The Blessed

Chapter 210

Both the hosts and the guests ate to the heart’s content. When the workers left, everyone had two oilpaper packages, with pungent and spicy jerky and tapioca balls. Ling Jingxuan had ordered the servants to get them prepared in advance, wanting them to take back home for their kids at home. Although not that much, it was just to show his concern. Everyone looked so happy as they left, and all praised the host was so generous.

As for Laowang, Guarantor Liu and Shopkeeper Zhang who were close to Ling Jingxuan received five packages of jerky. Ling Jingxuan said that was a dish for them to drink alcohol. After tasting the dishes, they just emblematically said some polite words and accepted it. Shopkeeper Zhang meant to stay to talk about the business with Ling Jingxuan. Someone from town suddenly came, as if there was something urgent. So, having no choice, he could only leave with Guarantor Liu and gave Laowang a ride by the way.

Seeing that they got so many maids and servants and they could help with nothing, after the meal, Zhao&Han couple also left after asking Long Dashan to take care of Tiewa. Finally, it was only people of Wang family left. For the sake of his mother, when Lady Han tried to humiliate him quite a few times, Ling Jingxuan just didn’t put it in his heart, just taking it as a dog barking. Since the banquet opened late, after sending all the guests away, it was already in the afternoon. No noon nap already, so the whole family directly sat in the central room, drinking tea while chatting.

“Grandpa, grandma, aunt and cousin Yunya, you live in that empty three rooms. Grandpa, grandma, you two share one. Aunt and Yunya, each of you lives in one. Later I will ask them to clean up the rooms for you. As for Qingzi, you share a room with Jingpeng. Yangzi with Jinghan. You are both intellectuals. So you could study together. Yangzi, if there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask Jinghan. And if there is anything Jinghan doesn’t understand, he could go ask Mr. Chu. Don’t see that he looks so cold, he is quite nice actually. So don’t be afraid.”

Taking this opportunity, Lady Wang told Ling Jingxuan that her parents and younger sister were going to stay for a few days, Ling Jingxuan also did not say no. But when he heard that Wang Yunya was also gonna stay, he cast a glance at her, but didn’t let anyone see the strangeness in his eyes. After thinking for a big, he made arrangements for their accommodations.

“Ah, Jingxuan is so thoughtful, Yangzi, you have to learn from Jinghan. Don’t feel shy to ask if there’s anything you don’t understand. You can go ask Mr. Chu.”

Hearing the words, Lady Wang felt indescribably happy. His son gave her family face, which also made her have face. Given his son’s personality, that was really a rare thing.

“Well, thank you, big aunt, big cousin!”

A thin boy, about ten years old, simply dressed, got up and bowed to each of them. He was Wang Jinyu’s little son Zhang Yang, eleven years old, who inherited Wang Jinhua’s good genes, a very elegant and pretty kid. But he only had a bad place of all kids from poor families, his skin was a bit dark, and too skinny. If he could eat good food, maybe he’d grow into a handsome man.

One had to say that the genes of the Wangs were really good, and the heredity was also very strong. There were few ugly members in this family. They were basically handsome men and beautiful women.

“Look at this boy. Why still be so polite with your big aunt? Qingzi, you too. Don’t take yourselves as outsiders here. Just make here home. I was useless before, so when you came, I can’t even entertain you with some pastries or what. Although we are so super rich, at least we are on our own and can make decisions for ourselves.”

Speaking of which, Lady Wang already reddened her eyes. Every time she thought about those days being bullied, she felt aching in her heart, only regretting that why she had been so stupid and let those people bully them for so many years.

The whole room instantly quieted down, everyone's good mood had been affected. Ling Jingxuan held his forehead, hurriedly tried to comfort her. Lady Wang was all good, but only a bit too sentimental. If going on like this, it’d do bad to her eyes, and she might even suffer from depression, by then, it’d be a big trouble.

“Yeah, mom, our days are just getting a little better. If your eyes go bad for crying too much, then you could never see how much money we’ll earn in the future.”

Ling Jingpeng hurriedly followed up, Ling Jinghan leisurely said after putting down the cup slowly, “Mom, people say that men will become bad after getting rich. If you get ills or in bad health, maybe dad will marry another woman to enjoy the good life on your behalf.”

“What do you mean, little bastard?”

“Bah! Bah! Bah! You silly kid, how can you curse your mom like that?”


Their conversation amused everyone at the moment, and that little bit displeasure already totally disappeared, then everybody talked about things about the crops, the overall atmosphere was good, it was just that when Lady Han occasionally opened her mouth, the smile on everyone’s face froze. After quite a few times, maybe she also noticed it herself, later, she only kept her mouth shut and never said another word.

“Big uncle, you plan to open a shop in town?”

Their topics never went away from crops. So Ling Jingxuan and Yan Shengrui didn’t want to say anything. But when Ling Jingxuan heard that Wang Jinfu said that he wanted to open a shop in town, pity that he had no friends and didn’t know what business to do, he finally cut in.

“Well, you know, your big cousin and second cousin are both in their twenties. Next year, Yunyin should also get married. Too many places need money. These years, we have saved a few tales of silver. So I am thinking to rent a shop in town to do some small business. So when in slack season, we could at least have some income.”

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