It seems that someone rushed over!" The subordinates quickly reported.

As soon as RI-8901 came in, it destroyed the monitoring circuit here with high-intensity current, so as not to leave evidence.

"How could anyone? They told me that they won't come to check until next week!" Adi said angrily, "Who is it?"

"I don't know, they rushed in directly, as if they used explosives, and the wall in front of our factory collapsed!" The subordinate shouted in panic, "Boss, let's go!"

After all, Adi is also a person who has experienced storms and waves. He didn't panic, and asked: "Take that car of equipment away first. Let's ride a motorcycle and go directly to the beach to take a speedboat!"

"Right. How many people are here?" he asked as he ran.

"It seems, alone!" the subordinate replied.

"What?" Adi slapped him in the face with a backhand, "running alone, are you playing with me?"

Some of the content in the previous chapters have been deleted by the system. I am revising it, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

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