The City of Terror

Chapter 593: , replacement (Happy New Year's Eve!)

It’s New Year’s Eve, the poor road is here to all the readers, friends, brothers and sisters, young and old, and so on! Wishing everyone a happy new year, everything is good, good fortune, good fortune!


Even after the physical strength is improved, there is more weight gain. As long as this ability is activated, you don't have to worry about stepping on the cement road. ??壹 After all, Wei Xiaobei’s weight has now passed at least 800 kilograms!

More than one meter and eight points, it looks quite strong, and there will be more than 800 kilograms of weight. I am afraid to say it, many people will not believe it.

And with this ability, Wei Xiaobei’s plan to go to heaven has become very simple.

Cultivate a high-temperature bird or something, lose weight, sit on it easily and enjoy the thrill of a god-carving hero.

At this point, there are 586o points left in the evolutionary point.

Wei Xiaobei hesitated for a moment, and finally stopped the consumption of evolution points. After all, if there is no evolution point in the hand, if there is any unexpected need, then it will be troublesome.

However, even so, Wei Xiaobei's strength has improved a lot, and even with the internal gas, there is some faint progress.

Of course, at this time, Wei Xiaobei has more important things to deal with.

Wei Xiaobei came to the warehouse and opened the warehouse door. The ordinary people went out and sneaked out, and climbed out against the courtyard wall.

Wei Xiaobei issued a series of orders to these ordinary people in his mind.

Those ordinary people left, Wei Xiaobei did not let go, but far behind a general.

Well, these ordinary people go out, not to do good things.

To put it bluntly, it is to go out and deal with some people and avoid future troubles.

It is a villa area on the outskirts of Cuihu City. It is surrounded by mountains and waters and has an excellent location. It is the place where the famous officials of Cuihu City gather.

If no one has the strength to buy a villa here. I am embarrassed to say that I am a high-ranking person in Green Lake City.

In the villa area, a team of security guards patrolled the big wolf dog, and the high-voltage power grid was placed on the wall. The monitoring of each place formed a dense security system.

Even the New Year. Those thieves who came back from outside did not dare to come here to commit crimes.

But this evening, a figure quietly went to the wall, and the right hand was directly on the high-voltage power grid.


A series of slight currents rang, and the barbed wire with high voltage temporarily lost its effect.

Then a black shadow rushed out from the dark, and climbed into the wall between the eyes. Jumped down.

"The law is shocking!"

A light sentence spit out from the shadow of the person, and then the invisible fluctuations quickly enveloped most of the villa community.

The vast majority of security guards, whether they are patrolling, resting, or even in the monitoring room, must be blind and panicked.

Those black shadows seem to have locked in the target long ago, rushing toward a villa, and disappearing into those villas in a blink of an eye.

"What happened? Famous doctor! I see that you are a Mongolian doctor, so you can't find the cause?!"

A violent voice is screaming in the villa.

In the bedroom. A middle-aged man with a big belly was lying on the bed, kept screaming, and the doctor standing next to him was angry, but he did not dare to complain.

This middle-aged man is not an ordinary wealthy businessman named Meng Shengcai. His family is full of more than half of China, and even a member of the Diet.

In this parliamentary country, the status of members of parliament is so high that it is very imaginable.

If these members of Congress are to be arranged for an ancient grade, they are at least three officials.

In short. A guy from a family like this, don't say this doctor, even if the city's speaker is to give a three-point face.

Suddenly, whether it is a doctor. Still ignoring the money and even the woman in the villa, the servants were caught in a state of panic. Not long after, they were scared to the past.

Subsequently, two black shadows jumped out of the window into the room. ? want w?·1?k?a book n?shu·cc

One of them is Wei Xiaobei and the other is a general.

Wei Xiaobei took out a silver needle directly. It was tied to the people who had raised money.

A low, Meng Shengcai woke up, eyes squinting at Wei Xiaobei, it seems that no one is seen.

At this time Wei Xiaobei responded.

It seems that this guy had been blinded by the law before the wild gate, and the effect has not been lifted yet.

In this way, it shows how weak its will is.

Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time, and he shot it and forced him to ask the source of the other party.

There is not much error with Wei Xiaobei's speculation. This person can know that Wei Xiaobei killed his son in the gray world, that is, Yao Zizhong, a son who left the gray world.

This person was in the wild gate nightclub, and saw Wei Xiaobei killing more than 20 people.

Well, the main channel of communication for this matter is that the son of the son, to say that his family is not too strong, his father is also the owner of a chain of cities.

