The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1317: Chuanqi

Chapter 1317

In the secret room, Wu Hao opened his eyes.

Without the process of waking up, she gave her the time set to be more accurate than the electronic alarm clock, just like the future she saw after entering the copy world.

The latter is hidden from the line of sight of everyone.

The way of being is different.

The ability is very different.

And strength?

It is extremely powerful.

That is beyond the power of the strongest person she knows.

Maybe some time her friend can reach this level, but it is definitely not the present.

Therefore, she has no choice.

If she doesn't want to hurt someone she cares about.

She is very clear, if she does not fall into such a state of suspended animation, what she will bring to him.

That is the result of irreversible.

She can't afford that result.

In fact, even the current results, she still can not afford.

When she saw that he was cut by the other side as a muddy, she was so painful that she could not breathe.

The embarrassment on hand, the secret rune of imprisonment, was freed by her during the wave.

She may not have attack skills, nor can she use similar props, but this does not mean that she is an ordinary person. On the contrary, in order to have sufficient self-protection ability, in addition to the necessary props, her physical quality is comparable to that of ordinary people. Said that it is extremely powerful.

The door of the chamber opens slowly.

Wu walked out.

There is no secret here for Wu, whether it is the secret room in front of it or the imitation of natural architecture outside the courtyard.

Her pace seems to be slow, but it is extremely fast.

When entering the hut that should belong to her, the members of the special action group who had been alarmed and the members of the scattered special affairs office gathered together.

"I need to let the entire Elders hear my voice in thirty seconds."

Wu said this.

The requirements seem excessive, but for the people in front of you, it is not difficult to do.

Everyone is acting.

Will, who was in a hurry, looked at Wu with confusion.

The two are not familiar with Wu.

But inexplicably seeing Wu when he saw it, he thought that Wu should be the big man in the rumor, even if it was a little different.

Wu also saw two people.

Her eyes skipped Will and looked at Mier.

"You want to be a demon hunter, D can help you."

"But it is not the best help."

"If you want, I can give you a letter of recommendation."

Wu said this.

"I think D is enough."

After the consultant girl stunned, she shook her head.

Although the big man in front of her eyes is kind, she inexplicably feels that she should not accept it.

Not a power, just a hunch.

I have to say that the woman's hunch is very accurate.

After looking at the other side, Wu regained his gaze.

"Adult, honey has no other meaning, she is just..."

As the only relative of Mier, Will thinks that he needs to explain it. However, before he finished, he was interrupted by Wu.

"I know."

"Weir, you are doing very well."

"I think you can be the mayor of Elders."

Wu is not willing to have more involvement on this topic.

After all, she did not think about breaking the relationship in the simplest way.

Just an attempt.

The result is very bad, but it won't be bad.

Is it possible that Mier is still in trouble than the person who looks weak and weak and can be scared by roadside caterpillars?

Do not make jokes.

Compared with the latter, the former is nothing.


"You mean Sloan..."

"He is dead, because Elders died, you should be able to inherit his will and continue to guard Edes."

Wu half true said half-time.

As a diviner, she knows this.

The truth is not necessarily good, and the falsehood may not be illusory.

Sometimes, vain is more beautiful.

At the very least, Will, who is in front of him, can accept a mayor who died for Edes, Sloan Del.

"I, I understand."

Will squirmed his lips, his voice hoarse.


After Wu nodded, he looked at the two special members who came from afar and had a radio-like item in the other’s hands.

"We have debugged to full frequency."

The members of the special office said with respect and respect.

Wu didn't say anything more, she went to the machine.

"I am the petitioner of Elders."

"I am sorry, I am disturbing everyone so late."

"If I can, I would like to use more euphemistic words to tell everyone what happened, but time is not allowed."

"I can only tell you that an unprecedented crisis has arrived, and the **** moon is just the prelude to it."

"D, Hunting Man D."

"He stopped the **** month, but he was deeply troubled by the troubles that followed."

"He needs our strength to help him through the storm."

"I hope that everyone will pray for the Demon Hunter D and hope that he can solve the troubles that follow. Otherwise, we will all lead to death."

The sound echoed over Edes by radio waves, and the Edes residents who had just celebrated the moon's re-visiting day immediately prayed.

Because this is the command of the petitioner.

As residents of Elders, they know too much about the difference in Elders.

The biggest difference is the legendary petitioner.

They can't say these three words, and they can't hear them, unless they are able to hear them when they say it.

And every time a prayer speaks, it is a crucial moment for Edson's life and death.

No one is hesitating.

Even the boss of the "fire oven grilled fish", mixed blood is no exception.

Even they are the fastest prayers.

Because, this is about the life and death of D.

"You guy, you must be fine!"

The innkeeper prayed in a low voice.

"You will be safe and sound."

The mixed blood and the little girls are more determined.

In their eyes, Qin Ran is invincible, and will certainly turn the tide.

Similarly, in the eyes of many people, the demon hunter should have been like this.

They are brave.

They are strong.

They fight evil.

They swam the edge.

No glory and embarrassment.

There are no hymns and tributes.


Their pride should be revered.

The invisible forces began to gather in the sky above Elders.

The speed is very fast!

As soon as the breath is reached, the degree of qualitative change is reached.

They are invisible for a touch of gold.

In the golden, there are long windbreakers across the knife.

There is a tall and strong body in the golden.

There is a short stature in the gold, and the face is clever.

There are spears in the golden, surrounded by animals.

Their faces are vague, but they should be the same. They are based on the most profound impressions of the people of the Elders, composed of desires and obsessions.

This impression comes from the ambiguous pillow-side story.

This impression comes from long-standing legends.

This impression comes from... the inheritance in the blood.

Generations and generations.

One generation and one generation.

Not broken.

Never destroyed.

Never forget.

Even if they are already vague, they still exist.

The golden figures gathered together, and there seemed to be laughter in the wind. Like the first encounters of the year, they gradually became invisible, just like the battles of the past, regardless of each other, relying on each other.


The wind is louder, as if it were the horn of the charge.

The golden color is like a river, a river that flows up the river, and it surges into the central cemetery and flows into the tomb of Avina Eiger Zerggang.

It poured into the body of Qin Ran, which was frozen at the last moment.

In the ice sculpture, a touch of gold suddenly lights up.

(End of this chapter)

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