The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1434: Oh, night

Chapter 1434, Night, Night

Night insects, the wind is strong.

The killing of the battlefield during the day seems to have long gone. Among the soldiers who stood on the wall of the vigil, the younger one couldn’t help but take a long breath.

But cough up immediately.

The air mixed with sea bream still keeps young people uncomfortable.

In fact, everyone in Navija will not adapt to the smell of sea bream.

Even if there are some sea merchants, it is mostly tolerate the disgust in the heart.

As for why?

Look at the monsters in the sea.

The young man couldn't help but shudder at the thought of the day.

Although on the battlefield, but forgetting the fear, for this young man, there are still some difficulties, even if the veterans of the war can not do it.

Ignoring death can make people brave and fearless.

But fear of death does not make people become cowards.

In the end, you need to choose, or yourself.


I can't make any decisions for you.

"Rolf, what are you thinking about?"

The partner next to him whispered.

"Of course it is the daytime situation."

"The adult is really amazing."

The young man replied.

"Yeah, if I have one-tenth of that adult, I am afraid I can easily pass the Cavaliers' assessment."

"The Cavaliers assessment..."


The young man immediately became discouraged when he heard the ‘Knight’s assessment’ that the partner said.

The Cavaliers are assessed every two years and are open to all female thorns under the age of 25.

As long as you pass the test, you can become a member of the Knights of the Temple of Thorns. Of course, it is not a formal knight, but a knight apprentice.

Even so, there are very few passers.

Rove had participated in two assessments. He was brushed down for the first trial and passed the initial test for the second time. However, he was brushed again after the retest.

And for the upcoming third Cavaliers assessment, Rove did not have any confidence.

Moreover, as soon as he thought of his last chance, the young man could not help but be depressed.

Subconsciously, Rolf turned his head and looked at the distance.

Whenever there is something unhappy, he always evades in this way.

Then, the young man is a glimpse.

What did he see in the distance?



But why the tower is quiet.

The doubts in my heart did not hesitate to hesitate, he shouted almost at the next moment -




The screams of sorghum pierced the silence of the night, and the Aiyah post suddenly boiled up, carrying a long sword, and the heavily armed Nelson first rushed out of the barracks. Behind him was the knights of the temple of thorns. Compared with ordinary soldiers, the reaction of these knights is undoubtedly faster.

The knights were divided into four teams. The two teams went to the outer wall, one team boarded the inner wall, and the last team went to the highest tower.

Just after boarding the tower, the team of knights saw the sentinel who fell to the ground.

The three sentinels are no exception.

Going, the death is miserable, the flesh and blood of the whole body seems to be swallowed up, leaving only the skin.

The leading knight did not hesitate, and a holy water sprinkled on the three bodies.

Without waiting for the holy water to fall completely, the body suddenly opened its mouth.

Countless flies flew out like a black smog, rushing toward the team.


"Be careful!"

In the intensive sound, the leading knight immediately blocked the torch in front of him, and the flies that flew immediately split into two, half staying in place to attack the knight team, and the other half flew to the city. Straight for... Rove went.

Rove, who had never experienced such an attack, clenched his rifle and torch in his hand.

The scene that just happened on the sentry tower, although he did not see clearly, but at least understand that the rifle can not deal with these flies.


The fly that covered the face of the skull brought a gust of wind.

Although with the leader, there is a torch in hand, but the strength of Rove and the leading knight is not a little bit.

Under the strong wind, the young man fell to the ground in an unstable position.

The fly passed by the young man's head and threw himself behind the young man's partner.


In the screams, when the young man looked back, the partner who had just talked to him had already been covered by the flies, and the young man was waving his torch in a panic, trying to disperse the flies, but it was useless. His partner became a dry corpse at a speed visible to the naked eye.


These flies also flew to him again.

The torches were waving faster, but they were almost useless. The flies spread again and flew to him in a way that surrounded them.


Rolf felt cold all over.

He never thought that death would come so suddenly.

I have never thought that he would die like this.

"I have not yet become a knight..."

Rove whispered.


It was another burst of sound, and the young man felt a whirlwind. When he returned to God again, he discovered that all the flies that flew to him were blown and slammed into the hard wall and became a mud.

And a black figure is standing in front of him.

"Since there are unfulfilled wishes, pick up your weapon and move forward."

"The one with him...together."

In the light words, the black figure refers to the soldier who has already lost his life and become a dead body.

Qin Ran, who finished these words, looked at the Aiyah post.

As for why save the young man?

The first is easy.

Second pleasing to the eye.

The other party is willing to save the other party when the partner is in danger, instead of escaping, let Qin Ran look pleasing to the eye.

"Lyan adults!"

"Thank you!"

The young man looked at the black figure and the voice blurted out, but immediately silenced, and finally, only thanks.

Except for the gratitude, he did not know what to say.

Then he looked at his partner.

Sadness is unpredictable in the eyes.

How can war not die?

Nothing more than nothing.

You know this.

He still felt sadness.

He gripped the pistol in his hand and stood up. He looked out of the wall.

He wants to be his partner... No, he wants to fight with his partner, bend down and take his partner's rifle in his hand.


Throwing at the monster that rushes under the wall.

He didn't know if it was right.

I don't know what it will be like to do this.

But he knows that if he doesn't do this, he... is hard-pressed.


A long gun filled with the strength of the young man, tied to a monster charged.

The pistol's gun head is not in the small half, but it is not fatal to the rough-skinned monster.

Instead, it provokes the monster's fierceness.

It held its head and slammed against the wall.


It stopped.

Not only is this monster's embarrassment, but all the other monsters that keep humming are also stopped.

Their bodies are still in place.

Outside the Aiyah post, the monsters who started the charge at the moment before dawn were like all the body-fixing techniques, and they stayed in the same place as the puppets.

Their gaze all looked in one direction on the wall of the Aiyah post.

Or, to be precise, a location.

Qin Ran's location.

He stood in the city and looked down at the monsters. After the eyes flashed, he turned and walked slowly.

The rotating figure drove the crow's cloak and made a crisp sound.

It is like a signal.

After this sounds loudly -


The heads of the monsters under the city burst.

Thousands of headless bodies fell together.

The battlefield is silent.

People's eyes are all attracted by the figure that left.

The night wind continued to blow, and the flying crow's cloak hunted.

Unconsciously, there are a few more squats under the night.

(End of this chapter)

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