In order to strengthen the network and gain benefits, Yao Zi took the initiative to disclose the matter.

Undoubtedly, as long as the family of more than 20 people expresses a little benefit, it is enough for them to eat and drink.

It seems that the pledge of the big day is not useful.

Wei Xiaobei has some doubts, but since he has learned all of this, he will not let go.

Extend your left hand and grab the person's throat and gently pinch it.

The man did not even have the words to save his life, and the throat was broken and died.

Then Wei Xiaobei's left hand palm squirted a group of shredded pork to wrap it up. In the blink of an eye, the body was swallowed and absorbed.

Looking at all of this, Wei Xiaobei's heart did not touch a little. For the current Wei Xiaobei, the word "killing and decisive" is very appropriate for him.

After handling the corpse, Wei Xiaobei will later modify the body shape and appearance slightly.

A new Meng Shengcai soon appeared, lying on the bed.

This scene soon appeared everywhere in the villa area.

However, Wei Xiaobei is not a complete butcher. He has a better character and can figure it out. Wei Xiaobei has spared the other person’s life.

Of course, there are very few people like this. Most people who go to Weibei’s troubles are the ones who speak the same in their own company. As a result, when Wei Xiaobei leaves the villa area, the villa area The owner of the villa has changed a lot.

"Roll! Roll! Mongolian doctor, roll!"

The doctor just woke up and heard the roar of the bed.

Where can the doctor still hold and not talk, and turned away from the villa, but he did not know, after he left, the Mengshengcai drove everyone out of the villa.

Of course, this scene is not just born here, but there are similar things in the rest of the villas.

Wei Xiaobei’s plan is simple.

If you just kill these people, you will undoubtedly have the biggest suspicion, even if you have a substitute in the police station.

Now, by changing these guys directly, the next thing is easy.

After solving the problems in front of them, these ordinary people can hang up in various ways, completely avoiding their own suspicions.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not think about it. Use these people to do something.

However, it is very good that these ordinary people can solve their own troubles. If they want to use them to do more things, I am afraid that they will soon be seen.

After all, the generals only cultivate creatures, and they are similar in appearance to people. If they are allowed to carry out general things, it is okay to do things like business, etc.

After treating these people, Wei Xiaobei rushed to the residence of Yao Zizhong.

What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that Yao Zizhong did not live in the house. He turned to the corner and asked his nanny as a friend. Wei Xiaobei knew that after Yao returned, it didn’t take long to vomit blood and was sent to the hospital. went.

Waiting for Xiaobei to rush to the hospital, quietly observing Yao Zizhong, only now his face is black, his body faintly reveals a chilly breath.

Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei understood it. There is no doubt that this Yao Zi’s fate is not likely to be hanged back even if the hospital uses the best medicine.

Undoubtedly, this is the end of the violation of the oath!

Under the testimony of Ge Datian's avatar, he promised not to talk about things in the gray world in front of outsiders after returning to reality.

But this Yaozi does not believe in the vows, so that after returning to reality, he will tell Wei Xiaobei about it.

Of course, with this Yao Zizhong’s idea, if this vow is useful, I am afraid that the world will not be like this.

But in this way, I will send my own life.

It’s really sad.

Back to the martial arts hall, Wei Xiaobei called and called the individual soldier.

For Wei Xiaobei’s call, the individual soldier had some headaches. He thought that he would not be the boss and would like to dilute the treasure to brighten his eyes.

I can go to the room of Wei Xiaobei, and the eyes of the individual soldiers will not move when they stare at the table.

"Which is this master's craft? Is it Li Botian? Isn't it like Teacher Zhang Yulin? It's not like it."

To be honest, the individual soldier's love for this art of carving is very deep, so that he can tell the names of these masters one by one.

"Don't guess, it's what I carved."

Wei Xiaobei said faintly.

"You carved?"

The soldier is a little dumbfounded. If you don’t say anything else, you can see that the jade carving of this jade carving has no more than 40 years of effort. It is impossible to engrave it at all, and three jade carvings are in the eyes, each with a hint of spirituality. The scenery is like a living thing.

However, the individual soldiers know that Wei Xiaobei never tells lies, so he will only hold back.

Wei Xiaobei did not talk to the soldiers, and pointed to the three jade carvings: "Help me to go to the auction. If you can, the sooner the auction, the better. I am in a hurry to use the money."

The single soldier nodded, but turned to look at Wei Xiaobei with some horror: "More than 200 million US dollars are used up? Boss, the younger brother really served!" (To be continued.)


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