The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 995: Dagger

Chapter 995 Dagger

With the fire crow in the sky as an eye, Qin Ran does not have to worry about getting lost in the wilderness and finding no target.

Put the mixed-blooded frost wolf cub in the leather armor, only after revealing a skull, Qin Ran speeds all the way to the Golden City army.

It is located close to the place that originally belonged to Burning Dawn South Camp.

The war of a hundred years ago not only allowed the Golden City to stand alone, but also the southern camp that burned the dawn was also lost. The eleven posts that originally connected the camps in the north and the south gradually changed from eradicating roads to defending law and order and becoming confrontation. The frontier position of the Golden City.

Except for the post near the gravel town, the remaining ten posts were rebuilt several times on the original basis, making each post look taller and stronger, like a small castle that is independent.

But under the construction of such a small castle, Qin Ran saw the burning dawn or the attitude of the royal family of San Seda to the Golden City.


Qin Ran’s gaze swept away from the traces left by the swords and arrows outside the city wall, and continued to move forward, not to mention entering the post.

Qin Ran knows what his purpose is.

Kill the army of the Golden City.

After returning to the safety of the High Road, he had enough energy to go to the dawn capital.

This is his commitment to the gravel town, burning everyone in the dawn, and what he must do.

[Trigger special event: invasion of Golden City]

[According to the player's copy of the world experience, the player is automatically divided into burning dawn camp]

[Invasion of the Golden City: Independence is not the goal of the Golden City. They want the snakes to swallow, and the burning dawn is their nails in the eyes, the thorns in the flesh, as the actual leader of the burning dawn, you need to stop the ambition of the Golden City. 】

(Mark: Evaluation is based on your performance)


After the [Wolf raging] was higher than the passage, after the conversation between Qin Ran and Miss Liar, a new special event began to appear on Qin Ran's retina.

In this regard, Qin Ran did not have an accident.

Even, it is readily accepted.

Although there are restrictions on the power of curses in this land, such restrictions are not irregular.

First of all, Qin Ran can already be sure of three points.

First, the power of the original sin that is separated does not affect him.

Second, the power of the morning sun used alone is not limited by the power of the curse.

Third, the curse power hidden here will be induced by forces like curses or other evil forces.

With such a premise, it is undoubtedly a disaster for other players, but it is not a problem for Qin Ran.

After all, is his comprehensive development not just to deal with the various restrictions that may arise?

Based on the three points, Qin Ran quickly summed up the way to fight here: the power of the morning, the big sword, the kicking technique, and the mental power as the auxiliary.

Each of them can be used very well on the battlefield.

If they cooperate with each other, it is enough to make Qin Ran battle the battlefield.

After all, this is just a battlefield composed of ordinary people. It is neither a magical species nor an army composed of legendary creatures.

It is difficult for Qin Ran, but the difficulty is not high.

Moreover, what is really worried will not be the confrontation on the battlefield, but the dagger from the shadows.

"Are you paying attention to the capital of dawn?"

"still is……"


Qin Ran thought silently, and the speed of moving forward accelerated again.

The soldiers at the post did not find Qin Ran at all.

They only thought it was a gust of wind.

Every post is like this.

Qin Ran is shaped like a wind.

I blew through the seats of the seats.

It was not until the camp where the Golden City army was stationed that the wind stopped and turned into another way to approach the big camp.




The Golden City is stationed in the Grand Camp, Central.

In the huge tent, the three generals belonging to the core of the Golden City are sitting in front of a map with ease.

This is a map that covers the road to the dawn.

Especially near the dawn capital, it is marked on the map.

“Here is our bridgehead!”

One general pointed to the burning camp at the dawn of the camp.


“Once we get through here, we will be able to drive straight into the heart of San Seada: the capital of dawn!”

Another general nodded in agreement.

"But the defense of the Dawn Capital is not to be underestimated. The walls there are towering and strong, and the soldiers are extremely elite. It is not an easy task to overcome the capital of dawn."

The first speaker to speak is added.

"So, it is necessary for us to attack the camp that burns the dawn, and send the elite cavalry to the outside of the dawn capital with lightning speed. By relying on the dark burial we have already conquered the city gate, we take it in one fell swoop. The capital of dawn - you know, this opportunity is really rare!"

"The burning dawn was hit by the adult. San Seada XI was also missing under the arrangement of the adult. The entire San Seda royal family became chaotic, burning and dawn were closed. We There are no enemies... If we all fail this time, I really can't think of when we can succeed."

The general of the second opening proposed.

The first open general had no objection, but looked at the general who had never spoken, and the other one was placed on the general.

Not only because the other party is the main player, but also because the other party can contact the adult.

"how about it?"

"What does adult mean?"

The two deputy will ask.

"Adults think it is feasible."

The Lord will say this.

Suddenly, the two deputies will be happy.

They know that the battles they have won this time will be the most intense in their lives, not to mention the real rewards.

The Golden City will never be a good minister.

Otherwise, Delder and others will not surrender so simply.

"Then I will arrange the cavalry to attack immediately?"

One of the deputy will ask.


"The cavalry first, the infantry, then, there are Deere, they are, it will not cost us too much time..."

The Lord will nod.

However, the words had not been finished, and they were interrupted by a long sword flying from the shadows.

The narrow, sharp [the dandelion puncture] is like a sickle in the hands of death, one by one passed the neck of the main and two deputy generals.



Three heads fly high.

When the blood in the cavity sprang out, the body slowly fell to the ground.

The change in the tent alerted the adjutant and guard outside the tent.

"Adult, what happened..."


The adjutant asked.

The dandelion puncture that can be immediately flew out from the adjutant's mouth and emerges through the neck.

After a quiet second outside the tent -


"There are assassins!"

The whispers of the one after the other sounded outside, and Qin Ran, who came out of the shadows, picked up the heads of the ground one by one, and squatted in his hands and walked out slowly.


The killing began.

PS second more~

The fat toothache is not only beautiful, but also a bubble on the tongue... I really cried...

(End of this chapter)

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