The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1422: Drowning

Chapter 1422 from drowning

In the "tracking" field of vision, most of the traces are staggered, mixed and messy, and have slowly dissipated, but two traces are brand new.

Not only new, but also seems to be intentionally staying.

After making a gesture to J. Perelman, Qin Ran directly integrated into the shadow of one side.

J. Perelman raised his hand and wanted to say something, only to find that Qin Ran had disappeared into the shadows.

Surprise emerged from the eyes.

And soon, such surprises became a loss.


Even if he was close to the shadows and even entered it, he could not find the trace of Qin Ran.

"Extraordinary [sneak]?!"

"Do not!"

“It’s far beyond the skill of ordinary extraordinary [sneak], it should be a higher level skill!”

J. Perelman muttered to himself, and the tone changed from surprise to ease.

When the proposed invitation to Qin Ran came out, J. Perelman had considerable confidence in Qin Ran. After all, a series of records is enough to illustrate the power of Qin Ran, but for this powerful concept, J. Perelman However, it is limited to the 'flame' and 'sword of dawn'. For others, J. Perelman does not know much.

At this moment, J. Perelman discovered the technique of being covered by the 'flame' and the 'dawn sword'.

A very good technique for pursuing ‘hunters’.

What else is better known to those who are good at ‘sneak stealing’?

That is when the former discovered the trace of the latter.

J. Perelman, who was relieved at heart, immediately sent a message to Amelia using a private message.

Soon, Amelia responded.

However, when I saw Amelia's reply, J. Perelman was incredibly wide-eyed.


The traces are clear and point to clarity.

Qin Ran, who shuttled through the huge cities, quickly found the people who left behind.

To be precise, it is two people.

The two, standing on the left and right, dressed similarly, are all covered in cloaks.

The familiar dress immediately reminded Qin Ran of the identity of the two.

Puli brothers!

Qin Ran had seen these two brothers when he reached a deal with Kars.

"'Stop the dead bird'?"

The brother of the Puli brothers on the left spoke first.

"Well, ‘dead bird’.”

The younger brother on the right replied.

The exact same dialogue as when I met before, the only difference is that the last time the two men finished talking, but this time they stood still and did not move.

"Are you attacking the 'freedom alliance'?"

Qin Ran asked.

If the two people in front of us attack the Freedom League, it is very likely that they will kill a person like Gary who is known for his defense in a short time.

Qin Ran did not forget that at the beginning, Kars particularly emphasized that the other two brothers not only joined the Guardian very early, but also were agile, and also mastered the information of the joint attack.

Especially the so-called co-attack.

Qin Ran is more in mind.

After all, when 1+1>2, it is not only unusual, but also...



The brother of the Puli brothers on the left replied.

"Well, no."

"Is you a member of the ‘hunting’ guardian?”

After the brother on the right repeated the sentence, my brother spoke again.

Hunting guardian members?

Not only the Freedom League, but also the Guardian?

Qin Ran raised his eyebrows. He did not immediately believe the other's words, but sent a private letter to the pub owner.

Soon, the pub owner gave a positive answer: ‘Guardian’ did have an abnormal attrition in recent days.


Qin Ran glanced at the private letter and replied.

"He said no."

The brother of the Puli brothers said.

"Well, no."

The younger brother standing on the right nodded.

It seems to be a question and answer, and it seems to confirm what, the Puli brothers' way of speaking is very weird, and Qin Ran, who stood in front of the two, squinted at his eyes.

He does not think this is the natural habit of the other party.


The other party is doing this deliberately.

"A part of the so-called joint attack?"

Qin Ran guessed that the bottom of my heart was more vigilant.

Although he will not actively attack the full members of the Guardian because of the ‘Witch Gift,’ it does not mean that he will be passively beaten.

If the Puli brothers in front of him are shot, Qin Ran will let the other party understand what is the gift of death.

However, what Qin Ren expected was that after the dialogue between the Pu Li and his brothers, they fell silent.

About a few seconds later, the brother of the Puli brothers spoke again.

“Bol is in the harvest pub?”

"He is very unhappy?"

"He should be happy."

"Well, living is a lucky thing."

"Let him stay away from the dome clock tower!"

"Getting close to it is close to death."

"Death is bad."

"It’s good to leave."


One person, the Puli brothers went with the words.

Qin Ran looked at the backs of the two, did not pursue, the eyes of the picked up eyes flashed.


"Bohr also ‘appears’?”

Qin Ran chuckled, and took a step back, the whole person blended into the shadows.

He did not go after the other side.

No need.

Before he did not understand the true and false of the 'Women's Gift,' his cautiousness in his character allowed him to choose to be careful.

Just like his attitude towards Bohr.

After transferring the things that had just happened to the pub owner, Qin Ran turned and walked toward the Hook Alley.

Although the words of the Puli brothers prove that Bohr should be a member of the Guardian, Qin Ran did not fully believe in Bohr.

Instead, he thought of more.

For example: Boer will not be a 'hacker' person.

The timing of the other party’s appearance is coincidental.

The ‘hacker’ is hidden and he appears.

Moreover, it is also associated with the Guardian.

The most important thing is that if the other party has to push him to fight against the Guardian, there are various reasons, but this essence will not change.

Make a hypothesis with this guess.

If he and the Guardian have a conflict, it is natural that he will stand by him regardless of his indescribable personality. Once he is unable to stand by him, will the friends of the lone walkers sit idly by? Will the pub owner be indifferent?

There will inevitably be a chaos.

What the result of the battle will be, Qin could not know.

But one thing is certain, the winner of both sides will certainly be badly hurt, and at this time, the hidden hacker appears.

What is the situation?

The answer is self-evident.

"Is this your purpose?"

Qin Ran quickly approached Hook's alley with his self-talking heart, but when he was close, he found that the atmosphere was not right, and then he saw that he was tied up, half-squatting in the alley, surrounded by a group of Freedom League members. J. Perelman.


"You killed the traitor of Amelia!"

Amelia is dead? !

Qin Ran a glimpse.

(End of this chapter)

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